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Ascension of the Divine Farmer (Web Novel) - Chapter 22: Unleashing the Storm

Chapter 22: Unleashing the Storm

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The descent from the mountains was just as treacherous as the climb. The wind howled through the peaks, and the jagged rocks seemed to reach out, threatening to pull them into the abyss. Wei Long led the group down, the orb still radiating with a faint glow in his pack, its weight a constant reminder of the power he had claimed—and the burden it placed on him.

Lin Mei kept pace beside him, her eyes scanning their surroundings. Though they had fought and defeated the creature that guarded the entrance, the mountain range was vast, and there were surely other threats lurking in the shadows.

As they moved through the narrow mountain path, Lei Feng, ever vigilant, broke the silence. “We should prepare for an ambush. The Jade Serpent Sect must have scouts keeping an eye on this region. If they realize what we’ve acquired, they won’t hesitate to strike.”

Wei Long nodded, his mind already calculating their next moves. “We’ll need to move quickly. If they’ve caught wind of our mission, we could face an attack at any moment.”

As if on cue, the sound of distant footsteps echoed through the valley below. Wei Long raised his hand, signaling the group to stop. Everyone fell silent, the tension thick in the cold air. From the corner of his eye, he saw Lin Mei’s hand twitch towards her daggers, her body coiled like a spring, ready to strike.

A low rumble followed the footsteps—a sound that sent a shiver down Wei Long’s spine. These weren’t ordinary scouts.

“They’re coming,” Lei Feng whispered, his voice grim. “And they brought something with them.”


The warriors formed a tight circle, their weapons drawn. The mist swirling around the cliffs seemed to grow thicker, making it harder to see. Every shadow became a potential threat, every gust of wind a warning.

Suddenly, the ground trembled. From the fog, massive figures began to emerge—hulking forms draped in dark cloaks, their faces hidden beneath masks. These were not mere soldiers of the Jade Serpent Sect. They were war beasts, creatures enhanced by dark cultivation, their bodies twisted and monstrous.

Leading them was a man cloaked in black, his face obscured by a silver mask. His aura was oppressive, the dark energy surrounding him palpable even at a distance.

Wei Long’s heart raced. This was no ordinary foe.

“Stay sharp!” he barked, tightening his grip on his sword.

The masked man stepped forward, his voice like cold steel. “I see you’ve retrieved something valuable. Hand it over, and perhaps I’ll let you leave here with your lives.”

Wei Long met his gaze, unflinching. “We’re not giving you anything.”

The man tilted his head slightly, as if amused. “So be it.”

Without warning, the war beasts charged. Their enormous bodies moved with unnatural speed, claws digging into the rocky ground as they barreled towards the group. Wei Long barely had time to shout a command before the first beast was upon them, its massive claw slashing towards him.

He sidestepped, driving his sword into the creature’s side. The beast roared in pain, but it wasn’t enough to stop its momentum. It swung again, and this time Wei Long was forced to throw himself to the ground to avoid being crushed.

Lin Mei leapt into the fray, her daggers flashing in quick, precise strikes. She danced around the second beast, avoiding its attacks with an almost effortless grace. With a swift slash, she severed one of its tendons, causing the massive creature to stumble.

Lei Feng and the others fought fiercely, but the beasts were relentless. For every wound they inflicted, the creatures seemed to grow angrier, their roars shaking the very earth beneath them.

The masked man stood back, watching the battle unfold with cold detachment.

Wei Long gritted his teeth, pushing himself to his feet. He knew they couldn’t win this fight by sheer force. These beasts were too strong, and the dark cultivator was waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

He glanced at Lin Mei, who met his gaze with a sharp nod. She understood. This wasn’t a fight they could win head-on.

“Fall back!” Wei Long shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. “We can’t take them like this. Regroup!”

The group began to pull back, retreating up the slope, but the beasts were relentless. One of them lunged towards Wei Long, and he barely had time to react. As it closed in, his hand instinctively went to the orb in his pack. The power within it pulsed, almost as if it were responding to his need.

Without thinking, he drew on the energy of the orb, letting it flow through him. In an instant, the world around him seemed to slow. His movements became sharper, his senses heightened. He could feel the spiritual energy of the land beneath him, the pulse of life and power coursing through the earth.

The war beast reared back to strike, but this time Wei Long was ready. With a swift, powerful slash, his sword cleaved through the creature’s hide, the enhanced strength of the orb’s power flowing into the blade. The beast let out a pained roar, collapsing to the ground in a heap.

The others saw the shift, their eyes widening as they realized what had just happened. Lin Mei flashed him a quick grin before darting in to finish off another war beast with her daggers.

The masked man’s cold demeanor faltered for the first time. He stepped forward, his dark aura flaring around him like a storm. “So, you’ve decided to use it. Let’s see how far that power takes you.”

He moved with blinding speed, his sword flashing as he closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Wei Long barely managed to block the strike, the force of the blow sending a shockwave through his arms.

The dark cultivator pressed forward, his strikes relentless. Wei Long’s enhanced senses allowed him to keep up, but just barely. The man’s strength was overwhelming, and Wei Long could feel the strain of maintaining the orb’s power with every strike.

“You’re not the first to wield such power,” the man sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. “But all who have tried before you were consumed by it. What makes you think you’ll be any different?”

Wei Long didn’t respond. He couldn’t afford to waste energy on words. His mind raced, searching for an opening. The man was strong, but there was something off about his movements. It was as if he was holding back, testing Wei Long’s limits.

In a split second, Wei Long saw his chance. As the dark cultivator raised his sword for another strike, Wei Long shifted his stance, dodging to the side and driving his sword forward. The blade grazed the man’s side, and for a brief moment, his aura flickered.

The man staggered back, his eyes narrowing behind the mask. “Impressive. But you’ve only scratched the surface.”

With a flick of his wrist, the man unleashed a wave of dark energy, sending Wei Long and the others sprawling back. The ground trembled as the energy tore through the mountain, leaving a deep scar in the earth.

Wei Long struggled to his feet, panting. The orb’s power was incredible, but it was draining him fast. He could feel its pull, the temptation to draw more from it, to push beyond his limits. But he knew the risks. The orb’s power was a double-edged sword, and if he wasn’t careful, it could consume him.

The dark cultivator was preparing for another strike, his aura crackling with malevolent energy. Wei Long knew they couldn’t hold out much longer. They needed to find a way to end this—quickly.

As he braced himself for the next attack, a sudden burst of light flared from behind him. He turned just in time to see Lin Mei, her daggers glowing with spiritual energy, launching herself at the dark cultivator. She moved with blinding speed, her strikes precise and unrelenting.

The man deflected her attacks, but his movements were slower now, more labored. He was tiring, and Lin Mei was exploiting every weakness she could find.

“Now!” she shouted, her voice cutting through the roar of battle.

Wei Long didn’t hesitate. He surged forward, drawing on the last reserves of his strength. With a powerful swing of his sword, he aimed for the masked man’s exposed side. The blade connected, and this time, the dark cultivator let out a sharp cry of pain.

He staggered back, clutching his wound. His aura flickered, and for the first time, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

“You... will regret this,” he hissed, his voice filled with venom. But before he could retaliate, he vanished into the shadows, his form dissolving into the mist.

The remaining war beasts, sensing their master’s retreat, let out low growls before retreating into the darkness as well.

Wei Long collapsed to his knees, the weight of exhaustion crashing down on him. The power of the orb still pulsed within him, but he could feel its pull weakening as the immediate danger passed.

Lin Mei knelt beside him, her expression a mixture of relief and concern. “We did it. We drove him off.”

Wei Long nodded weakly, his body trembling from the strain. “For now. But he’ll be back. And next time, he won’t be holding back.”

Lin Mei helped him to his feet, her gaze hardening. “We’ll be ready. Together.”

As the group regrouped, the sun began to break through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the mountains. They had survived this battle, but the war was far from over.

And Wei Long knew that the true test of their strength was still to come.

