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Naruto: New Adventures (Web Novel) - Chapter 39 Lost in Reality: Through the Rift

Chapter 39 Lost in Reality: Through the Rift

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Naruto felt the familiar sensation of being pulled through space and time as he stepped into the portal. The swirling energy enveloped him, warping his vision and tugging at every fiber of his being. It was disorienting, but Naruto held his resolve. He had experienced dimensional travel before—this wasn’t his first time crossing the boundaries between worlds.

But something felt different this time. The portal wasn’t stable, and instead of the smooth transition he had felt in the past, the energy around him crackled and surged erratically. His heart pounded as the sensation of falling intensified, pulling him deeper and deeper into the unknown.

Then, everything went black.


When Naruto finally opened his eyes, he was lying on the ground, his body aching from the journey. He pushed himself up, blinking against the harsh sunlight that filtered through the leaves of the tall trees surrounding him. He wasn’t in the city anymore. The air smelled fresher, the ground beneath him soft with grass and soil. It was a forest, but not one he recognized.

He stood up slowly, taking in his surroundings. The trees were unlike anything he had seen before—tall and ancient, with bark that shimmered in the sunlight and leaves that glowed faintly with an otherworldly light. It was peaceful, almost serene, but Naruto couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

“Where am I?” he muttered to himself, his hand instinctively moving to his stomach, feeling for Kurama’s presence. The fox’s chakra was still there, a comforting warmth inside him, but Naruto knew they weren’t home yet.

As he took a step forward, he heard a rustling sound from the bushes nearby. Naruto tensed, his senses sharpening. His hand reached for a kunai that wasn’t there, a stark reminder that he had left most of his gear behind when he entered the modern world. He cursed under his breath, preparing for whatever was about to emerge.

From the underbrush, a figure appeared—a young woman with long, flowing hair and strange, glowing eyes. She wore a robe that looked ancient, woven with intricate patterns and symbols that seemed to pulse with energy. In her hand, she held a staff, topped with a crystal that shimmered in the light.

Naruto blinked in surprise. She didn’t look hostile, but he knew better than to let his guard down.

“Who are you?” Naruto asked, his voice steady, but with a hint of curiosity. “Where am I?”

The woman regarded him with calm, unreadable eyes. “You are in the Forest of the Ancients, a place that exists between worlds. Few find their way here, and even fewer leave.”

Naruto frowned. “The Forest of the Ancients? Is this some kind of limbo?”

The woman didn’t answer right away. Instead, she stepped closer, her eyes studying him with an intensity that made Naruto uncomfortable. “You are not of this world, are you? I can sense a foreign power within you. It is unlike anything I’ve encountered before.”

Naruto scratched the back of his head, feeling a little awkward. “Yeah, well… I’m not exactly from here. I’m trying to get back to my own world. There was this portal, and—” He stopped, realizing how crazy it sounded.

The woman nodded slowly, as if understanding more than he had expected. “The portals between worlds are dangerous, unstable. You are lucky to have survived the journey.”

Naruto sighed. “Tell me about it. I’ve been jumping between dimensions for what feels like forever. I just want to go home.”

The woman’s expression softened, and she gestured for him to follow. “Come with me. There may be a way for you to return, but it will not be easy.”


As Naruto followed the mysterious woman deeper into the forest, she began to explain the nature of the place. The Forest of the Ancients, she told him, was a realm that connected multiple dimensions—a crossroads between worlds. It had existed for eons, long before humans had learned to manipulate chakra or technology. The beings who once inhabited it had left behind remnants of their power, creating a place where time and space warped unpredictably.

Naruto listened carefully, his mind racing with possibilities. “So, if this place connects to different worlds, that means there’s a way out, right?”

The woman nodded. “Yes, but the way is not straightforward. The portals that appear here are unstable and unpredictable. They open and close at random, leading to unknown destinations. Some lead to other worlds like yours, while others lead to places far more dangerous.”

Naruto’s brow furrowed. “I don’t care how dangerous it is. I have to find a way back.”

The woman stopped in front of a massive stone structure, half-hidden by vines and moss. It was a ruin, ancient and weathered, but still imposing. At the center of the ruin was a large stone archway, crackling with faint, residual energy.

“This is one of the ancient gateways,” the woman said. “It hasn’t been active for centuries, but if you can harness the power within, it may open a portal to your world.”

Naruto stared at the archway, his heart racing with excitement and anxiety. “How do I activate it?”

The woman’s expression darkened. “The power you seek is not easily controlled. You will need to awaken the dormant energy within the forest, but doing so may attract… unwanted attention.”

Naruto raised an eyebrow. “Unwanted attention? From who?”

“There are beings in this forest—creatures of immense power, born from the very energy that sustains this place. They do not take kindly to intruders, and they will stop at nothing to prevent you from using the gateway.”

Naruto smirked. “Sounds like just another day for me.”

The woman gave him a long, serious look. “Do not underestimate them. These creatures are not like anything you’ve faced before. They are the guardians of this realm, and they exist to maintain balance between worlds. If you disturb that balance, they will come for you.”

Naruto’s grin faded. He had faced powerful enemies before—Kaguya, Madara, the Otsutsuki clan—but something about this place felt different. It was ancient, and the power here was unlike anything he had encountered.

Still, Naruto wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.


For the next few days, Naruto trained in the forest, regaining more control over his chakra. The woman, who introduced herself as Elysia, guided him through the process of attuning to the forest’s energy. It was unlike using his chakra; the energy of the forest was wild, chaotic, and unpredictable. But Naruto adapted quickly, drawing on his experience and determination.

Each night, Naruto could feel the presence of the guardians—the creatures Elysia had warned him about. They were watching, waiting, their power lingering at the edge of his senses like a storm on the horizon. But they hadn’t attacked yet.

On the fourth day, Naruto and Elysia returned to the ancient gateway. The air around it crackled with energy, and Naruto could feel the dormant power pulsing just beneath the surface.

“It’s time,” Elysia said quietly.

Naruto nodded, stepping forward. He closed his eyes and focused, reaching deep within himself for his chakra. He could feel Kurama’s power coursing through him, mixing with the wild energy of the forest. Slowly, he extended his hand toward the archway.

The moment his chakra touched the stone, the gateway roared to life. Energy surged through the air, swirling around the archway in a vortex of light and power. The ground trembled beneath Naruto’s feet, and the air grew thick with tension.

But as the gateway activated, a deafening roar echoed through the forest. Naruto’s eyes snapped open, his heart pounding as he saw shadows moving through the trees—massive, hulking forms with glowing eyes and twisted, ethereal bodies. The guardians had arrived.

“We have to move!” Elysia shouted, her voice urgent.

Naruto gritted his teeth, preparing himself for the fight ahead. “Go! I’ll hold them off!”

Elysia hesitated for a moment, then nodded and moved toward the gateway, her eyes filled with determination.

The guardians charged, their monstrous forms crashing through the trees with terrifying speed. Naruto summoned a Rasengan in each hand, his chakra flaring to life as he launched himself at the nearest creature. The Rasengan collided with the guardian’s body, but instead of disintegrating, it absorbed the energy, growing even larger and more menacing.

Naruto cursed under his breath. These things were tough—tougher than anything he had fought before.

But he wasn’t about to give up. He dodged the creature’s massive claw, flipping through the air and landing a powerful kick to its head. The guardian staggered back, but its eyes glowed brighter with rage.

“Damn it,” Naruto muttered. “These things don’t go down easy.”

As the battle raged on, Naruto realized he couldn’t defeat the guardians by brute force alone. They were too strong, too connected to the forest’s energy. He had to outsmart them.

Naruto leapt back, his mind racing. He needed a plan—and fast.

Suddenly, an idea hit him. The guardians were tied to the forest’s energy, just like the gateway. If he could disrupt that connection, he might be able to weaken them.

With renewed determination, Naruto focused on the gateway, channeling all of his chakra into the portal. The air crackled with energy as the vortex of light grew stronger, pulling at the guardians like a gravitational force.

The creatures roared in anger, their forms flickering as the energy around them destabilized. Naruto grinned.


With one final surge of power, Naruto pushed the portal to its limit. The energy exploded outward, engulfing the guardians in a blinding light. Their roars echoed through the forest as their forms disintegrated, consumed by the very power they had sought to protect.

Naruto staggered, breathing heavily as the light faded. The guardians were gone, but the gateway remained open, its swirling energy now stable and ready.

Elysia approached him, her expression a mixture of awe and relief. “You did it.”

Naruto smiled weakly. “Yeah. But I’ve got to go now.”

Elysia nodded. “The portal will take you where you need to go. Whether it’s your world or another, I cannot say. But I wish you luck, Naruto Uzumaki.”

Naruto stepped toward the portal, the swirling energy reflecting in his blue eyes. He had no idea what lay on the other side, but he was ready to face it—whatever it was.

With one final glance at Elysia and the forest, Naruto stepped into the portal, vanishing into the unknown once more.

