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Erogenous Beauty Salon by Succubus Girls: I Started the Milking Course (Light Novel) - Volume 3, Chapter 4 - The Dream Demon’s Power

Volume 3, Chapter 4 - The Dream Demon’s Power

This chapter is updated by

With what happened in the dream, the succubi, and Kazuki himself, they had a lot to talk about, but Kazuki and Juri were entirely silent as they left her house and returned to MONM. Kazuki either did not know what to say or simply did not know the answer to the likely questions, but this silence worried him. Especially after her reaction in the dream.

Still, he was pretty sure this did not mean she did not care about any of it anymore or was too disgusted to speak with him. If so, she would not have been following him back to the salon.

(Well, maybe she doesn’t want to talk with me, but she still wants to know the truth about all this.)

That thought scared him as they walked in silence all the way back to MONM. They entered through the back staff entrance he always used and they found Karen and Claudia waiting for them.

“Kazuki-san, I’m so glad to see you’re safe. You too, Juri-san.”

“I am so sorry about all of this.”

The two women bowed, so Kazuki ran over and had them raise their heads.

“Wh-why are you two apologizing for-?”

He gasped when a possibility occurred to him.

“Was that dream demon part of the salon staff?”

“No, she was not. The succubus world’s current policy is to coexist with humans without harming them. It is all of our responsibility when one of us violates that rule. We should really all be out here apologizing to you.”

“But we’re a very large family here, so we decided to have Claudia-san and me act as representatives.”

They bowed again to apologize to Kazuki and Juri both.

“How can we ever make this up for you? …Anyway, you must be wondering what happened, so please come to the reception room.”

When the two women began to lead the way, Juri finally spoke up.

“Wait. I need to know something first.”

The women had to stop when one of the primary victims told them to. Kazuki stopped as well and they all turned toward Juri.

“You really will explain everything in there? So much happened in that dream that I’m having trouble sorting through it all, but I know none of it was normal. I don’t think I can accept any apologies if you don’t at least explain what that was!”

Kazuki started to call out to her, but Karen stopped him.

“That is understandable and we will of course explain everything. Whether you believe and accept our explanation is up to you, but please believe this at least: we will not lie to you and we have no intention of harming you.”

“I’ll decide if I believe you after I hear what you have to say.”

“Yes, of course. Thank you for understanding. Now, this way please.”

Juri fell silent again and followed. That said, they did not have far to go. They arrived in the salon’s reception room in less than a minute.

But what they found there was not at all what they had expected.

“Please stop. This is all a misunderstanding.”

“Shut up! That won’t fly when I caught you red-handed and brought you here!”

“I can’t say anything about the dream, but I do sense a succubus presence from you. So even if you weren’t involved, you’re still a stray succubus, aren’t you? That means we have to take you into protective custody either way.”

A girl in a Harunomiya uniform was being pinned down and restrained by Rumina and Meguri. Juri’s eyes widened in shock when she saw the girl.

“Eh? N-Naito-san!? What are you doing here?”

The girl with long black hair hiding her eyes was Juri’s classmate Naito-san. She gasped and looked up when she heard her name and she smiled and pleaded when she saw her friend.

“Sudou-san, h-help me! They dragged me in here and I have no idea what they’re talking about. And they’ve, nh…t-tied me up like this.”

She squirmed to show that something like rope had her bound with some tortoise shell bondage that accentuated her curvy body. Juri started to run over, but Karen stood in her way and refused to let her get close.

“Hey, move. What is the meaning of this!?”

“I said I would tell you the truth, didn’t I? Part of that truth is about her.”

Kazuki had no idea what this was about, but clever Juri seemed to make a connection and stared down at Naito-san in disbelief.

“No way. But…you were the one that gave me that candle.”

“H-hey, Juri? I’m still confused, so could you fill me in? Isn’t she one the classmates who was at the mall with you?” Only after saying that did he turn toward the girl in surprise. “Naito-san, you weren’t in our class when I was still at school, were you?”

“Well, no…I transferred in after that.”

She nervously answered and Claudia approached her with a smile.

“Of course you did. Otherwise you never could have resisted attacking Kazuki-san. Isn’t that right, Naito Mea-san? Now, how about a quick game of dress up?♪”

Claudia pulled a permed blonde wig out of nowhere, placed it on Naito-san, lifted her head, and began applying some simple makeup. The result of the succubus’s work was a major shock for Kazuki and Juri.

“N-no way…you mean she was Mare?”

“You really were that demon, Naito-san!?”

Her skin remained as white as Naito-san’s, but the blonde hair and gawdy makeup were identical to the dream demon who had caused them so much physical and mental anguish. Naito-san – Naito Mea – let her eyes wander wildly while she tried to come up with an excuse.

“I-it wasn’t me. What even is a ‘dream demon’ anyway? You read too much manga.”

“Hey, wait. Juri only said ‘demon’! You are Mare!”

She clapped her hands over her mouth, but that reaction further proved his point. Kazuki and Juri still wanted an explanation, so Karen gestured for them to calm down and take a seat on the sofa.

“Now, where to begin? I suppose our connection with Kazuki-san and our identity would be best.”

“Please. Seeing Naito-san – or Mare I guess – has me convinced that dream was real, so I have no choice but to believe even the most unbelievable things right now.”

“Understood. Now, some of this will not be easy for you to hear, so please make sure you are prepared. Now, let us begin.”

Karen began to explain everything that had happened since the beginning of spring.

It had all begun when Kazuki confessed to Juri, she rejected him and ran away, he lost her after trying to follow, and he met Karen. He had started with a part-time massage tester job to improve him until Juri liked him. He had eventually learned that Karen was a succubus and that her sister, the salon’s owner, and all of the salon’s staff were as well. That had been a surprise, but he had accepted their offer and actively gotten involved with them.

His reasons had been twofold: improving himself and saving the succubus species.

“Well, that’s an escalation. Is that like something from a video game where a human’s power is needed to defeat an evil demon lord or something?”

“No, this is nothing so violent. We simply need his help to solve our food supply and birthrate problems.”

When she heard that, Juri’s face stiffened and she glared over at Kazuki, but he felt like he was not allowed to look away. He had known he had to tell her all this eventually and this had opened up the perfect opportunity, so they needed to reveal everything.

“As you have clearly guessed, I am carrying Kazuki-san’s child. A few other succubi are as well. It is a complicated situation, but I will try to keep it as simple as possible. Only Kazuki-san could have done this and this was the result of us asking him for his help.”

“If you say so. I’m honestly having trouble following this anymore, but…just continue.”

Juri leaned heavily back in the sofa and Karen continued as calmly as ever.

She explained about Kazuki’s powerful libido and semen and how that related to the energy succubi needed to live. She explained what succubi even were – that they did not harm humans and that some of them were secretly living in human society. She explained that succubi who hid their location from the succubus world were known as stray succubi and that measures were in place to ensure they did not trouble the humans.

“Naito Mea here is actually a stray succubus named Mare. No succubus has ever caused quite this much trouble before, but dream demons are a very unique race and we have a hard time keeping track of them.”

Mare herself had claimed dream demons used dreams themselves as their field and no other succubus could mess with them there. And while they were unbeatable in their dream, they were extremely weak in the real world and other succubi had a hard time sensing their presence even at close range unless they paid very close attention.

“If Kazuki-san had still been attending that school, his presence would have stimulated her succubus instincts and she would almost certainly have attacked him. In hindsight, having him leave school was a mistake. This never would have happened to you otherwise, Juri-san. How can I ever make it up to you?”

Karen’s face clouded over, but that seemed to remind Juri of something.

“Um…did you have him leave school as a message to me?”

“No, that isn’t quite-”

“You be quiet, Kazuki.”


She snapped back at him, so he let his shoulders slump and shut up. They were both victims of that succubus, but he was partially on the succubus side of things since he had known about all this in advance. That meant the biggest victim was Juri, which meant she took precedence here.

“I did recommend he do that to put some distance between the two of you, but it was not meant as a message. It was mostly meant to give him time to calm down. This might be a rude thing to say to you, but we had to soothe him a fair bit after being rejected twice.”

“You sure are overprotective. Do you treat all your massage testers that way?”

Juri’s voice carried a harsh tone, but Karen did not seem bothered by it.

“According to the reports from the staff members in charge of them, it was not necessary. Simply put, none of the other testers were rejected afterwards. Even we were shocked when you refused him.”

At the time, they had told Kazuki that was because of how chaste and opposed to sex and sexual desire Juri was. Karen omitted that part here, but the way Juri fell silent and glared at the succubi suggested she had made a pretty good guess.

“So you’re saying you never considered pushing us apart and taking him for yourself? Mare made it sound like that would be a tempting option.”

“Well…the thought did cross my mind.”

Karen answered without a hint of guilt and Kazuki reacted with surprise.

“Wait…K-Karen-san? That’s news to me.”

“I’m sorry, Kazuki-san. I never actually considered making that happen, but if it happened on its own, I wouldn’t have complained. That is why I went with a rather extreme massage early on with you and why I avoided bringing Juri-san up until you did yourself. That was out of concern for you, of course.”

So it was all to not remind him of the pain of Juri’s rejection? He had never considered any of this, so he could only stare in a daze.

Since Juri had asked, the possibility had clearly occurred to her, but instead of growing angry with the answer, she only nodded in acceptance and glared over at Kazuki.

“Well, I can’t imagine what, but they clearly see something in you. I can’t explain what Mare was thinking otherwise.”

It must have all made some amount of sense to her and Kazuki’s surprise at Karen’s confession seemed to convince her it was true.

“To us, Kazuki-san’s semen – both it itself and the energy contained within – is like a rare delicacy. That is also true for her dream demon race, so she must have been attempting to keep it all for herself.”

Now that the topic was finally on Mare’s actions, Kazuki started listening more intently.

“The idea of having him to yourself is an attractive one, but only if he offered himself to us of his own free will. Still, there have been some who have tried to forcibly take him for themselves…but they have all been dealt with behind the scenes.”

“Hold on!” interrupted Kazuki. “When was this!?”

“Make no mistake, they are all still alive. They were tried in court and incarcerated.”

He could imagine they had done it “behind the scenes” so it would not weigh on his mind. He may have been assigned Luca to be by his side at all times to ensure no one like that could approach him.

“Unfortunately, this one had a troublesome ability and caught us at a bad time. Dream demons are as rare a race of succubi as the Scylla. We only knew of one in existence. I have to admit, I never imagined another one would be so close by.”

Karen frowned and placed a hand on her cheek in a troubled way. Mare responded by proudly puffing out her (bound) chest and snorting with laughter.

“It’s called taking advantage of a mental blind spot. And it worked like a charm. I was so close to having Kazuki-kun to myself. I just know I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for this meddling ki- nhh!?”

Her line was cut off by a sweet moan and a twisting of her hips. Rumina had her tail latched onto Mare’s ear and it seemed to be filling her with melting pleasure.

“Ah, ahh, ahhh…ahh, eeeek! I-I’m sorryyyyy!”

“Rumina, not in front of the guest.”

Karen gave a warning since Juri was blushing, but she made no real move to stop her sister. Mare’s actions must have been a serious crime in the succubus world, so she could not restrain her anger.

“To get back on topic, she appears to have been escaping our detection to live wild, but she cannot obtain Kazuki-san’s semen that way. All of his plentiful libido is managed by the succubus world and we can only share that with succubi whose locations we know.”

“Hey, Kazuki. Is it just me or do they treat you like a brand-name cow?”

“I thought the same thing at first. It’s a natural assumption.”

Their service and hospitality had been pleasant enough for him to not care all that much, but he wanted to toot his own horn for not forgetting about Juri through it all. Karen must not have liked Juri’s human way of viewing his treatment because she raised her finger and emphasized her response.

“We treat him like a sports star or movie star.”

“If you say so. Not that it really matters. Anyway, let’s continue with the explanation…then again, I think I’ve heard enough to figure the rest out myself.”

“Eh? Really!?”

Kazuki still could not figure out why Mare would attack Juri instead of just him, so Juri gave him an exasperated look.

“Have you gotten dumber since you stopped going to school? Mare herself said she was using me as bait to get at you, remember? So she transferred into Harunomiya before summer break to get at me.”

Only Juri was aware of that part, but he had a feeling he would not have arrived at the truth even if he had known it. He shut his mouth to let her speak and Karen must have been interested in her explanation too because she prompted her to continue with a gentle smile.

“Then, after she had gotten settled in at school, she approached me and, I’m guessing, started messing with my dreams. Like lowering the quality of my sleep or flipping over my pillow while I was sleeping.”

“A dream demon isn’t a Makuragaeshi! I’m not like those- eek!”

Kazuki was surprised to learn that there were Makuragaeshi succubi and he saw Rumina’s tentacle and Meguri’s tongue sucking at Mare’s ears.

“Anyway, because I couldn’t sleep and was always tired, I complained to my friends. That’s when Mare – as Naito-san – gave me an aromatherapy candle, saying it would help me sleep. If Phase 1 was messing with my sleep, then Phase 2 was the candle.”

He remembered hearing about this. Since the candle came from Mare and based on what she had said to Kazuki in the dream…

“I don’t remember it at all, but, um, I apparently…c-could be honest…and o-open about- argh! Anyway, I think she had me speak with Kazuki about some things in my dreams. I had no idea he was only a fake made by her, but I could actually sleep while all this was going on!”

“I’m surprised. You are a lot cleverer than I expected.”

Juri’s guesses must have matched with the succubi’s and Karen sounded impressed. But she must have been reluctant to have Juri say the next part because she took over.

“As you have guessed, that candle was likely a tool that drew out your desires and dragged you into the dream demon’s world. But just before the seduction in the dream was complete, Rumina provided you with the Dreamwalking Incense. That connected you to Kazuki-san’s dream instead of Mare’s world and you were safely brought together.”

“I’m not sure I would call that safely!”

Juri blushed and tried to deny it, but Karen and Claudia only smiled. Meguri put on a confident smile, Rumina puffed out her cheeks, and Mare clicked her tongue.

“I am not kidding when I use the word safely. If Mare’s plan had worked, your mind would have been trapped in the dream world and your body would have been her puppet back in the real world. She would have used that to contact Kazuki-san, used every trick in the book to win his heart, and worked to rule over him in the dream world and the real world.”

Karen’s serious tone made Kazuki fall silent. If what he thought was Juri had attempted to seduce him, he knew he would have fallen for it. And in that scenario, Juri would have already been lost. He was relieved that had not happened, but he also felt a tingling along his spine as he learned just how frightening a dream demon could be. Juri must have felt the same because she gave him an uneasy look.

“Don’t worry. Now that we know who the dream demon is, we have ways of restricting her actions. That is why she worked so hard to avoid detection. She panicked when things did not go according to plan and overplayed her hand.”

She must have forcibly dragged Kazuki and Juri into the dream to achieve her goal. But even that had not been a major mistake because it would have worked if not for one thing: the girl who had intruded on the dream.

“That means Rumina is a dream demon, doesn’t it? Then are you one too, Karen-san?”

“No, I did not develop that ability, so Rumina is currently the only one in the Sakuma family. One of our ancestors was a powerful dream demon, so every so often, a dream demon is born in the Sakuma family. Like Rumina and our grandmother.”

Rumina reacted by puffing her chest out proudly.

“That’s right. Our granny was so cool♪ She told me how amazing and how scary a place the dream world is. She taught me the most important rule about using it: you can make everyone’s dreams come true there, but you can never just give yourself what you want!”

Her words were overflowing with respect for her grandmother. She must have been so angry in the dream because she saw Mare violating the lessons her grandmother had taught her.

“We would have been in a lot of trouble without Rumina, huh?”

“You have no idea. The rest of us cannot reach you in the dream world and she can directly torment your exposed mind in there. No matter how strong your will, you would not have lasted half a day in there. And once she broke you, she could have used you as a shield to order us around. That could have begun a dark age, even if it only lasted for the length of your life. Rumina really did save us this time.”

Rumina smiled happily when her sister freely praised her for once.

“Onee-chan also told me I had to master my control of the dream if I was to follow granny’s dream rules. I thought no one could take control from me even if I didn’t train, but now I’m really glad I did. This must be what granny and Onee-chan were talking about.”

Rumina was like the polar opposite of Mare who had arrogantly assumed only she had that power so she could do whatever she wanted in the dream world. Thanks to that, Mare had failed to establish her personal golden age, so she glared spitefully at Rumina and bared her fangs.

“If it weren’t for you, I know exactly what I’d be doing right now! I’d have you two sisters and the rest of the salon staff tied up so you had to watch me fuck Kazuki-kun’s brains out right in front of you!”

Mare made an empty threat as a sore loser, but Rumina tilted her head and cut down Mare’s idea with little interest in it.

“Hm, that would’ve been kind of annoying I guess, but you’d just be forcing yourself on him and your hearts wouldn’t be connected, right? Wouldn’t that be, um, a really hollow victory?”

“Wha-? Y-you fucking brat!”

Rumina winning the argument led the other succubi to laugh. Juri, meanwhile, sat there thinking over what Mare and Rumina had said and she muttered something to herself with a heavy look on her face.

“So does that mean our hearts were connected when we did it?”

Once she realized she had said that aloud, she gasped and clapped her hands over her mouth. No one made fun of her for it and Karen gave her a gentle look.

“Even in that dream, you were interacting with Kazuki-san’s real feelings. That was his exposed mind in there and he was not forced into any of it. However, that does mean there was no actual physical interaction, so you could argue it did not qualify as sex.”

That meant they had only shared their feelings by connecting their hearts. Juri did not let her feelings show, but that answer did seem to have come as a relief to her. And Kazuki could not have been happier about it.

But if Kazuki’s actions in both the dreams had been his raw feelings, then this would also hurt Juri.

“Then…it’s also true that you, um, liked the way you did it with all the others…more than with me?”

“Eh? N-no! That was only, um, how should I put it?”

He did not think he could bear outright telling her that he was a hopeless masochist. He had said so to the succubi several times, but that was because he knew they would accept him like that.

But Juri had twice rejected him for his indecent side. Revealing this truth to her felt like actively making her dislike him. That feeling kept him from answering right away. Nevertheless…

“Yes, it’s true. Everything they said was true.”

There was no point trying to hide his sexual proclivities after she had already been told he had impregnated several succubi, so he steeled himself to reveal the whole truth and raised his voice to just get it all out there.

“I’m what I guess they call a submissive person! Yes, I’m a hopeless pervert who loves it when girls dominate me! Dammit, is that so wrong!? But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t satisfied with what I did with you! In fact, I think my stuff was thicker than ever before then! If we had had more time, I just know I could have done even more!”

“Wh-wh-wh-what!? How stupid are you!? You think I want to hear that!?”

That must have brought back the vivid memories of that hot and thick stuff entering her womb because she held her crotch through her skirt and blushed.

“And why are the rest of you all drooling!?”

“Oh…nh, slurrrp. Excuse me. I imagined that and, well, I couldn’t help it♥”

The behavior of the succubi gave her a headache, but she still managed to calm herself and continue.

“Be that as it may, when I was watching all that play out from above, I couldn’t help but notice how happy you looked. Now, you may not have been happy about what was happening, but you can’t deny you were experiencing pleasure. And, how should I put it? I didn’t like it.”

She ground her teeth together with that last part. Her words were not oozing with emotion, but he could still sense that watching that had hurt her. He did not know the right thing to say, but he knew he had to express his feelings here.

“M-maybe so, but I love you more than I love having that done to me.”

“But you intend to continue your relationships with these succubi people, don’t you? I would really prefer it if you didn’t try to hide it and were honest with me. But even if you say you love me the most, if I know you’re doing it with other people…”

Her eyes briefly wandered and the hands on her crotch squeezed together. The wrinkles in her skirt gathered together and the fabric was tugged against her thighs. Her body was flushed, perhaps with anger, and her sweat plastered her blouse to her skin.

“I honestly couldn’t bear it. I really don’t think I could.”

“Yeah…probably not. That’s the normal reaction.”

She had said nothing wrong. In fact, that was the correct way to feel. No girl could accept a boyfriend who said he loved her the most even though he was receiving even more pleasure from other girls. He knew he would die of jealousy if the roles were reversed.

(I really do love Juri the most, but I can’t stop having sex while the succubi dominate me and milk me dry and I’m going to continue getting them pregnant…yet I still try to claim she’s #1 for me. Look at it all spelled out like that and she’d be justified in stabbing me. Man, I am the worst.)

Juri must have been thinking something similar because she mussed up her hair as if trying to shake all the maddening feelings from her mind. Then she let out a heavy sigh.

“How did we end up in this mess? …Oh, but I guess you never would have met that woman if I hadn’t kicked you away and run off back then, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right…or maybe not?”

Juri was glaring at him, but he turned to Karen for her opinion and she answered with a bitter smile.

“Maybe so, maybe not. I could have spotted you around town some other time and I definitely would have suggested you take a job with us. Whether you resisted our services afterwards would be up to your own morals. If you had already entered a relationship with Juri at that point, you may have faithfully prioritized that.”

She seemed to be critiquing his conscience, but Juri seemed to take it as a critique of her own actions. She grimaced and let slip a comment dripping with self-deprecation.

“What, so I did this to myself from the beginning? And I did it well before you even disappeared? Then it’s far too late now.”

“If I may be so presumptuous, I do not think you need to worry over this so much,” said Karen. “While it does come down to infidelity in the end, you can also think of his actions with us as a type of lifesaving charity work. Meanwhile, his actions with you are purely out of his feelings for you. If you calm down and focus on that, I am sure you will change your mind.”

Juri silently heard Karen out instead of arguing back, but Kazuki could tell at a glance that she did have her thoughts on the matter. More than that, he was ashamed that he had needed Karen and the succubi to make his case for him.

So he opened his mouth to make a decision about his feelings.

“That’s enough, Karen-san. I was wrong. From the very beginning.”

“Eh? W-wait, Kazuki. What are you saying?”

Juri seemed confused and Karen’s face clouded over apologetically. That told him that he was saying this for his sake and not Juri’s. But that changed nothing.

“I’m sorry about everything, Juri. About today and how I kept saying I loved you while doing all this behind your back. Now that you’ve seen how awful I am, I can’t ask you to love me anymore.”

“What? Wait, Kazuki, what’s gotten into you!?”

They had known each other a long time and Juri was smart and quick on the uptake, so he knew she would have already figured out where he was going with this. But he could not do this right if he left this implied, so he had to state it outright here.

“I’ll give up on you. I’ll never confess to you or try to ask you out again. I’m sorry I’ve caused you so much trouble for so long, but that finally ends today. Still…I am grateful you let me love you for so- bff!?”

But his resolve was shattered by a powerful fist to the face.

“I-I can’t see…”

“And you never could if you thought that’s what I wanted to hear!”

“Ooh, she’s a clever one.” “Right?” “Yeah, that was a good one.”

Meguri and the others’ whispering voices sounded so distant while he rubbed his aching nose and focused his blurry vision on Juri.

“How could you do that!? Do you know how hard it was to say that?”

“Shut up! All you were saying is you don’t care about me now that you have all these succubi!”

“That’s not what I said at all! Don’t put words in my mouth!”

He angrily argued back, but only because she was exactly right. He had not intended it that way, but it was a reasonable interpretation of what he had said.

“It’s not putting words in your mouth when that’s exactly what you said. I don’t get it myself, but you seem really popular nowadays, so why should you bother with someone as stubborn and narrowminded as me? Anyone else in our class would love to date you, right? And Chieri’s super cute, isn’t she!?”

“Wh-what does Chieri have to do with this!?”

He tried to argue back, but Chieri had left a large impression on him. Not as much as Juri or the succubi of course, but the way she had accepted him as he is was very close to being his ideal woman. Juri saw how shaken he was by this, so she glared sharply at him, making him sweat bullets.

“See, you can’t even get the words out. Chieri said you could do it with whoever you wanted as long as you loved her and isn’t that exactly what you wanted? So go date her and it’ll solve all your problems. I’m sure that’s what you were thinking!”

“I-I was not! I’ve always loved you and only you!”

“Huhhhh? What happened to not confessing to me anymore? That lasted all of ten seconds. You’re all talk and you always have been! I bet you were only pretending to give up on me and you’d be having those succubi comfort you and baby you afterwards! ‘Oh, you poor widdle thing❤’ or something like that!”

“I-I don’t have them do that! …Hey, quit agreeing with her, all of you!”

He had previously heard that the succubi found it incredibly attractive when he expressed his love for as many people as possible. Even if those people did not accept it, they would adore him for feeling that way and they would pleasure him in a variety of ways to comfort him if those people did reject him. That was all true, but he had not been hoping for that. Unfortunately, Juri did not see it that way.

“See, I was right! You can only talk big about giving up on me because you already have someone else! If you didn’t have them, you’d never be able to lie about giving up on me!”

“That’s not- wait, that doesn’t even make sense! Your problem is my relationship with them, so if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have to give up on you because you wouldn’t have any reason to refuse!”

“Huhhhhhhhhhh? Don’t just assume I’d say yes. Someone thinks awfully highly of himself. Did your newfound popularity give you a big head?”

They were unfortunately sitting next to each other, so they pressed their foreheads together and argued from close enough range for the spittle to reach other’s face. But even as their argument heated up, neither of them laid hands on the other.

Well, Juri had punched him before the argument began, but he did not retaliate. That was why the others only pulled them apart to try and stop the argument but did not do anything more than that. In fact, some of them had exasperated “not again” looks on their faces. The way the two of them knew how to get under each other’s skin so well made it clear how well they understood each other and it only looked like they were flirting to the onlookers.

But no matter how much the succubi adored seeing the ways people expressed love, they still wanted to tell these two to give it a rest.

“Could you two settle down please?”

When Karen clapped her hands loudly enough to echo through the room, Kazuki and Juri jumped, fell silent, and hesitantly looked over to see a frighteningly big smile on Karen’s face.

“I will honor whatever decision the two of you reach, but you really need to calm down before making any decisions. Especially you, Kazuki-san.”


She glared at him and he shrank down in the sofa. This felt just like when they were much younger and their parents had gotten after them for fighting.

“You say you will give up on her, but you do not seem to have done so. I will honor your decision, but saying you have chosen something and actually choosing it are two different things. Not to mention that giving up before even receiving a response to your confession is about as insincere as you can get.”

Her bitter expression said she did not want to say this, but she lectured him at length all the same. Then she turned toward Juri.

“As for you, Juri-san, I can see several contradictions in what you have said here. Maybe you truly have no intention of returning his feelings, but you should not be using his actions as an excuse for that. But I do sympathize with you on some points…and I think you are entitled to rejecting him yourself if that is what you wish to do.”

“Well, um…I never said I was going to-…but at the same time…”

Juri must have had her own thoughts on the matter since she mumbled to herself without actually arguing back, but Kazuki had realized something from Karen’s words to her. Announcing he had given up on her before she even answered was not fair to her and a lot like he was just rejecting her himself.

“For today, I think you two need to cool your heads. And Juri-san probably has someone else she wants to speak with.”

It was obvious who that was. Her name had even come up a moment before. The regretful look on Juri’s face suggested she had remembered what that girl had done in the dream, but she must have decided she could not just ignore this when it was her best friend.

“Yes, I’ll go do that. Um…can I tell Chieri about all this?”

“You don’t have much of a choice, so go ahead. But please avoid telling anyone else. And tell Chieri-san the same.”

The succubi wanted to keep their identities hidden, so they were being very accommodating here. Juri must not have wanted to spread this around either because she readily accepted the terms.

“Got it. I’ll make sure she doesn’t tell anyone. And, um, when are Kazuki and I going to speak again?”

“Let’s see. You shouldn’t put it off for too long, so how about a week from now? No matter how things progress from here, if you don’t mind.”

Karen suggested waiting that long because any change to Chieri’s relationships with Juri and with Kazuki would also influence Juri and Kazuki’s relationship. Juri and Kazuki must have been thinking the same thing because first she and then he silently nodded. With all that decided, Karen finally softened her expression and sighed.

“Then let’s call it quits for today. Juri-san, I do apologize for all the trouble and I thank you for stopping by for this discussion.”

Karen bowed deeply and Claudia, Meguri, and Rumina followed suit. Kazuki naturally lowered his head as well. He realized only after bowing that this reaction meant he saw himself as part of the succubus side of things. The quiet laughter he heard suggested Juri had the same thought.

“It was admittedly scary, but it wasn’t all that much trouble. In fact, I feel a lot better now that I finally have some answers.”

Juri stood up from the sofa but then looked down to the floor where Mare’s head was forced down for a bondage prostration.

“By the way, what will happen to um…Naito-san here?”

“She will be punished appropriately for her crimes, but…whatever happens, she will no longer be able to interfere with your dreams. If she wants to, she can probably even return to school.”

“Hm, really? Well, that’s good to hear. Anyway, I’ll be going.”

Juri left the room looking happy, maybe because she could get a good night’s sleep now and maybe because “Naito-san” would be able to return to school. Her feet were light, but she had to still be carrying a weight in her heart. She was unlikely to get much sleep that night anyway.

“Sigh. I feel like I could have handled that better in several ways.”

After watching Juri leave, Kazuki broke the silence in the reception room. He had tried to make up his mind, but he had apparently failed miserably in his attempt to give up on her. He just knew Juri was going to reject him in a week’s time, so he felt like a death row prisoner awaiting his execution.

“Yeah, you could have handled it better by letting me take over. Then everything would’ve gone great between you and her.”

“You be quiet, Mare. We still have to punish you.”

Karen cut Mare off with ice in her voice. Kazuki looked over to see Karen staring down at Mare with a blank expression containing no emotion whatsoever. Claudia, Meguri, and of course Rumina were all overpowered by that, so they held their breath and watched it play out.


“Y-yesh!? Wh-what do you want, Karen-san!?”

He jumped when she called his name, but when she turned his way, the color had returned to her eyes and they drooped apologetically.

“I have some business I must take care of, but I would like to apologize first. I really am sorry. All of this was the result of my mistake, but then I go and lecture you about it. I am willing to accept any complaints you might have.”

“Eh? N-no, I’m actually thankful.”

When she heard that, she smiled just a little and bowed.

“Thank you. Now, I must be going.”

She grabbed the tentacle binding Mare and left the room. She was probably on her way to the succubus world where Mare would be dealt with, but no one had the courage to ask what that would entail.

“A-anyway, um…you really saved us back there, Rumina!”

“I-I did, didn’t I!? I made sure to go all out for you♪”

Rumina leaped at his attempt to break the awkward silence and Claudia and the others joined the conversation as well.

“Th-then how about you give her a reward?”

“Y-yeah, that’s a great idea! Rumina, is there anything you want Kazuki to do for you?”

Meguri’s casual question made Rumina’s eyes light up like she had been waiting for this moment.

“Yes, yes, yes! There’s one thing I’ve wanted him to do for a looooong time!”

“Really? Come to think of it, I didn’t get to spend much time with you when we went shopping, so okay. Just tell me what you want and it’s yours.”

This seemed like the natural way to thank her for saving him, so he agreed without thinking too much of it. But the response she gave him was so on-brand for her he was kicking himself for not expecting it.

When Karen returned the next day, he explained the situation to her and Rumina’s request was approved. She had of course asked to have sex with and get pregnant with him.

“Oniiii-saaaaan? Keh heh heh♪ Nhh, ahm❤”

“Kah, ahh…nh, ah, wait, Rumina…ah, nhh.”

He was supposed to avoid all sex for two days and then be teased to the limit to prepare him for impregnating Rumina, but it was not yet the final day. Nevertheless, Rumina was hugging him in her underwear and licking at his ear like a form of foreplay, but not because they had failed to resist. This was happening in a dream.

“Hh, ah, are you sure this is okay just because we’re in a dream?”

“Hm? My teasing skills still aren’t the best, so to make sure you’re ready, I need to spend the two lead-up days teasing you in your dreams♪”

She had asked Karen and Meguri about it and they had said it would be fine if she tested it tonight and he had not blown his load by the following morning. Using dreams to go wild was taboo, but she had received special permission since she had saved Kazuki.

“So I’m gonna tease you soooo much tonight❤ I already know exactly what I’m gonna do, so you just relax and enjoy it.”

“What else can I do when I can’t move? Ah, ahh.”

Oddly enough, he suddenly found himself in the same school classroom as in the dream world when she had come to his rescue. He was seated on the teacher’s desk, but his wrists and ankles were tied to it with his knees spread wide to show off his defenseless crotch. Rumina was wrapping her arms around him from behind while dressed like a teacher.

She wore (fake) under-frame glasses, a white blouse with the top several buttons undone, a tight miniskirt, and beige stockings, so her costume was perfect. He sadly could not feel the softness of breasts when she pressed against him, but her smooth skin still rubbed at his naked back and indescribable sensual waves poured into his brain.

“Are you ready to study with Rumina-sensei?”

She thoroughly licked at one of his ears while stroking one already-erect nipple with her fingers and sucking at the other with her sticky tentacle end. Pleasure ran up his spine like a chill and melted his brain, so his face noticeably melted. His dick was hard as could be, the bulging veins were pulsating, and the entire thing was throbbing as if to show off how hot and erect it was. Lots of precum was already dripping from the tip and clear sticky strings dripped down between his legs like a ladder.

“Hmm? What’s this, Koshigaya-kun? A little ear licking in the classroom and your cock is already thiiiis hard? Kids these days are such perverts.”

“Hh, ah…nh, only because you’re…ahhh!”

She flicked at his earlobe with her tongue and ran the tip of her teaching pointer along his erection. It made a sticky sound as it gathered up precum and rubbed it over the rest of his dick, providing even more pleasure in the process.

“Neh heh heh heh❤ Unfortunately, today’s lesson isn’t about this bad boy♪ So let’s spend the next two days learning about some other parts of you.”

When she pulled the teaching pointer away, his cock trembled in protest. His hips moved on their own, shaking the desk enough for it to rattle.

“Now, now, you naughty boy. Beg me to rub your cock all you want, I’ve already decided I’m only teasing you here in this dream♪”

“Ahh, hh, ahhhh! Only there? Nhhh, hh!”

The end of her tentacle tail was like a flower bud. It was a little bigger and with a more melted inside than last time he had experienced it. It was currently attached to his nipple. Her tentacle tail was forked and the other end was spread out like blossoming flower petals and attached to his skin. The sticky petals carried a great heat and slipperiness that felt like several tongues at once and it crawled along his sides, lower stomach, neck, upper arms, and more. The sweet stimulation made his entire body tremble pathetically and inspired even more male desire throughout his body.

“Ohh, ohhhh…ahh, ahh, that’s so good, kh, hhhhh, why am I so sensitive? Khhhh!”

Every time his trembling penis throbbed, precum would squirt out and splatter onto the desk in front of him with strings connecting back to him. His nipples grew as large as the tip of his little finger and the one inside the tentacle was squeezed and kneaded by the inner flesh while her succubus aphrodisiac rubbed all over it. But she had removed her fingers from the other nipple, leaving it just as ignored as his penis. That made it so sensitive that even the touch of the air made it throb. It trembled and grew even more erect than the one being teased.

“Ru…mina…ahhh…d-do this one too.”

He twisted his hips and upper body while begging because he could not stand it any longer. Receiving stimulation to that nipple was all he could think about and the only cure was for her slender fingers to stroke it, her soft fingers to squish it, or her neatly-cut nails to pinch it.

He had announced his defeat only a few minutes after the torment began, so Rumina laughed happily in his ear.

“You just can’t help it, can you? But today I’ll be paying you back for all the times you spanked my ass to get me off♪ That means I can’t just give you what you want. Ha ha♥”

She sucked at his earlobe and rubbed his entire body with the one tentacle end. He begged her to tease the other nipple while also imagining her licking at his other ear with her tentacle. That sent even more of his male desire surging toward his crotch.

Rumina stared longingly at his cock but whispered “I have to resist” under her breath and avoided touching it. They were only here to tease him, so she had no intention of making him ejaculate even in the dream. That was why he so desperately twisted his hips around, thrust them up the few centimeters he could get, and tried to distract himself from the pleasure.

“Oh, Onii-san♥ Do you have any idea how pathetic you look trying to fuck the air like that? Were you hoping I would watch? Or…” She lightly bit his earlobe with her lips and her voice rang seductively into his ear. “Did you want to show this off to some other girls? Hee hee. Yes, since I can’t let you ejaculate, the least I can do is grant that wish. We both know how much you love letting other people see what a pervert you are, so you’ll love this♪”

“Oh, ohhh, ahhh…what are you- ghh, nhhhh.”

When he tried to ask what she meant, she snapped her fingers with a wide grin on her face. And just like in Mare’s dream, the classroom door slid open.

“Huh? Are we at school? “But I don’t recognize this- ehh!?”

“Ha ha. What the heck?❤” “That’s a boy, isn’t it?” “And he’s got one of those erection thingies♪”

“Wait, who’s that teacher behind him? She looks kind of like Rumina-chan, doesn’t she?”

He did not recognize any of the girls who entered the room, but they were all a good bit younger than him and wearing the same school uniform Rumina always wore. They seemed confused at first, but they accepted it before too long and took their seats while happily chatting with each other and giving the scene at the front of the classroom melted smiles.

“W-wait, Rumina. Ah, a-are those your- nhh.”

“Shh. They all think I’m a teacher right now, so don’t give it away.”

Rumina whispered to him and then turned toward the students with a smile.

“Good morning, everyone. It’s time for a special sex-ed class♪Gather around my desk because I have a real treat for you today. You get to observe a real live masochist cock.”

Scorn and curiosity filled the girls’ eyes as they approached the desk and looked alternately between his face and his dick. He was bound naked to the desk and not receiving any non-nipple stimulation, yet he was as hard as could be.

The girls exchanged glances and giggled at the sight, which tickled his masochistic side.

“It’s a masochist cock! Just like Rumina-chan was telling us about♪” “Does this mean he got like that from just his nipples?” “That would make him a masochist.”

When the one pointed at his erection and said “got like that”, a burst of precum squirted from it and landed on her pointer finger. An ejaculatory-like pleasure surged up from the bottom of his dick and his head was shaken enough for his vision to fade. The girls initially thought he had ejaculated, but whether or not they then realized it was precum, they clapped their hands and laughed.

“Look, look♪” “He actually squirts precum when we laugh at him. How masochistic can he get?❤”

“What more can you do, Mr. Masochist?” “Can you ejaculate just from someone teasing your nipples?”

He could tell these younger girls were looking down on him and treating him like a toy for their amusement. He looked back toward Rumina to see her lips twisted into a grin as she thoroughly enjoyed his reactions.

“H-hey, Rumina…ahhhh! Nhhhh!?”

“Call me ‘Sensei’ in the classroom, Koshigaya-kuuun?”

She squeezed with the tentacle on his nipple to suck at it like a blowjob. A surge of pleasure ran through his chest and caused his lower body to run wild, so he ended up shouting an apology.

“Ahhhhn! S-sorry, Senseiiiii!”

The girls burst out laughing again, plunging him into a vortex of embarrassment, but he could not run or hide and could only moan there on the desk while they watched.

“Nh, hh, ahhhh…ahhhh…my nipple, ghhh.”

“Hmm? You really like having your nipples teased, Koshigaya-kun. Okay, how about an experiment, everyone?❤ Let’s see if he really will cum from nipple stimulation alone. Watch carefully.”

Her tentacle squeezed down even more to essentially chew at the erect nipple within. The thick succubus aphrodisiac acted as a lubricant, rubbing so hard that what should have been pain was transformed into pleasure. The maddening pleasure was like having his entire chest licked all over by countless tongues.

“Kh, ahhhhh! That’s too much…nhhh, ahhn!”

“Ah ha ha ha. He sounds so cute❤” “Just like a girl♪”

Their teasing voices filled him with pleasure and his hips kept hopping up the few centimeters his bondage allowed. He was pathetically thrusting up into a nonexistent vagina floating above him. The girls watched it all from close up and they would sometimes look him in the eye. When they did, they would either twist their lips into a smile and giggle provocatively at him or lick up some of the precum that had squirted on their faces.

“Wow, his precum is thick. It’s like actual cum❤” “How do you know what cum is like?” “Look at it throb. Do you think we could make him cum just by blowing on it?”

Every word they said sent more precum out from deep within his cock. He was turned on enough for a single stroke or rub to make him ejaculate, but none of them touched it and the longing only built up within him.

And it was not just his penis being neglected. His other nipple was throbbing and begging his pride to raise the white flag.

“Ru…mina…ah, ahh…nh, S-Sensei.”

“Yes? What is it, Onii-san…no, I mean, Koshigaya-kuuun?”

Either she was getting tired of the roleplaying or had forgotten about it because Rumina started to answer normally, but she also commanded him with her gaze. She drove her point home by gently rubbing her finger in circles outside of his areola and gradually moving in closer before moving back away again.

She implicitly told him she would not be teasing that place he so wanted to be teased. His melted mind cranked its gears to figure out how to satisfy his male desire and arrived at a hopelessly humiliating answer.

“Ah, ghh…a-ask them…ask these kids to…stroke my nipple…my p-perverted…masochist nipple!”

He pushed his chest out and pleaded her with his swollen nipple trembling. Rumina and her classmates’ eyes lit up like they had been waiting for this, but he must not have said enough yet. The girls stayed put and waited for Rumina’s instructions.

“Hmm, maybe I will…but maybe I won’t.”

“Please…I need both…both nipples rubbed!”

“Hmmmmmmmm, whaaaat to doooo?”

She pretended to think while thoroughly teasing the one nipple in her tentacle that was so melted inside that sticky fluids leaked out, but she finally gave an answer.

“Well, if you want it that badly, I guess I can do it for you. But first, can you ask for it again♪ I want these other girls to hear it♥”

“Eh? O-other girls? What other-”

He brought his blurry vision back into focus and looked to the back of the classroom. Rumina’s classmates were surrounding the teacher’s desk up close, but another group of girls was sitting in the seats at the back and grinning at his sexual display. These were his own classmates who had teased him in Mare’s dream.

“Pff. He lets girls that young dominate him too? He’s so pathetic♪” “Just look at him. It’s hilarious♪”

“You can get him off with just his nipples? Why’d we even bother touching his cock last time?”

This left him speechless and Rumina whispered in his ear.

“This is to clear up their misunderstanding. They were left unsure if that last dream was real or not, so I thought showing them something they can’t possibly believe will convince them it was all just a dream♪”

That would explain why Chieri, who may have learned the truth, was not here. But he was in no state to calmly ask if that was really true. Instead, he used it as an excuse to let his male desire take over. His masochism reared its ugly head and he shouted a shameless request in front of the younger girls and his classmates.

“P-please tease my p-perverted masochist nipple! I’ll go crazy if you don’t! Tease it with your fingers! Pinch it, stroke it, squish it, and pleasure iiiiiiiiit!”

Getting the words out caused endorphins to burst in his mind and pleasure pulsed through his blood vessels. Precum squirted out with the force of an ejaculation to form a puddle on the floor and splatter on the faces of the girls in front of him, leaving sticky strings dripping down from them.

“Ah ha ha ha ha! I can’t believe it♪” “Okay, this has got to be a dream.”

“If Koshigaya was really like this…I think I’d take him home and tie him up in my closet❤”

It was in fact a dream, but one that reflected reality. If all of this were happening to him in the real world, he would have behaved exactly the same way and humiliated himself just like this. That realization sent tremendous pleasure through him and sparks burst in his vision.

He was so close to being at the climax of his pleasure and then the girls reached out their fingers with cruel smiles.

“Look at this perverted nipple❤” “You should be ashamed, mister♪”

“But if you like being teased by younger girls.” “You can be our toy❤”

They were all viewing the older boy with looks of obvious arousal. They delighted at being given such a lewd toy as they ran their fingers along his areola, gently squeezed the nipple, and squished at it with a soft touch.

“Gh, oh…ah, ahhhhh…nh, ohh, ohhhhh…”

The long-awaited stimulation to his nipple sent pleasure chemicals surging into his brain. Moans of pleasure left his mouth along with dripping drool and an intoxicated look covered his face, eliciting mockery from the girls.

“Hee hee. He looks so pathetic♪” “Is that what a masochist looks like when he gives in?❤”

They whispered to each other, stared at him, sighed, and cruelly shook his masochist heart, but their finger movements remained delicate and loving. But that was not what he wanted. The long-awaited stimulation felt so good it melted his body and mind, but as he drowned in intense pleasure, his greatest desire was for these younger girls to sexually dominate him and leave none of his pride intact.

“Ahh, ahhh…harder…harderrr! Do it harder! Do it till they hurt! Hurry!”

He had no idea how much sexual experience these girls had in the real world, but he imagined they were as pure as the driven snow while he made that embarrassing request. That possible scenario sent more and more precum squirting out, so his penis was glistening with the stuff and the girls’ uniforms were stained by it.

“C’mon, Onii-san. Do you really have to beg my friends for all that dirty stuff? Your own friends are watching, you know?”

“Ahhhhn, ahh, ahhh…I know that…but I…I want it so bad…ohh, ahhhh!”

The girls answered his plea by applying more pressure with their fingers, squishing his nipple down. A surge of pleasure pierced his chest and more pathetic moans left his lips.

“Ahhh, ahn, ahhh! H-harder…ahhhhh!”

“Yes, yes. Coming right up.” “We’ll keep it up until you cum from just this.”

That made him focus on the possibility of ejaculating, so he squeezed his ass tight, forcing out an extra-large squirt of precum. But without even any stimulation to his prostate, he could not quite reach the point of ejaculation and a great longing sank deep into his balls.

(Ahh, gahhhh…if they would just touch my dick…my dick or my prostate…I-I could cum.)

He looked over at Rumina, but she only smiled back at him. She was serious about this being a lesson for the girls and had no intention of teasing anything but his nipples until he ejaculated from that alone. And if this never-ending foreplay was all a way of making him produce more semen for her two days from now, she would not give him permission to cum from this even if he could.

Since she controlled the dream, it was entirely possible she could control his ability to ejaculate.

“Hm? What’s wrong, Onii-san? Here, I’ll suck your cock nipple with my tail, so try and cum, okay? Squirt it all out♥”

He could not tell what she was thinking behind that innocent smile, but her words stirred up his desire and the others followed suit.

“I so want to see you cum from this♪” “A true masochist like you can do it, can’t you?”

“Aren’t you going to give those girls what they want, Koshigaya?♪” “But letting them dominate you like this would be pretty pathetic❤”

The younger girls laughed at him and his classmates teased him during this cruel torture where no one would touch his ejaculation switch. It continued on and on until he finally woke up in the morning, but that did not end his torment.

Looking back, the past two days had felt like an eternity.

In his dreams, his nipples had been tormented, his ears had been licked, and his entire body had been coated with saliva, but he had never been allowed to cum. It had all been one form of sexual torture after another. The pent-up arousal had stuck with him during the day, so even the rubbing of his boxers had been nearly enough to make him blow his load and he had to work hard to resist it.

The succubi in the salon and the mansion were sensitive to the male desire filling him because they had been noticeably hornier than usual. He had to be careful to make sure none of them attacked him and milked him for themselves. The trusted succubi, including Karen, who had watched over him had nearly given into the temptation, with only their iron willpower stopping it.

But he would be freed from all of that today in this bed.

“Rumina…ahh, h-hurry…I can’t wait a moment longer.”

“Neither can I. Take a look at this♥”

He was seated on the bed and Rumina stood up in front of him, spread her pussy with her fingers, and exposed the pure pink flesh within to show off just how wet and glistening it was.

The wet pinkness gave off a strongly sweet aroma that would draw any human heart, so his eyes were drawn to it. Her vagina had loosened in its desire for a male and an endless fountain of love juices dripped down, soaking her thighs.

The sexual fluid coated the rest of her vulva as well and the melted flesh was trembling enough for droplets to fly off of it. It splatted onto his face and dripped down his skin, causing his dick to grow hard and throb.

“So how’s it look? Is it pretty? Do you wanna stick your cock in it?”

“Y-yeah, more than you can imagine. I want to fuck it right this instant.”

He was so aroused he felt like licking up her dripping love juices would cause him to cum and he could feel that cum boiling inside his balls. He brought his nose toward the arousing flesh hole and enjoyed the sexual scent of that trembling honeypot. Before long, he reached out his tongue without even meaning to. However…

“Nh, ahh…no, not right now♥ I can understand wanting to lick up my pussy juices, but you’d blow your load if you did, wouldn’t you? Every last drop needs to go in here today❤ So you need to wait until you’re deep inside me.”

She pulled her hips back away from his tongue and then slowly lowered her hips. She looked like she was pole dancing in the nude, so his eyes widened to stare and his dick grew even harder. Her body heat and the heat of her wet pussy reached his penis through the air.

“Hee hee. Can’t take your eyes off this pussy, can you? I might just cum from you staring❤ Nh, ahh…look, it’s going in, it’s gonna go in…nh, nhhhhh❤”

Her sexual flesh flower wetly kissed his penis head. When her hot and wet flesh rubbed against it, a tremor ran up his spine and his hips hopped up. The motion pushed the head into her vagina and the tight sexual pathway swallowed it while gushing with female nectar.

“Ohh, nh…kh, oh, ohhhh…ahh, ahhhh.”

“Ahn…yes…kh, it’s entering me…hhhhn❤”

They both moaned and her hips sank truly slowly while her knees trembled below her. Her tight hole spread wider and wider to accept more and more of his penis. A sticky sensation rubbed along the shaft and polished the head, rubbing love juices across the male flesh she invited into her deepest part.

(Ahhhh…this…this is too much. Ohh, I’m gonna cum!)

He felt like he was sinking infinitely deep inside her while his penis throbbed and filled her hot honeypot. All the semen built up from the teasing to his nipples and everywhere else that was not his dick had already risen nearly to the head.

He knew he could not cum until he had arrived at her womb, so he clenched his teeth and his ass to fight it, but the pleasure loosened it all up again. A new storm of pleasure filled his dick every second, his vision blurred from the dampness of his eyes, his legs stuck straight out, his hips lifted up on their own, and her superb pussy welcomed him inside. His body wanted to experience her deepest part and release all his desire as soon as possible.

“Ahh…you have such a dirty look on your face, Onii-san♪ C’mon, not much further now…nhhh❤”

The arms propping up his upper body were trembling as much as her legs and threatening to give out from the pleasure. But while she kept a confident smile even as she moaned in pleasure, he had tears welling up in his eyes as he worked so hard not to cum. The way she looked down on him made him feel like she was sexually dominating him, which made him want to ejaculate even more.

(Ahhhhh! I-I can’t stop it! I’m gonna cum!)

He felt faint and then all strength left his body like a switch had been thrown in his mind. The base of his penis loosened up too, so the thick semen was able to race up his urethra all at once.

“Ah…Rumina, ahh…sorry…ahhhhh, forgive meeee!”

He had worked so hard to last until today so he could get her pregnant, but he had failed at the very last moment. The intense regret and guilt brough tears to his eyes and he shouted an apology while he thrust his hips up and tensed his legs. He hated how he ended up seeking out every last ounce of pleasure even now, but he could not resist the sense of release.

“I’m sorry, ahh, I’m so sorry! I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

He lifted his hips as high as they would go and the rising semen mercilessly forced open his urethral entrance to burst out, but just then…

“Ha ha! Yes, yesss❤ That look! That’s what I wanted to see! Take this♥”

“Gh…nhhhhhhhh!? Ahhhhhhh!”

As if she had been waiting for this very moment, she slammed her butt down toward his crotch, bringing the tip of his dick to her deepest part just in time to catch the thick male fluid erupting out of him.

“Ahahhhhhhhhhhh❤ Ahh, yes, yessss! This stuff is top quality! Kh, hhhhn, ah, ahhhn❤”

The pleasure racing from his crotch to his brain was truly heavenly. It felt like having his soul and emotions sucked out of him, so he could not even cry out anymore. Rumina seemed to be moaning even louder to make up for it while the movement of her vaginal flesh caused his penis to throb like crazy and release its male desire. Her cervix trembled and sucked at the penis head like a pump to slurp up every last drop of the semen.

“Ahh, ahhhhh❤ Ahhh, hyahhh! This is…so good, hh…ahhhhhhn! Yes, I’m cummiiiiiiiiing❤”

When the male extract entered her womb, her confident smile twisted into a look of pure sex and her eyes drooped. They both stuck out and tangled their tongues, pecked at each other’s lips, and pressed against each other in a seated position.

Her face was melted, her tongue danced with his, and a cascade of drool dripped down from her mouth. He licked that up and he tried to talk to her but was barely coherent.

“Ryumiraaa…ahh, nhh…do that thing…”

She knew exactly what he meant, so she sent her tentacle tail sliding between their bodies and had the forked end suck at his nipples. His nipples had been teased to the edge of climax so many times in his dreams, so this was enough to send pleasure to his prostate and make his balls rise up painfully far. When she tugged with the sucker tentacles, they pinched as well as sucked, causing more masochistic semen to squirt from him.

“Ghh, nhhhhh!? Ahhh, I’m cumming!”

“Nhh, yes. You had better cum lots and lots❤”

Her melted internal flesh sucked and stroked every bit of his dick from base to tip, filling him with devilish pleasure while her tentacle tail melted his mind with the nipple massage. She demanded he cum more for her, so he did his very best as if converting his love for her into semen.

“Rumina…ahh, I love you, Rumina.”

“Nhh, and I love you♥ I love you so much, Onii-san. Ahn, nhhhh! Nhh, I love you, so give me all of your cum!”

She sucked at his nipples so much he thought she was going to tear them off and she also held him tight to press her body against him. Their bodies were hot as magma, their sweat, saliva, and other fluids mixed together, and they felt like they were even sharing the rhythm of their pulse.

(Gh, hhh…this is the best! Khhh!)

Baby-making sex with a succubus was like receiving all of the pleasure in concentrated form, so his instincts were drowning in it. He held her tight while causing the bed springs to creak below him. Their hips were pressed against each other, but even without any real thrusting, the movement of their bodies brought just as much carnal pleasure.

Her vaginal flesh wriggled against his penis and endlessly sucked at it, causing him to ejaculate even more. She kept sucking at his cock to get out every last drop but also prevent it from going flaccid. Her flesh snuck below the ridge of the head, inside the foreskin, and along the frenulum to rub her aphrodisiac succubus love juices over it all.

That alone shook his sensual side, but the feel and warmth of her small and soft body in his arms also kept his male desire going strong.

“Oh, ahhh…I’m cumming again…nhhh!”

“Cum…give me your…baby, ahhhn!”

Neither one spoke while they kissed and they continued tangling tongues to exchange their love even as they did speak. He had ejaculated twice, thrice, no four times and his body felt like it was going crazy, but he remained hard and continued to shoot out semen. Her womb had to be full of so much cum it was packed as tight as a solid, but she kept sucking up as much as he gave her.

“This is so good…nhh, ahh…I can feel all your thick cum filling my womb. It’s like it’s rubbing me inside…ah, ahn, ahhhh❤”

The feeling of all the semen inside her brought Rumina to an intense climax and her fleshpot squeezed all the tighter. He could not even imagine how much he would cum if they kept this up all night. The more he slept with her and the more he came, the more attractive she looked and the more pheromones she emitted. She would not stop stimulating his instincts and desire, so his dick never went soft. His balls were fixed in their raised position and new sperm erupted from them to fill her womb.

“Ahh, more…ahh, yes…ah, ahhhh❤”

She clung to him in orgasm and her nails dug into his back for some sweet pain. That helped spice up the experience and deepened his love for her. From there, they fucked even harder, the bed springs creaked loudly below them, and they were lost in their own little world.

“Hhh…I love you, Rumina.”

“I love you too, Onii-san. I love you more than anyone❤”

She had talked to Mare about her heart being connected with his and she exemplified that here. The sheets were soon a mess and soaked with sexual fluids.

The steamy sexual atmosphere of the room was sure to keep them both aroused until the maid came to wake her master in the morning.

