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Ascension of the Divine Farmer (Web Novel) - Chapter 25: Rising Storm

Chapter 25: Rising Storm

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The days passed with a steady, uneasy rhythm. As Wei Long and his group pushed deeper into the Jade Serpent Sect’s territory, the weight of betrayal loomed like a dark cloud, ever present but just out of reach. Every interaction between Lei Feng and Gao Ren was now scrutinized. Yet neither made a misstep, neither offered a clue that might expose their true intentions.

The silence of it all was driving Wei Long mad.

The orb pulsed with dark energy more frequently now, like a constant whisper in his mind, urging him to act, to take matters into his own hands. His grip on the orb tightened as he remembered the night he followed Lei Feng—his near defeat, the sword at his throat. He had survived, but barely. And now the traitors walked freely beside him, unchallenged.

“They will strike soon,” Wei Long thought, his instincts sharper than ever. He could feel the rising tension like a storm building on the horizon, one that would eventually break and drown them all in blood.


On the fifth day, they reached the outermost territory of the Jade Serpent Sect. The air was heavy with humidity, and the forest had grown denser, the trees larger, their canopies intertwining to form a natural ceiling that blocked out much of the sunlight. Here, every sound seemed amplified—the crunch of leaves underfoot, the creaking of old branches in the wind, and the occasional distant roar of beasts unknown.

“We should be careful,” Lin Mei said as they approached a wide ravine. The cliffs on either side were steep and jagged, making it an ideal place for an ambush. “If they know we’re coming, they’ll choose spots like this to strike.”

Lei Feng, who had taken the lead, glanced back, his expression calm. “We’ll cross quickly. Keep your weapons ready, but don’t show fear. If they sense hesitation, they’ll attack.”

Wei Long’s eyes narrowed. The way Lei Feng commanded the group felt wrong now. The man who had fought by his side for so long was no longer an ally—he was a predator, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

And Wei Long wouldn’t give him that chance.

The group crossed the ravine without incident, but the oppressive feeling in the air only grew heavier. As they continued through the forest, Lin Mei’s brow furrowed, her instincts telling her something was off.

“Do you feel that?” she asked quietly as she fell into step beside Wei Long.

He nodded. “We’re being watched.”

The others sensed it too. Lei Feng’s eyes were scanning the trees, and Gao Ren’s hand rested on the hilt of his blade, ready to draw at a moment’s notice. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and each of them knew they were no longer alone.

Suddenly, a shrill whistle cut through the air.

“Ambush!” Lei Feng shouted, his sword flashing as he raised it to defend against the first wave of attackers. Figures emerged from the trees, dressed in the dark robes of the Jade Serpent Sect. They moved with eerie precision, like shadows given form, their swords and spears gleaming in the dim light of the forest.

Wei Long was already in motion, his sword cutting through the first wave of attackers with a practiced ease. Lin Mei stood at his side, her daggers dancing in the air as she deflected an incoming spear before sending it back into the throat of its owner.

But the Jade Serpent Sect’s forces were relentless, more disciplined than any they had faced before. For every enemy they cut down, two more seemed to take their place. The battle quickly turned into a brutal melee, with steel clashing against steel and the cries of the wounded filling the air.

Lei Feng fought with the same ferocity he always had, his blade cutting through their enemies like a whirlwind. Yet there was something different about him now. Wei Long noticed how Lei Feng seemed to hold back, how he avoided fighting too close to the group, as if keeping his distance, waiting for something.

Waiting for the moment to strike.


The fight raged on, and soon the clearing was filled with the bodies of the fallen. Wei Long could feel the exhaustion creeping into his limbs, but he pushed through it, the orb’s dark energy feeding him strength he didn’t know he had.

“Fall back!” Lin Mei shouted, noticing how their enemies were closing in from all sides. “We need to regroup!”

The group began to retreat, fighting off the advancing attackers as they moved toward a more defensible position. But as they reached the edge of the clearing, Wei Long saw it—Lei Feng and Gao Ren were no longer with them.

“They’ve split off!” Wei Long realized, his heart racing. His instincts screamed at him to follow, to find out what they were planning.

Without waiting for a signal, Wei Long broke from the group and darted into the trees, moving silently through the underbrush. He followed the faint sound of footsteps, his senses sharp, his focus unwavering.

After a few minutes, he found them.

Lei Feng and Gao Ren stood at the edge of a cliff, looking down into the valley below. There, nestled between the trees, was a large, fortified camp—the heart of the Jade Serpent Sect’s operations in this region.

“We’ll strike from the north,” Gao Ren was saying, his voice low but intense. “Their defenses are weakest there.”

Lei Feng nodded. “Once the camp falls, the sect will be in disarray. That’s when we make our move. The others won’t see it coming.”

Wei Long’s blood ran cold. They weren’t just planning to betray him—they were planning to betray the entire group, to leave them vulnerable in the midst of battle so they could seize power for themselves.

He stepped forward, his sword drawn. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Lei Feng and Gao Ren turned, their expressions unreadable. For a moment, there was silence, the tension between them palpable.

“Wei Long,” Lei Feng said, his voice calm, almost amused. “I was wondering when you’d figure it out.”

Gao Ren drew his blade, his eyes cold. “You’ve made a mistake coming here alone.”

“Did I?” Wei Long’s grip tightened on his sword. “You won’t leave this forest alive.”

Lei Feng’s smile faded, and for the first time, there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. He knew Wei Long wasn’t the same warrior he had been just a few days ago. The orb’s power had changed him, made him stronger, more dangerous.

“We don’t have to do this,” Lei Feng said, his voice smooth, almost coaxing. “You’re strong, Wei Long. Stronger than you know. Join us. Together, we could take control of the sect—reshape it into something more than what it is now.”

Wei Long’s eyes burned with anger. “You’re a coward, Lei Feng. Hiding behind lies, betraying your own people. I’d rather die than stand with someone like you.”

Lei Feng’s expression hardened. “So be it.”

The two clashed with a fury that shook the ground beneath their feet. Their swords moved in a blur, each strike filled with lethal intent. Gao Ren circled around, waiting for an opening, but Wei Long was ready for him. He moved with a speed and precision that defied belief, his blade finding gaps in their defenses with ease.

The orb pulsed with dark energy, and Wei Long could feel its power surging through him, guiding his movements, amplifying his strength. But with every strike, he felt the darkness growing, wrapping itself around his mind like a vice.

Lei Feng was strong, but Wei Long was stronger. With a swift, calculated strike, Wei Long disarmed him, sending his sword flying into the dirt. For a moment, Lei Feng stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock.

“You were never going to win,” Wei Long said, his voice cold.

Lei Feng’s mouth opened to speak, but before he could utter a word, Wei Long drove his sword through his chest. Lei Feng’s body crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Gao Ren’s eyes widened in horror, and he turned to flee, but Wei Long was faster. In a blur of movement, he caught Gao Ren by the throat, lifting him off the ground with ease.

“Tell me why,” Wei Long demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Gao Ren struggled, his hands clawing at Wei Long’s arm, but it was no use. “We… we just wanted power…”

Wei Long’s grip tightened, and with a sickening crack, he ended Gao Ren’s life.

He stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, the forest silent around him. The battle was over, but the darkness within him had only grown stronger.

