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Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? (Web Novel) - Volume 3, Chapter 158 - Rebirth Pill Gained

Volume 3, Chapter 158 - Rebirth Pill Gained

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Landing on the school roof, Shiro looked at the man sitting in front of her.

"Nice of you to join me. Seems like you've become more beautiful since the last time I saw you. A nice hairstyle with a good outfit to match." Nan Tian chuckled slightly.

Shiro only rolled her eyes before pulling out her phone. She wasn't going to let him know about her voice just yet.

[Have you got the Phoenix Pill?] Shiro asked.

"Of course. I managed to get the 2% rebirth one for you. If you wanted pills that are higher in quality, you'll need to level up more or else I'm not sure if you can withstand it. And speaking of level, you're already level 47. Congratulations." Nan Tian complimented and pulled out a flaming red pill that seemed to give off a red glow.

Taking the pill, Shiro inspected it just in case.

[Weakened Phoenix Rebirth Pill – Red]

A pill that will refresh your body state by 2% due to its effects being weakened.

[Thank you.] Shiro smiled and put away the pill. She wasn't going to eat it just yet since she was going to eat it later.

"You're welcome. You are joining my branch as a mystery member so it's only natural that I help you." Nan Tian waved it off.

[I don't like being in debt so if there's a task that I can do, tell me now.] Shiro asked. Even though he said that all she needed to do was to join his branch as a mystery member, it didn't feel equivalent in Shiro's opinion. Hence she wanted to do a few tasks to clear off this debt.

"I don't have a task for now. The factions are still recovering from clearing the city and the sect hadn't issued any emergency tasks either. We're both free for a while."


"I got a little break from the sect and you'll be enjoying a small break before becoming the guest elder at Winter's Grace right? That means we're both free."

[I suppose. Are you going anywhere during your break?] Shiro asked since she got nothing to do right now. She might as well try to dig up some information on Nan Tian considering the fact that he was the branch leader.

"Ohya? Little Snow's curious about me huh?" Nan Tian smiled widely under his mask.

Shiro only rolled her eyes but didn't reply since she was indeed curious. As a high level adventurer, he shouldn't be hanging out in a low level city. The demand for high level adventurers are high since they're needed everywhere.

If a high level monster reaches a city with no adventurer to stop them, they should just give up on the city and mark it off as destroyed.

"Hmm, let's see, I think I'll tag along with you. Right now, you are my main source of entertainment after all." Nan Tian smiled.

[In that case then you might want to help me keep a certain other stalker away then. I already have my hands full with you.] Shiro rolled her eyes since it wasn't like she could affect his choice.

"Of course." Nan Tian nodded.

He couldn't let people find out that she's a monster so soon now could he?

"So what have you been up to during the time in Cairosa?" He asked gesturing for her to sit now near him.

However, Shiro only flexed her fingers and created an ice throne before sitting down.

[I've just been helping Lyrica and Madison level up. We've also recruited a healer into our party now and I'm going to see if I can pull her into Winter's Grace as well.]

"Is that so. With your party of four, I'm pretty sure you can clear all the dungeons easily. Plus, it seems like your friend had managed to obtain a pretty reliable butler." Nan Tian smiled and looked towards Yuan Tian.

Feeling Nan Tian's gaze on him, Yuan Tian frowned before trying to look for the source. However, he wasn't able to pinpoint the person.

"Is there anything wrong?" Lyrica asked seeing Yuan Tian asked weird.

"Nothing young miss." Yuan Tian shook his head and continued to help Lyrica search for some items.

[His name is Yuan Tian. A butler.]

"And a Divine Swordsman." Nan Tian added on since he was able to see through his class.

"Did you get anything good in your time in Cairosa? Any weapons or armour?"

[You don't need to know that much.] Shiro smiled as she relaxed herself on the ice throne.

"Fair enough. I'll probably find out later." Nan Tian shrugged.

[Now that you've asked a few questions, shouldn't it be my turn?]

"I'll give you 3 questions then." Nan Tian smiled and held up 3 fingers.

[What level are you?]

"Above 100 easily." Nan Tian replied vaguely.

[At least answer in detail.] Shiro rolled her eyes.

"Where's the fun in that? It would be more entertaining to find things out for yourself after all."

[Fine. What's your class?]

"I have a hybrid class."

'Hybrid class… that means he is something similar to a magic swords man that is a jack of all trades. But since he is easily over level 100, I guess his class is a hybrid of at least 3 classes.

[What's your main weapon of choice?]

"Magic. And that's three questions. I suppose I'll have to end our meeting short for today." Nan Tian chuckled before standing up.

[One more thing before you leave.] Shiro typed out before thawing her throne.

"Go on."

"You really should change your stalking habits." Shiro grinned before her body flickered into the rift.

Nan Tian stood in a daze hearing Shiro speak. The softness of her voice rang in his mind as he looked at the spot where she last stood.

Standing still for a little while, he shook his head before leaving the area.

Meanwhile, Shiro laughed to herself seeing Nan Tian freeze in shock.

After being surprised by him time after time, Shiro wanted the roles to be reversed.

Stretching her body slightly, Shiro pulled out her phone and sent a message to Freya.

[Shiro: Hello miss Freya, this is Shiro. I just wanted to contact you to see the current schedule on when we should meet up and go to the branch office.]

Closing her phone, Shiro understood that she probably wouldn't get a response anytime soon since Freya may be busy.

'Well I should probably see if there are any hunts nearby.' Shiro thought to herself since monsters also exist outside of the dungeons.

For strong monsters, people would post up hunt quests that will have them form parties with other adventurers to hunt down the monsters in the wild.

Her current plan was to go to one of these hunts solo until Freya contacts her.

Walking over to what would have been the adventurer's guild, Shiro saw that they've made small stall of sorts. Only 1 member of staff and a computer was at the stall while the others worked on clearing up the damage around them.

Eavesdropping on what they were saying, Shiro realised that the stall was set up as a temporary station for adventurers to undertake some quests.

Most of the quests were halted for now as there was an influx of quests to clean up places or help build. They wanted to rebuild New York to a certain degree before focusing on dungeons after all.

While they were waiting in the queue, Shiro glanced on her phone and checked on Cairosa. She was curious about the emergency raid they saw before leaving.

So far, the information gathered about this raid was only limited to the first two bosses.

However, the casualties to reach this far was redacted as to not shock the public on mortality rates.

'The raid is called [Ancient Grave]. An undead type raid that features a lot of undead dinosaurs that have high resistance to physical attacks.

'The first boss is Undead Tyrant Rex. Lethal attacks that one shot anyone who isn't a level 60 tank. The second boss is Undead Silver Wing. Silver Wing is a flying type boss that has abnormal speed and attack. Due to its nature as a flying type monster, the raid parties haven't managed to kill it yet. Once its health gets too low, it would fly away and heal itself. The 5 big families are currently holding raid meetings, talking about how to pass this round.' Shiro thought as she read the forums.

"They're roughly halfway through the raid since the average raid would have around 4 to 5 encounters/bosses." Shiro mused to herself.

'I should probably join when I'm in C class. That is if the raid hasn't been cleared yet.' Shiro thought to herself.

Obviously, she wanted to give the raid a shot but the fact that she would definitely die with one hit couldn't be changed.

While it was true that she could kill level 60 mobs, there was still a wide gap before she could take on the bosses. Hence why she only farmed the first floor of the dungeon with Yin.

After waiting for quite a while, it was finally Shiro's turn.

"Have you got any hunting quests outside of the city?" Shiro asked with a smile.

The receptionist paused for a second before nodding.

"I'll go have a look right now, hang on." She replied as she tapped away at the computer.

"We currently have 3 open hunts. 2 are level 50 while one is level 25." She said, turning the computer around and showed Shiro the quests.

"Hou… can you show me where they are?" Shiro asked.

"That I can't do unless you're level 50." She shook her head since there's a strict guild policy.

"Hmm… I'm not there yet so nevermind. Thank you anyways." Shiro smiled before walking away.

However, what they didn't know was that during her talk, she had sent a strand of nanobots to hack into the computer and gather the data about the hunts.

[Level 50 Corrupted Nix]

A water spirit that has inhabited Lake Nora to the south of New York. Do not engage alone as her combat potential is significantly higher due to her inhabiting a large body of water.

Recommended skill set: Lightning

[Level 50 Oam – Tree Spirit]

A named tree spirit that controls a portion of the forest. Be wary of its life drain. Last seen location: Coran Forest, north of New York.

Recommended skill set: Fire, Lightning

[Level 25 Phantom Shifter]

A monster that can shift into the appearance of anyone it had seen. Be wary of their sneak attacks. Last seen location: Huston Village, south of New York.

Recommended skill set: Any element

"Hmm... Oam and Corrupted Nix sounds interesting. But, not many have applied to kill the shifter." Shiro muttered with a slight frown.

The shifter was an annoying monster that relied heavily on assassination. For low levels, it was a very dangerous monster.

While it is simple for high levels to survive its attacks, the shifters were intelligent monsters that would hide and avoid conflict with high levels at all cost.

Naturally, that meant the high level adventurers would eventually get sick of it and give up. That left the shifter free to roam around.

'I'll kill the shifter first while making my way to Lake Nora.' Shiro thought as she might as well take care of it on the way.

Plus, after she had a look at the map location of all these hunts, she found out that Huston Village was in the centre between New York and Lake Nora.

"It takes a few hours to get to Huston Village by car. Unfortunately, there's no train so I can only take the car. It doesn't help that Lake Nora doesn't have a train either." Shiro frowned slightly and scratched her head.

A round trip by car would take roughly 5 hours if she didn't include the time needed for combat and the such.

"Tsk, annoying." Shiro clicked her tongue.


"Mn? What's up?" Shiro asked seeing Yin trying to get her attention.


Yin pointing at her mouth then at her stomach.

"You're hungry?"

Shaking her head, Yin pointed at Shiro then at her own back. Flapping her wings, Yin flew around her before landing back on her shoulder.

"You want me to fly?" Shiro tilted her head in confusion.


Facepalming, Yin shook her head before pointing at her mount again.

"So you do want to eat."

Yin nodded her head.

Smiling wearily, Shiro took out some D ranked mana stones but Yin turned her head away.

"You want C ranked one?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

'I suppose we've got quite the stock right now. Plus, we can get more anytime.' She thought to herself and decided to let Yin have one.

Scoffing down the C ranked mana stone, Yin levelled up to 47.

Shaking her head, Shiro looked at the C ranked mana stone in her hand and had the urge to ingest it.

'Don't tempt fate and fate won't kill you.' Shiro thought before storing the mana stone away.

Looking at Yin who was focusing on digesting the mana stone, Shiro felt a little jealous that she could ingest a mana stone and be safe.

"Now then, I should probably rent a motorcycle or something. Cars aren't exactly the best off road." Shiro mused to herself before looking for where the old car store would be.

Looking at the ruins, Shiro glanced around and made sure that no one could see her.

Metal and lightning swirled around her hand as she placed a device on the rubble. Hopefully, she should be able to find a motorcycle inside the broken down building. Even if it's destroyed, she could just fix it up using nanobots.

"Bingo." She smiled seeing a positive result appear on the device.

Moving the pieces of debris away, Shiro saw a red and white motorcycle snapped in half.

"Hmm… not bad." Shiro muttered before storing it away into her inventory. Going through the blueprints in her mind, she was going to add some parts to the motorcycle that shouldn't even exist in this era.

