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Ascension of the Divine Farmer (Web Novel) - Chapter 20: Into the Depths

Chapter 20: Into the Depths

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The early morning air was crisp as Wei Long led his small group into the mountains. The narrow path they followed wound through dense forests and over steep ridges, the terrain becoming increasingly treacherous with each step. Lei Feng, moving with quiet confidence, led the way, his knowledge of the mountains invaluable as they ventured deeper into the wilderness.

Behind them, Lin Mei moved with her usual grace, her sharp eyes constantly scanning their surroundings. Wei Long had chosen her for this mission not only for her combat prowess but for her ability to sense danger long before it became visible. The other warriors followed close behind, their faces a mixture of determination and anxiety. They knew the risks of this journey, but they also understood its potential rewards.

As they ascended higher, the forest began to thin out, replaced by jagged rocks and cliffs. The wind howled through the mountains, and the sun barely penetrated the thick clouds overhead, casting everything in a dim, gray light.

“We should be approaching the first marker soon,” Lei Feng said, his voice low but steady. “It’s an old inscription carved into the rock, a sign left behind by the sect that once controlled these mountains.”

Wei Long nodded, keeping his focus on the path ahead. He could feel the spiritual energy in the air becoming denser the higher they climbed. It was faint, but unmistakable—an aura of power that had lingered in these mountains for centuries.

After another hour of climbing, Lei Feng stopped abruptly. He knelt by a large, moss-covered boulder and brushed away the dirt and vegetation to reveal an intricate carving—a symbol etched into the stone. It was faded with age but still recognizable as a mark of an ancient sect.

“This is it,” Lei Feng said, standing and stepping back. “We’re on the right path. Beyond here, the terrain becomes even more dangerous. The sect left traps and barriers to keep intruders out, and time hasn’t made them any less deadly.”

Wei Long studied the symbol for a moment before turning to his group. “Stay sharp. We don’t know what we’re walking into, but it’s likely that the closer we get, the more dangerous it’ll become.”

The warriors nodded, gripping their weapons more tightly. They all knew the risks, but Wei Long could see the determination in their eyes. They were committed, just as he was.


The path grew steeper as they continued, the air thin and cold. As they moved deeper into the mountains, Wei Long felt the spiritual pressure increase. It was subtle at first, but soon it became a constant, oppressive force that weighed on his body. He could see it affecting the others as well, though they pressed on without complaint.

After several more hours of grueling travel, they reached a narrow ledge overlooking a deep gorge. Lei Feng paused, scanning the area carefully before pointing to a cluster of rocks on the opposite side of the gorge.

“There,” he said. “That’s the entrance. It’s hidden by the rock formations, but it’s the only way into the site.”

Wei Long squinted, trying to make out the details. The entrance was well concealed, blending almost perfectly into the surrounding stone. It was no wonder no one had been able to find the site in centuries.

As they prepared to cross the gorge, the wind picked up, howling through the narrow pass. Wei Long took a deep breath, steadying himself before leading the group across the precarious ledge. The path was narrow, barely wide enough for one person at a time, and the drop below was dizzying.

Halfway across, Lin Mei suddenly froze, her hand shooting up in a silent warning. Wei Long stopped immediately, his senses sharpening. He could feel it too—an ominous presence, like a predator lurking just out of sight.

Without warning, a surge of spiritual energy erupted from the rocks ahead, and a massive creature leaped out, its body a blur of dark fur and jagged claws. It was a beast, twisted by years of exposure to the spiritual energy in the mountains, its eyes glowing with malevolent intelligence.

“Watch out!” Wei Long shouted, drawing his sword just in time to block the creature’s swipe.

The force of the blow nearly knocked him off the ledge, but he managed to steady himself, planting his feet firmly on the ground. Lin Mei was already moving, her twin daggers flashing as she darted in to strike at the beast’s flanks.

The creature roared, its massive form moving with surprising speed as it swiped at Lin Mei. She dodged gracefully, her movements fluid as water, but the creature’s strength was overwhelming. It lunged at her, and she barely avoided its claws, rolling to the side and slashing at its hind leg.

The other warriors joined the fray, their weapons flashing as they surrounded the beast. But even with their combined efforts, the creature was relentless, its thick hide deflecting most of their attacks.

“This thing’s no ordinary beast,” Lin Mei called out, her voice strained as she dodged another strike. “It’s been absorbing the spiritual energy from this place for years!”

Wei Long gritted his teeth, focusing his energy into his blade. He knew they couldn’t afford to waste time. If they lingered here too long, they risked drawing even more attention from whatever other dangers lurked in these mountains.

“Focus on its legs!” Wei Long shouted, directing the others. “We need to bring it down!”

The group moved in unison, their strikes coordinated as they targeted the creature’s legs. Lin Mei slashed at its knees, her blades finding purchase in the soft joints, while the others hacked at its hind legs. Slowly, the beast began to falter, its movements becoming sluggish as blood flowed from its wounds.

Seizing the opportunity, Wei Long leaped forward, his sword glowing with spiritual energy as he delivered a decisive blow to the creature’s neck. The blade sliced clean through, and the beast collapsed with a final, deafening roar.

The warriors stood panting, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt. Wei Long wiped his brow, his heart still pounding from the intensity of the battle.

“Is everyone alright?” he asked, looking around at the group.

Lin Mei nodded, though her expression was grim. “We’re fine, but that was just one beast. If the site is guarded by more of these things…”

“We’ll have to be careful,” Wei Long said, sheathing his sword. “But we can’t turn back now. Whatever’s in that site, we need to find it.”

Lei Feng, who had remained calm throughout the battle, stepped forward. “We’re close now. The entrance is just ahead. But be on guard—there may be more traps waiting for us.”

Wei Long nodded, signaling for the group to move forward once more. As they crossed the final stretch of the ledge and approached the concealed entrance, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air.

They had come too far to turn back now. Whatever lay within the ancient site, it would soon be revealed.


The entrance to the ancient site was a narrow tunnel carved into the rock, barely wide enough for them to pass through in single file. As they stepped inside, the air grew colder, and the spiritual pressure intensified, pressing down on them like a physical weight.

Torches flickered in the darkness as they made their way deeper into the mountain. The walls of the tunnel were lined with ancient symbols, glowing faintly with spiritual energy. It was clear that this place had been abandoned for centuries, yet the power that lingered here was still palpable.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tunnel opened into a vast chamber. At the center of the room stood a massive stone altar, its surface covered in intricate carvings. On the altar lay a single object—a crystalline orb, glowing with a soft, ethereal light.

Wei Long’s breath caught in his throat as he approached the altar, his heart pounding with anticipation. This was it. The source of the power they had sought.

But as he reached for the orb, a sudden chill ran down his spine. Something was wrong.

“Wait!” Lin Mei called out, her voice sharp with warning. “Don’t touch it!”

Before Wei Long could react, the chamber shook violently, and a deep, rumbling voice echoed through the air.

“You dare disturb the slumber of the ancients?”

The ground beneath their feet trembled, and from the shadows, figures began to emerge—spirits of long-dead cultivators, their forms flickering with ghostly light.

The guardians of the ancient site had awoken.


Wei Long gripped his sword tightly, his eyes narrowing as the spirits advanced. The true test of their journey had only just begun.

