Fantasy Harem Mature Martial Arts Romance Ecchi Xuanhuan Comedy

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Chapter 92

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Translator - Helga ]

[Proofreader - Lucky]

Chapter 92


The next day, Kane headed to the soldier training camp.

There were far more soldiers than before.

The number had increased almost tenfold.

Of course, it was still a far cry from what was needed compared to the size of Rehinar.

"Camilla, have you gathered all the soldiers?"

"I gathered them all as you ordered this morning, except for the patrol team."

"Well done."


Camilla smiled at the praise.

It was like watching a cute puppy wagging its tail vigorously.

It was almost the same as when Blata was in a good mood.

For a moment, it felt like he had two puppies.

"Open the armory."

"Yes, sir!"

Camilla opened the warehouse inside the training camp.

It was filled with weapons and armor.

Everything was brand new.

[Rehinar Soldier's Spear]

Grade: ★★★

Description: A mass-produced spear made by the Rehinar blacksmith Mikhail.

Option: All attribute attack power +120%

[Rehinar Soldier's Armor]

Grade: ★★★

Description: Mass-produced armor made by the Rehinar blacksmith Mikhail.

Option: All attribute defense power +120%

The equipment had top-tier options for 3-star gear.

Mikhail had pushed the limits of the options.

It was something only Mikhail could achieve.

"These are supplies. You don’t have to worry about them being deducted from your pay."

At those words, the soldiers' faces lit up.

Until now, receiving supplies meant deducting part of their pay.

And when they needed to repair equipment, they had to pay out of their own pockets.

This was common across all territories.

It was also why soldiers often left the army without saving much money after being conscripted.

But Kane made everything free.

It was a gesture of respect for the volunteers.

A reward for those who stepped up to protect Rehinar.

"Are we really allowed to wear something this valuable?"

It was Hans, the captain of the west gate guards.

He could tell at a glance that the items in the armory were expensive.

Could an ordinary spear really have such a luxurious tiger emblem carved on the shaft?

It clearly looked valuable.

"Why wouldn’t you be?"

"I just thought we should contribute something to Rehinar’s finances…."

"That’s not something you need to worry about."

"Still, this equipment feels too good for us."

"Do you think I’m just giving it away for free?"

"Isn’t that the case…?"

"I'm giving it to you so you can wear it and fight for Rehinar."

Hans tilted his head in confusion.

"Why are you stating the obvious…?"

"Is it really obvious to ask you to entrust your lives to Rehinar?"

At Kane's question, Hans and the rest of the soldiers fell silent.

"No life is meaningless. Especially those who dedicate themselves to Rehinar."

The soldiers reflected on his words, and their expressions gradually changed.

Kane concluded his speech, addressing them all.

"The equipment is just a bribe so I can make an unreasonable request of you. Take it without guilt."

It was high praise for the soldiers.

Camilla, standing nearby, was beaming with a smile.

'He may have become stern, but his care for the people remains the same.'

That was why she admired Kane.

The new lord appeared cold, even frightening at times.

As if he were an entirely different person.

But inside, he was still warm.

"Are you not going to take it?"

"Oh, no, we will!"

The soldiers' faces brightened.

Receiving new weapons and armor, they displayed expressions of excitement, something they hadn't felt in a long time.

Getting new supplies usually meant the onset of war.

But there was no worry on their faces.

Instead, they looked at Kane with admiration.

"If anyone sells this at the market, prepare for the consequences."

Kane’s joke made the soldiers burst into laughter.

Even with the possibility of war looming, the atmosphere at the training camp was cheerful.


After distributing the supplies, Kane gave the soldiers a new task.

"We’ve gathered every bit of salt in the territory."

"Quite a lot. Distribute the salt along each wall."

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers responded with great enthusiasm, seemingly pleased with their new armor.

Morale was through the roof.

As Camilla loaded the salt onto the wagon, she asked, "My lord, what are you planning to do with this salt?"

"We'll use it when Tegelo invades."

"This salt? How will it be used?"

"There's nothing better than salt to make it rain."

"Ah, you're planning to artificially create rain?"

When salt is scattered in the sky, it attracts moisture and causes rain.

And since Kane could use mana, he could make it rain in no time.

"But… isn't it possible to summon rain just by using the Breath of the Blue Tiger at 4th class without needing salt?"

"Mana is crucial in war. We need to conserve as much as possible."

"And won’t the rain benefit Tegelo’s side too? Is that okay?"

Tegelo was the family of wind fox..

"When the weather becomes cloudy, it’s easier for the wind to rise."

“This is a trick,” Kane said, curling his lips into a sly smile.

Camilla's eyes widened at his expression.

“You plan to use the Fire Rune, don’t you?”

“You’re quick to catch on.”

“Because the rain from the salt will disappear quickly due to Tegelo’s Wind Rune.”

“Tegelo will end up falling victim to their own weapon.”

Truthfully, Kane wasn’t worried about Tegelo.

He possessed the Breath of Blood, which was their weakness.

“The real problem is Hatzfeld.”

According to the story, the Red Dragon Legion would make a move soon.

They were Dirk’s subordinates.

If the Red Spear Knights were his right hand, the Red Dragon Legion was his left.

The Red Dragon Battalion was currently made up of 150 battle mages.

Dirk had poured his heart into nurturing them.

Eventually, their numbers would grow to 500.

They were the ones who had bound Kane with the Chains of Fire in his past life.

The memory of his death flashed vividly in his mind.

“I’ll have to kill them all before they grow any stronger.”

Kane’s eyes glinted with deadly intent.

Camilla, who had been relaxing, flinched at the murderous look in his eyes.

“I’ll have to think about it gradually.”

As Kane began to move, Camilla snapped out of her thoughts and asked, “Wh-where are you going?”

“The preparations for war are only just beginning. I’ll be stepping outside the castle for a moment.”

Kane launched himself into the air.

In an instant, he disappeared.

Camilla exhaled the breath she had been holding.

“Phew… I can never let my guard down around the Young Master.”

She joined the soldiers in carrying the salt.


Kane headed straight to the Shadow Isles in the demon forest.

Normally, when you cleared a secret realm, the demonic energy would disappear.

However, the Shadow Isles were still surrounded by thick, powerful demonic energy.

[You have entered the hidden territory: ‘Shadow Isles.’]

As he entered the realm, a group of vampires appeared before him, despite it being broad daylight.

“You’ve arrived.”

They were surprisingly friendly.

Even a mid-boss came out to greet him in person.

“Looks like you've fallen in love with me.”

“It’s a power unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

“How does it feel to walk in daylight?”

“It feels like I’ve become human.”

“So, you like it.”

Outside the castle stood Desdemona, waiting.

“You’re here?” she said.

She greeted Kane warmly. Her once pale face was now flushed with color, making her already captivating appearance even more striking. On top of that, her voice carried a magical allure. A normal human would have become a lifelong slave to such an enchanting tone. But it had no effect on Kane, as a far stronger Blood Rune protected him.

"Quite the lavish welcome," Kane remarked.

"If you'd let me know in advance, I would have prepared a grand party."

"Let's save the party for another place."



"Are you inviting us to your territory?"

"There's going to be bloodshed."

"Were you talking about a different kind of party...?" Desdemona looked disappointed.

She had hoped to enjoy a ball-like celebration with Kane, the human who had granted her a new life and earned the recognition of Lord Vladimir. But hearing it was a different type of party made her a little disheartened.

"We can enjoy a party after the war," Kane added.

Desdemona’s face lit up again.

"You need our strength?"

"If we want to end the war quickly, you'll have to step in."

"How much of our power can be unleashed?"

"The opponents aren’t strong enough to warrant full power."

"Then why can’t you handle it alone?"

"I want to minimize the damage to our allies."

"For someone with such a strong scent of blood, you’ve got a surprising amount of humanity."

"It's because I’m still saving my strength. My true goal lies elsewhere."

"Whoever holds a grudge against you must be in for a headache, having to face a monster like you."

"When the time comes, feel free to unleash your full power."

"I’m looking forward to it. Who’s our target this time?"

"The ones you need to deal with will have traces of demonic mana on them. Just take care of them and retreat."


Just as Kane was about to say something else, a voice interrupted.

"Kaaane, I’m bored. Why are you talking so much these days?" Blata stirred from his chest, rubbing his eyes.

He had just woken up.

Desdemona respectfully greeted him.

"It’s an honor to see the face of Lord Vladimir."

"Mmm, is this person half-human or what?"

"It’s thanks to Lord Vladimir."

"Enough with the praise," Blata replied, though he didn’t seem shy at all. Instead, he nudged Desdemona with his foot as if encouraging more compliments.

"Stay quiet for a bit, I’ve got questions to ask," Kane said, covering Blata's mouth.

"Mmph!" Blata flailed but Kane ignored him.

"Are there any mutant monsters around here that are obsessed with the Blood Rune like you all?"

"There are plenty of monsters that love the Blood Rune. You'll have to narrow it down a bit."

"It would be better if they were mindless—creatures focused solely on slaughter."

"There’s one species that fits. If you head northeast from here, you’ll find the 'Watchtower of Scouts.' That’s where the Blood Orcs reside."


Kane, having left the Shadow Isles, arrived at the Watchtower of Scouts.

The location was perfect—situated in the north, close to the northern gate of Rehinar.

"I didn't expect Blood Orcs to be here," Kane mused.

He knew almost all the hidden regions in this area, having cleared most of them already. Yet, he had never heard of Blood Orcs before.

Despite clearing the nearby areas, these creatures had never shown themselves. Why hadn’t they appeared before if they were mindless beasts driven only by slaughter?

"Is this because of a game patch or some butterfly effect?" Kane wondered.

It was the most logical explanation. Occasionally, unexpected elements would pop up—nothing major, but minor details seemed to have shifted from the information he knew. So far, it hadn’t affected him much.

In fact, the Blood Orcs could actually be helpful. He intended to use them against Tegelo.

"This must be the place," Kane thought as he spotted a barrier ahead.

It was another protective barrier set by Rehinar.

Deactivating it would be easy.

[Breath of the blood tiger has been activated.]

As soon as Kane touched the barrier, a system message appeared.

[Bloodline of the Blood Tiger confirmed.]

[The barrier has been partially deactivated.]

He didn’t fully deactivate it—just enough so that the creatures would emerge when Tegelo’s forces arrived.

Using the Blood Rune, he mixed in demonic energy.

"I’ll make sure the entire empire learns what happens when they threaten Rehinar."


Translator - Helga ]

[Proofreader - Lucky]

