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Ascension of the Divine Farmer (Web Novel) - Chapter 16: A Meeting of Shadows

Chapter 16: A Meeting of Shadows

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The night before his meeting with the Jade Serpent Sect elder, Wei Long stood on the outskirts of town, his gaze fixed on the distant mountains. The stars above were hidden behind thick clouds, and a cold wind swept across the land. The memory of Qian Zhao’s parting words lingered in his mind: “Power is a dangerous thing. It has a way of consuming those who think they can control it.”

He had seen the truth in that statement. The ancient power he had tapped into during the battle with the Demon Lord was not something to be used lightly. It was unpredictable and came with a heavy price. Yet, Wei Long knew he needed strength—strength not just to protect the town, but to face the growing darkness he had glimpsed.

The spiritual energy in the earth pulsed beneath him, faint but present, as though it was aware of the coming confrontation.


The next morning, Wei Long made his way to the Jade Serpent Sect’s temporary encampment. The sect had taken over an old mansion near the edge of the town, once the home of a noble family. Now, it was a symbol of the growing power struggle between the sect and the townspeople.

The gates creaked open as Wei Long approached, and two disciples stood aside to let him pass. The air inside the compound was tense. Wei Long could feel the eyes of the disciples on him as he walked through the courtyard. He wasn’t sure if it was fear or respect, but he could tell they were wary of him.

The elder awaited him in a grand hall, seated on a high platform. His expression was unreadable, but his sharp eyes gleamed with calculation. Beside him stood Qian Zhao, his ever-present smirk in place.

“Wei Long,” the elder said in a smooth, measured voice. “Thank you for accepting my invitation. I believe it’s time we discuss the future of this town—and your role in it.”

Wei Long bowed slightly, maintaining a cautious distance. “I came to hear what you have to say, elder. But I won’t agree to anything that puts this town under your control.”

The elder raised an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving Wei Long’s. “Control? You misunderstand. The Jade Serpent Sect does not seek control. We seek stability. This region is growing more dangerous by the day, and without proper leadership, your town will fall. Our sect is offering protection, resources, and knowledge. In return, we ask only for cooperation.”

Wei Long’s eyes narrowed. “Cooperation, or submission?”

The elder’s smile didn’t falter. “Cooperation, of course. But let us not play games, Wei Long. You have a strength within you that even my sect’s most powerful disciples cannot match. You’ve seen the dangers this region faces—the demonic beasts are only the beginning. There are darker forces at work, forces that even our sect cannot fully comprehend.”

Wei Long’s mind flashed back to the visions he had seen when he tapped into the earth’s energy. He knew the elder wasn’t lying about the threats that lay ahead, but he also knew the sect’s intentions weren’t entirely altruistic.

“I’ve seen those dangers,” Wei Long said, his voice firm. “But I don’t believe putting this town under your control is the solution. The people here need to grow stronger on their own terms, not as pawns of the Jade Serpent Sect.”

The elder leaned back in his chair, his eyes studying Wei Long carefully. “You have great potential, Wei Long. With the proper guidance, you could rise to heights beyond your imagination. Our sect could help you refine your cultivation, master the power you’ve tapped into.”

Wei Long shook his head. “I’ve seen what your ‘guidance’ looks like. You offer strength, but at a cost. You take more than you give.”

A flicker of irritation crossed the elder’s face, but it was quickly replaced by a calm smile. “You’re mistaken. The Jade Serpent Sect’s only interest is in preserving balance. The world is filled with chaos, and without order, everything will fall apart. We can help maintain that balance.”

Wei Long crossed his arms. “Balance through control.”

The elder’s smile faded. “Control is necessary when chaos threatens to consume everything. The question is, Wei Long, will you stand with us to preserve that balance, or will you continue down this path of isolation? The power you wield is dangerous. Without proper training, it will consume you.”

Qian Zhao, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. “You’ve felt it, haven’t you? The ancient power beneath this land. You can’t control it forever. Sooner or later, it will take control of you.”

Wei Long’s fists clenched at his sides. He knew they were right about one thing—his power was dangerous. But he also knew that trusting the Jade Serpent Sect would mean surrendering more than just his strength. It would mean giving up the independence of the town and becoming a tool for the sect’s ambitions.

“I’ll find a way to control it on my own,” Wei Long said, his voice steady. “This town doesn’t need your kind of order. We’ll forge our own path.”

The elder’s eyes hardened. “A noble sentiment, but foolish. You may be strong, Wei Long, but strength alone won’t be enough. The forces we’re up against are beyond anything you’ve faced. If you choose to defy us, you’ll be standing alone when the real storm arrives.”

Wei Long took a step forward, his gaze unwavering. “I’m not alone. This town stands with me.”

For a moment, the hall was silent. The elder’s face remained calm, but Wei Long could sense the growing tension in the room. Finally, the elder spoke, his tone cold. “Very well. If that is your decision, we will not force your hand. But know this, Wei Long: when the time comes, and the darkness closes in, you will find that standing alone is far more dangerous than you realize.”

With that, the meeting was over. Wei Long turned and walked out of the hall, feeling the weight of the elder’s warning settle over him. The Jade Serpent Sect wasn’t going to back down easily. The elder’s words were a thinly veiled threat—if the town didn’t submit willingly, the sect would make sure they had no other choice.


Back in town, Wei Long gathered with Li Cheng and a few other trusted leaders. He explained the meeting, the thinly veiled ultimatum, and the sect’s growing pressure.

“We knew this was coming,” Li Cheng said gravely. “The sect isn’t going to just leave us alone.”

“They’ll make their move soon,” Wei Long agreed. “We need to be ready. The town is stronger than it was, but we’re not prepared for a direct confrontation with the Jade Serpent Sect.”

Li Cheng nodded. “We’ve been building our strength, but we’re still no match for their full force. What do we do?”

Wei Long looked out over the town. The people here were starting to rely less on the sect’s resources, but that independence came at a cost. If the sect turned hostile, there was no telling how far they would go.

“We need more time,” Wei Long said. “Time to train, to cultivate, and to prepare. I don’t want a war with the Jade Serpent Sect, but if they force our hand, we need to be ready.”

Li Cheng sighed. “You think they’ll attack us?”

Wei Long’s gaze hardened. “If we don’t submit, yes. But we won’t be alone. There are others in this region who don’t want the sect’s influence spreading. I’ll reach out to them.”

Li Cheng frowned. “Allies?”

Wei Long nodded. “Allies. And with their help, we’ll hold the town against whatever comes.”

The seeds of rebellion had been planted. Now, it was time to see how they would grow.

