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Ascension of the Divine Farmer (Web Novel) - Chapter 9: Whispers of War

Chapter 9: Whispers of War

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The sun cast long shadows over the riverbank as Wei Long stood by his growing crops, the faint glow of the Silverleaf Ginseng reflecting in the still waters. The satisfaction of the recent sale lingered in his mind, but a deeper sense of anticipation gnawed at him. The merchant’s deal had been a success, but Wei Long knew it was only a small step in a much larger journey.

He had begun expanding his farm, planting new varieties of herbs that could accelerate his cultivation and perhaps offer even more valuable products to sell. With each day, his connection to the land grew stronger, his spiritual energy flowing more freely through his body as the crops thrived under his care. The farm was becoming a reflection of his own cultivation—steady, disciplined, and full of potential.

But life in the town was not as calm as it appeared.

Rumors had begun to circulate among the townsfolk, whispers of unrest in the nearby regions. Bandits had been spotted on the roads, and caravans carrying goods from the capital had been attacked. Worse still, there were rumors of demonic beasts roaming the forests to the east, their sudden appearance disrupting the peace that had long held sway over the region.

Wei Long had overheard these conversations during his trips to the market, the concerned voices of merchants and townsfolk filling the air as they exchanged news of distant skirmishes. While he had yet to encounter any trouble personally, he knew that the peace of the town was fragile. War, or something like it, seemed to be on the horizon.

One evening, after a particularly long day of tending to his crops, Wei Long decided to visit the mayor’s estate. Mayor Yuan had been a helpful ally when he first arrived, and if anyone knew the truth behind the rumors, it would be him.

As Wei Long approached the estate, he noticed an unusual number of guards posted around the perimeter. Their faces were tense, their hands resting uneasily on the hilts of their swords. Something was clearly wrong.

Wei Long was led into the mayor’s study, where Mayor Yuan sat behind a large oak desk, his brow furrowed in thought. The usual warmth in his eyes was gone, replaced by a cold, calculating gaze that sent a chill down Wei Long’s spine.

“Mayor Yuan,” Wei Long greeted him with a respectful bow, “I’ve come to ask about the recent rumors. Is it true that bandits and demonic beasts have been sighted near the town?”

Mayor Yuan sighed heavily, his fingers drumming on the desk as he gestured for Wei Long to sit. “I’m afraid the rumors are not without truth,” the mayor said, his voice tired. “There have been reports from the eastern roads—caravans attacked, travelers gone missing. But the bandits are only part of the problem.”

Wei Long frowned. “What do you mean?”

The mayor leaned forward, his voice lowering. “There’s been talk of war brewing between some of the larger sects to the east. It started with small skirmishes, disputes over territory and resources, but it’s escalating. If it continues, the conflict could spread to our region.”

“War?” Wei Long’s heart sank. He had heard of sect conflicts before—fights over spiritual resources, territories rich in cultivation materials, and ancient artifacts. But he hadn’t expected the war to reach this far.

Mayor Yuan nodded grimly. “Yes. And the demonic beasts… they’re no coincidence. They’re drawn to the chaos, feeding off the spiritual energy released in battle. The more unrest there is, the more likely they are to appear. That’s why I’ve increased the guard around the town.”

Wei Long’s mind raced. The implications of a war between sects were staggering. Not only would it disrupt the delicate balance of power in the region, but it would also bring danger to anyone caught in the crossfire. For a small town like this one, it could mean devastation.

“What can I do to help?” Wei Long asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him.

Mayor Yuan looked at him, a flicker of appreciation crossing his face. “You’ve already proven yourself capable, Wei Long. But this is no small matter. I need someone I can trust to scout the eastern forest, to see if these rumors of demonic beasts are true. If they are, we need to know what we’re dealing with.”

Wei Long hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “I’ll do it.”


The eastern forest was dense, the trees towering high above, their branches forming a thick canopy that blocked out much of the fading daylight. Wei Long moved silently through the underbrush, his senses alert for any sign of danger. The deeper he ventured, the more the air seemed to grow heavy with an unnatural presence, as if the forest itself was watching him.

The demonic beasts were creatures of darkness, drawn to areas where spiritual energy was in flux. They were powerful, unpredictable, and notoriously difficult to defeat. If they truly had been sighted near the town, it meant that something far worse than bandits was coming.

As Wei Long pushed further into the forest, he began to notice signs of disturbance—broken branches, deep claw marks in the trees, and patches of ground that had been torn up as if by some great force. His heart quickened. Something was here, something powerful.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down his spine. Wei Long stopped in his tracks, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword. The growl grew louder, closer, and then, from the shadows, a massive figure emerged.

It was a demonic beast, its body covered in thick, black fur, its eyes glowing with a fierce red light. It stood on four legs, each one ending in sharp, wicked claws that dug into the earth as it stalked toward him. Its mouth hung open, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that dripped with saliva.

Wei Long’s heart pounded in his chest, but he forced himself to remain calm. He had fought beasts before, but nothing like this. He could feel the dark energy radiating from the creature, a twisted, corrupted version of the spiritual energy he used in his own cultivation.

The beast lunged.

Wei Long sidestepped the attack, drawing his sword in one smooth motion. The blade glinted in the dim light as he swung it toward the creature’s flank, aiming for a weak spot between its ribs. The sword connected, but the beast’s hide was tougher than he expected, and the blow barely seemed to faze it.

The demonic beast roared in fury, spinning around to swipe at Wei Long with one massive paw. He barely managed to duck in time, the claws grazing the top of his head as he rolled to the side, coming back up into a defensive stance.

This wasn’t going to be an easy fight.

Drawing on his spiritual energy, Wei Long centered himself, focusing on the flow of power through his body. He could feel the connection to the crops he had grown, the energy of the land coursing through him. With a deep breath, he channeled that energy into his blade, infusing it with a faint glow.

The demonic beast lunged again, and this time, Wei Long was ready.

He met the creature’s attack head-on, his sword slashing through the air in a blur of light. The blade struck true, cutting deep into the beast’s side. It howled in pain, its dark energy pulsing wildly as it stumbled back.

But it wasn’t done yet.

With a final, desperate roar, the beast charged at Wei Long, its eyes burning with fury. Wei Long held his ground, waiting until the last possible moment before sidestepping and delivering a powerful strike to the creature’s neck. The blade cut through with a sickening crunch, and the demonic beast collapsed to the ground, its body twitching before going still.

Wei Long stood over the fallen beast, breathing heavily as the adrenaline coursed through his veins. He had done it. The demonic beast was dead.

But as he looked down at the creature’s lifeless form, Wei Long knew this was only the beginning. The presence of a demonic beast this close to the town meant that the situation was far more dangerous than anyone had realized.

The rumors of war were true. And the chaos that followed would be unlike anything the town had ever faced.

As Wei Long made his way back to the town, his mind was already racing with plans. He needed to prepare, to cultivate his strength even further. The battles to come would require more than just skill with a sword—they would require cunning, strategy, and above all, power.

And Wei Long was determined to be ready.

