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Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (Light Novel) - Volume 6: The Plan to Assassinate Sion, Prologue I: The Goddess Who Doesn’t Smile—

Volume 6: The Plan to Assassinate Sion, Prologue I: The Goddess Who Doesn’t Smile—

This chapter is updated by

“I love you.”

Her body became unable to move from those words.

“I love you from the bottom of my heart.”

Her body couldn’t move from those words.

“I love every little bit of you.”

Her body… couldn’t move. From fear.

That was ‘love.’ Even though she was scared… she knew that this was ‘love.’

‘Love’ meant that everything had turned to despair.

She suddenly recalled that poem… and her vision burst into light.

For a moment she recalled it as if it was a dream.


“I… love you.”

She found it in a poem.

“…Love?” She repeated, tilting her head in confusion.

She was an unbelievably lovely girl. She had long golden and glossy hair and skin that’d look transparently pale against the sun. Her blue, almond-shaped eyes were covered by long eyelashes.

Her beauty was overwhelming. One wouldn’t believe that she, inhumanly beautiful as she was, was a girl who’d just turned fourteen. They’d think she was a fairy, or perhaps a beautiful spirit.

In any case, Ferris Eris’ beauty was far from the norm. She was perfect, beautiful in every way. But that beauty… was more of a perfectly made doll’s than anything.

Her face was emotionless. Expressionless. The face of a doll.

It was an inhuman beauty, like whoever had made her forgot to put a heart in.

The beauty of death.

It wasn’t just her, either. Everyone here was like that… Their hearts were all dead.

Ferris’ still-innocent eyes clouded over. “What’s this ‘love’ they speak of? Brother.”

“Mm?” The adolescent reading a book before her looked up. He was a bit older than her, had the same golden-blond hair, and his cutting eyes held even less emotion than hers. His eyes didn’t seem capable of reflecting anything at all, but when he moved them to Ferris it was clear that he knew her.

He was her brother, Lucile Eris. He closed the difficult book he’d been reading in the ancient writing system and smiled faintly at her question.

“Ferris, you don’t know what love is?” He asked in a very, very quiet voice. But that was strange. Why would he know? Ferris didn’t.

She didn’t know hardly any of the emotions. Because that’s just the kind of place this was.

The Eris family was a greatly noble family in Roland. They were the great swordsmen who protected every generation of kings in this country. But that didn’t mean anything to them, either. Because…

Lucile spoke in that quiet voice of his. “I’m sure that the feeling I have for you is love, Ferris.”

“Really? You love me?”

“Of course. You’re my precious sister. I think that our mom and dad and Iris all love you, too.”


Ferris’ eyes clouded over again. She looked down at her body. Though her blue and white martial arts uniform was clean, her body was covered in a rather organized pattern of wounds and bruises.

Day after day her parents and Lucile hit her and slashed at her during sword training.

Scrapes, bruises, slashes, stabs.

That was all life was to her.

She’d surely be taken to train soon after waking in the morning. The day wouldn’t end until she couldn’t move her body anymore. It was to make her stronger. Stronger. They had to make her stronger so she wasn’t an embarrassment to her family.

She wasn’t taught anything outside of that. Because nothing else was necessary.

That was what life was like here. Being hit and hurt endlessly…

“That’s love?” Ferris asked.

Lucile stood to put the book he’d been reading back into the bookcase, then looked at her for a moment. “Is your training tough?” He asked with a kind tone.

Ferris shook her head. That hadn’t been what she was thinking. She’d never thought of training as ‘tough.’

Because she’d never been taught what ‘tough’ meant.

That’s why she didn’t find it ‘tough’ that her parents didn’t need her. Because they had Lucile, an unattainable genius to become the family head…

According to her parents, she was incapable of reaching Lucile’s level. She was just the garbage littered around him.And yet they continued to train her. It was endless, mad, neverending training. Even so, Ferris didn’t think of it as ‘tough.’ Because she didn’t know what that meant. So she shook her head.

Lucile smiled sweetly. “I see. You’re remarkable,” he said and reached out to pet her head.

“Mm? Am I being praised?”

Lucile petted her head for quite some time before answering. “No. You’re being loved.”

Ferris closed her eyes. The sensation of her head being pet was nice. It was a feeling very different from being hit and slashed at. Ferris spoke as he continued to move his hand around and around, petting her head. “I see. So this is love…”

“Yes,” Lucile said happily. “This is love.”

“Hm. It’s not bad. Do you want me to pet your head too?”


“Mm? Why are you laughing?” Ferris asked, dejected.

He stopped petting her head. “I was just thinking about how cute you are.”

“Mm? I’m cute?”

“You’re cute. So I love you.”

“So you pet my head?”


“Then I will go to love Iris,” Ferris said and made to head towards her little sister’s room.

Lucile just smiled. “Yeah. Go love her until her hair’s all messed up.”

“Mm. Leave it to me,” Ferris said. But she paused at the door to leave the library.

Lucile was still watching her kindly, with the same clear blue eyes as hers.

“Brother, aren’t you going to go love Iris with me?”

Lucile vaguely shook his head. “I still have something I need to do. But you and Iris need to go to bed soon.”

“Something you need to do? What are you doing?”

Lucile smiled, but his face was still entirely lacking emotion. “I’m going to see the world’s abyss.”

“…Abyss?” Ferris asked. She didn’t understand. But that was nothing new. Lucile always used words she didn’t understand. But she tried anyway, tilting her head in thought.

Lucile smiled. “You don’t have to worry about it, Ferris. Now go to sleep with Iris. Tomorrow will come early.”

“Mm.” Ferris nodded, and with that their conversation was over. She made her way to Iris’ room, erasing her presence so as to avoid waking her. She sat at the edge of her little sister’s bed. She was sleeping cutely. Ferris reached her hand out to pet her head.

Iris’ eyes opened just so. “Mmgh… ah!? Sister! Did you come to sleep with me!? Y…”

Iris hugged her energetically, but Ferris continued to pet her head.

“Y… yay… You’re the… best…”

Iris fell right back asleep in her arms.

Ferris smiled just a little, and turned to lay in bed, still petting Iris’ head. There wasn’t much time to sleep.

She didn’t really have any time to herself. Reading after her training had cut into her time for sleep. But not sleeping at all would be bad.

Training was always done to the verge of death. If she let her mind wander even a little, she’d die. That was why she didn’t need any unnecessary emotions.She didn’t need love, friendship, romance, or pain. She didn’t need to know what was tough or what was sad. She had to shut those things out and continue to train as aloof as possible.

That was all her days were.


Ferris continued to pet Iris’ head. “Hm. So this is love.”

She pulled Iris closer. Her sister was warm. She felt that the warmth of her small body was also love, love for her five year old sister.


Ferris closed her eyes. The world turned to darkness.

She recalled her brother’s words. The world’s abyss…

She really didn’t know what that meant at all. But she didn’t care, either.

When she next opened her eyes, another typical day met her. Typical… that’s what she’d thought it’d be. But in reality…

The world flashed white.

The first thing she felt was that she was dizzy. Next was bitter pain. She’d been hit on the head with a wooden sword and sent flying down, rolling on the floor from the momentum of the hit before stopping. “Gh… ahh…”

She tried to stand, but her body was trembling too much to move. She closed her eyes to gather her thoughts. First she confirmed where she’d been hit, and then she separated the feeling of ‘pain’ from herself. It soon disappeared. She was already used to this, after all.

But her injuries were serious. She likely broke several ribs. But the main problem was the wound to her head. She’d lost consciousness from the first hit, and it seemed that she’d been hit in the head many times while she was out as well. She could hardly think, much less speak.

This was bad… she’d be killed at this rate.

Her mother and father stood before her, horribly disappointed…

They both had the Eris family’s signature golden hair and blue eyes, as well as their otherworldly beauty. Their pretty faces were warped with disappointment as they looked at her.

“You are always such a disappointment,” Ferris’ mother said. “You’ve inherited Eris blood, and yet you can’t even take training at this level?” She asked, raising her sword up slowly…


Ferris raised her wooden sword… but her mother’s sword was already coming for her again. She defended herself against one, two, three strikes…

No, the third was…

“…Your sword moves slowly and predictably.”

A sharp sound came from the sword slamming into her left arm.


It was broken, just like her ribs. Sharp pain rushed through her body. She made to scream, but her mother knocked her on the ground and hit her until she couldn’t make a sound…

“My, you can’t even stand now?” Her mother asked. “Is this the end for you? How ugly… You’re so very ugly. I’m ashamed. Ashamed that I gave birth to such a useless child…”

Ferris was already used to hearing that. Ugly, ashamed, useless.

“How could a child like you come from me?” Her mother asked. She was always belittled like this after training. “How could the child born after Lucile be this useless?”

Ferris didn’t find those words to be ‘tough.’ Because she’d never been taught what ‘tough’ was.

She didn’t think it was tough. She didn’t think it was tough. She didn’t… want to think that it was tough. By the time she ended up thinking that, she couldn’t even stand.

Because if she felt that it was ‘tough,’ they’d just call her stupid and worthless.

So Ferris didn’t think that it was tough.

To avoid shaming the Eris name, she had to keep her cool no matter what the situation was, and no matter how much it hurt. She couldn’t lose her noble stance…

So she lost her emotions instead.

Despite how tough it was, despite the pain, she raised her emotionless face. “I am standing up now,” she said with a shaky voice.

But that sword just slammed right back into her. She heard more bones crunch. Now she couldn’t move her left arm from the shoulder down.

“Really… really, are you alright with being such a useless child?” Her mother asked. “I’m worried.”

“Even now, I’m still expecting something out of you,” her father said. He looked Ferris over with the same blue eyes as hers. They were disappointed all the way to the depths. That blue was the color of disappointment itself. “Those who aren’t suitable to bear the Eris name have no right to live. You do understand that, don’t you?”

Of course she did.

Ferris looked up at her father from where she lay on the ground. “Will I be killed?”

Her father shrugged. “Perhaps. But I do love you. No matter how useless you may be, you are my cute daughter.”

He said it.

He said that he loved her.

Ferris’ eyes narrowed.

Come to think of it, Lucile had said that yesterday.

“I think that our mom and dad and Iris all love you, too.”


She couldn’t quite grasp it.

She was being told that, despite how disappointing she was, she could live because she was loved. Right?

“But can someone this useless really give birth to excellent children?” Her mother asked.

“But she bears our blood, blood of genius Eris siblings,” her father answered. “If my blood runs thicker in the next generation, it’s possible that the result is even stronger than before, is it not? We need a child who can surpass me. Lucile may reach that level if trained enough, but… it’s not enough. I’d already surpassed my father at Lucile’s age, after all.”

“But that’s because you’re such a genius, Brother. Oh, if only I could bear another of your children…”

Ferris didn’t understand what they were saying. Children? Siblings? What were they talking about…?

Her mother looked back at her. “You must think of this as the greatest honor, if you’re able to bear your father’s child… What are you doing? Remove your clothes at once.”

Ferris’ mind turned to chaos. “Father, Mother, what are you…?”

Her mother scowled. “Ugh, really… You’re such an imbecile… Who exactly do you take after? Just hurry up and undress.”

But she couldn’t move even if she was told to… Something inside of her was refusing. It was frozen in fear.

Her whole body was shivering horribly…

“Hurry up and do it.”

Ferris sprang up and broke out in a run.

Lucile’s words spun around in her head.

“I think that our mom and dad and Iris all love you, too.”

That word spun around and around in her head.

Love. Love. Love.

The word was making her nauseous. She was more afraid than she’d ever been before.

Yes, this was ‘fear.’

She heard her mother speak behind her. “She really is just a failure…”

In the next moment, her father who she was supposed to be running from appeared in front of her.

Ferris swung her wooden sword with all the strength she could muster in her unbroken right arm.

And yet… her mother sliced through her sword easily, breaking her right arm in the process.

“Isn’t it obvious that the sword of a failure like you can’t reach mine?” Her mother asked. She used her sword to slice through Ferris’ clothes and pushed her to the floor. Then her mother held her down by the hair.

There was nothing she could do now. Her mother was too much stronger than her. And then her father… was stronger than both her mother and Lucile. All of Ferris’ power was useless in this situation.

Even so, she wanted to run away. Because she was unbelievably terrified, from the bottom of her heart…

It was so scary.

“Now, Brother,” her mother said.

Her father nodded, and slackened his clothes…

It was so scary…

Ferris struggled frantically. But she couldn’t move her body well at all. Both her arms were broken, and her mother was holding her against the ground…

“Uu… uugh…”

She tried to scream. But she was too scared to do anything more than whimper.

Shivering was all she could do.

“Uua… aaaahh…”

And her father… reached his hand out and touched her bare skin…

A second passed… and she thought she’d gone mad.

Not because she’d been touched by her father. But because her vision had suddenly been dyed red.

Everything really went red. She soon realized that was blood. Blood from her mother who had been holding her down.

Her mother flopped down into her view. But only her body. She was missing her head…

Her father’s expression changed. “Wha… you…”

And then a voice resounded. A truly quiet voice… but one oppressive enough that it felt it’d kill everything. “My, my, Father. What exactly are you partaking in? An Eris mustn’t make a face like that while doing such a thing. Otherwise rumors that we’ve fallen may spread, yes?”


He was standing quite a ways away from Ferris. But their mother’s head was hanging from his hand.

Their father’s expression calmed right down. He stared at Lucile. “So? What exactly do you want to accomplish here? I already know that you’ve gotten stronger than your mother. But do you really think that you’ll live if you get in my way?”

Lucile smiled faintly. It was the same smile as he always wore. The smile of a demon coming from the abyss of darkness… “I wonder,” he said quietly.

Their father looked happy. “So you’re trying to say that you’re stronger than me, aren’t you? I see. So you’re saying that you too can be the one who breeds with Ferris—”

“Don’t soil my cute sister with your rotten words,” Lucile interrupted as he glared at their father.

Their father scowled with the same malice as their mother. “I see. So what you’re really trying to say is that you’re a useless child who can’t understand the Eris family either,” he said and picked their mother’s wooden sword up from the floor. “We don’t need the useless.”

With that, their father disappeared to Ferris’ eyes. She couldn’t follow his movements at all. He was far stronger than their mother, after all.

There was nothing they could do. Nothing at all. Not even Lucile…

But Lucile just smiled. “You sure are slow,” he said, and raised their mother’s head to catch their father’s attack with.

It made a horrible, horrible sound.

And Lucile laughed. He laughed and laughed and laughed as their father swung his sword at him again and again. He dodged it all with ease, barely even needing to move.

And then he caught their father’s sword with his bare hands. “Haha. Do you really fancy yourself a genius at that level?”

“Wh… what…”

Their father’s expression changed. He was impatient. Confused. It was the first time Ferris had ever seen him make such a face.

But she soon didn’t care about his expression.

Lucile whispered at his side, quiet as could be. “In the beginning, there was destruction. And in that demise was rebirth… Destruction… rebirth… destruction… rebirth… destruction… rebirth… destruction… rebirth… destruction… rebirth… he, hehheh… heh… heheh… hahahah… hahahahahaha…”

Mad laughter. Absolutely mad laughter.

Ferris was terrified.

Even her father was shaking. “It couldn’t be that you…”

“You said that I don’t understand the Eris family, right? And that we don’t need the useless, correct? But you’re the useless one, aren’t you? Everything will end soon, my incompetent Father. The disgusting, cursed blood and role of the Eris family will end with my generation. I alone will bear our cursed shackles. So the old generation may now leave the stage at peace,” Lucile said, his tone seeming to ridicule everything in this world.

With that, Lucile raised his hand up to end it.

Their father splattered open, his insides flying everywhere.

Everything was dyed red…

Ferris couldn’t move.

The situation… appeared to be that Lucile had saved her.

But she couldn’t move. All she could do was shiver. Shiver in fear of her brother.

Her father was dead. Her mother was dead.

Her brother turned to face her, his face caked with the blood of their parents. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore, Ferris. Everything’s over now. I’ll protect you from now on.”

Those words.

She suddenly recalled the poem she read yesterday.

