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Naruto: New Adventures (Web Novel) - Chapter 82 The Last Shadow: 5 A Dance with Shadows

Chapter 82 The Last Shadow: 5 A Dance with Shadows

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Kojiro’s heart raced as the masked shinobi locked eyes with him. In that split second, he knew he had been spotted. There was no time to think, no time to strategize. His body reacted on instinct, honed by years of training. He leapt from his hiding place, flipping through the air as a barrage of shuriken sliced through the space where he had been crouching.

He landed silently, immediately pressing himself into the shadows along the cave wall. The masked shinobi gave a sharp signal, and two others from the group sprang into action, rushing toward Kojiro’s position. He could hear their footsteps approaching, the scrape of steel on stone as they drew their weapons.

For a moment, he considered running—disappearing into the labyrinthine tunnels and regrouping with Katsuro. But something inside him refused to retreat. He had spent too long running. This was his fight now.

Kojiro’s hand tightened around the hilt of his kunai as he calculated his next move. He couldn't take them head-on; there were too many, and their coordination showed they were highly trained. He had to rely on his greatest strength—the shadows.

The dim light of the torches cast deep, flickering shadows along the cave walls. Kojiro slipped into them, becoming one with the darkness, just as his clan had once taught him. He moved silently, using the uneven terrain and the play of light and shadow to his advantage.

The first shinobi approached the spot where Kojiro had been hiding, his eyes scanning the darkness. His partner wasn’t far behind, moving in tandem, searching for any sign of movement. But Kojiro had already moved deeper into the shadows, his body pressed flat against the cave wall.

The moment they passed, he struck.

In a blur of motion, Kojiro lashed out with his kunai, the blade slicing through the first shinobi’s throat before he even had time to react. The second shinobi spun around, but Kojiro was faster. He flipped over the enemy’s head, landing behind him, and drove his kunai into the back of his neck.

Both shinobi crumpled to the ground without a sound.

Kojiro exhaled slowly, steadying his breath. Two down. But he knew it was only a matter of time before the others realized something was wrong.

He couldn’t risk staying here. With one last glance at the stone table in the center of the chamber, Kojiro turned and melted back into the shadows, making his way toward the tunnel where he had parted from Katsuro.

As he moved through the narrow passageways, his mind raced. The group they had found was clearly more organized and powerful than he had anticipated. If this was just one of their outposts, what were they planning at the larger scale?

Kojiro was so focused on his thoughts that he almost didn’t hear the soft, almost imperceptible sound of footsteps behind him.

He spun around, kunai raised, just in time to see a figure emerge from the shadows. But it wasn’t an enemy—it was Katsuro.

Kojiro lowered his weapon, letting out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “You almost got yourself killed.”

Katsuro gave him a quick grin, though his eyes were hard with focus. “Same to you. What did you find?”

“A command center,” Kojiro replied, his voice low. “They’re planning something big. I couldn’t see all the details, but they’re using the caves to coordinate their next move.”

Katsuro’s expression darkened. “Did they spot you?”

Kojiro hesitated. “One of them did. But I took care of it.”

Katsuro nodded, his mind already working through the implications. “That means they’ll be on high alert now. We need to get out of here before they send reinforcements.”

Kojiro agreed, but a nagging thought pulled at him. “They were looking at maps—detailed ones. Whatever they’re planning, it’s not just a raid. It’s something bigger. We need to find out what it is.”

Katsuro’s gaze sharpened. “Did you see where they were keeping the maps?”

Kojiro gestured back toward the main chamber. “On the table, near the center. But the place is crawling with their shinobi. If we go back in there, we’ll be walking into a trap.”

Katsuro considered this for a moment, then his lips curled into a thin smile. “Then we won’t walk in. We’ll slip in.”

Kojiro raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. “What’s the plan?”

“We create a diversion,” Katsuro explained. “Something loud enough to draw their attention, but subtle enough that they don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. While they’re focused on that, you slip in and grab the maps.”

Kojiro frowned. “What kind of diversion are you thinking?”

Katsuro reached into his pouch and pulled out a handful of explosive tags. “A classic. I’ll plant these along the tunnels leading to the main chamber. Once I set them off, the whole cave will shake. That should give you enough time to get in and out.”

Kojiro nodded, his mind already running through the logistics. It was risky, but Katsuro’s plan made sense. If they could pull it off, they’d have the information they needed without having to fight their way through the entire outpost.

“All right,” Kojiro said. “Let’s do it.”

They moved quickly, Katsuro darting through the tunnels with practiced ease, planting the explosive tags in key locations while Kojiro scouted ahead, ensuring that no enemies were patrolling nearby. As they worked, the tension between them grew, a silent understanding passing between them. This mission wasn’t just about survival—it was about striking a blow against the people who had taken everything from them.

Once the explosives were in place, Katsuro crouched beside Kojiro at the mouth of the tunnel leading to the main chamber. He handed Kojiro a small piece of cloth—a makeshift mask to cover his face. Kojiro tied it around his mouth and nose, obscuring his identity. Katsuro did the same.

“On my signal,” Katsuro whispered. “Get in, grab the maps, and get out. I’ll meet you back at the entrance.”

Kojiro nodded, his muscles coiled like a spring, ready to act. Katsuro slipped back into the shadows, making his way toward the far side of the tunnels where he could set off the explosives from a safe distance.

For a long moment, there was silence. Then, suddenly, the earth trembled as the first explosion ripped through the cave. A deafening roar filled the air, followed by the sound of rock collapsing and panicked voices shouting orders.

Kojiro didn’t waste a second. As soon as the explosion went off, he darted into the main chamber, moving like a shadow among the chaos. The masked shinobi were scrambling, some of them rushing toward the tunnels, others trying to secure the maps and scrolls from the table.

Kojiro’s eyes locked onto the large map at the center of the table—the one he had seen earlier. It was spread out, held down by several heavy stones. He moved quickly, snatching the map and a few scrolls before anyone noticed his presence.

Just as he was about to retreat, a voice rang out from the far side of the chamber.

“There! In the shadows!”

Kojiro’s heart leapt into his throat. One of the shinobi had spotted him. The others turned toward him, weapons drawn.

Without thinking, Kojiro threw down a smoke bomb, filling the chamber with a thick cloud of smoke. He darted back into the tunnels, moving as fast as his legs would carry him. The sounds of pursuit echoed behind him, the masked shinobi hot on his trail.

Kojiro pushed himself harder, every muscle in his body burning with the effort. He could hear the footsteps growing closer, but he didn’t slow down. He rounded a corner, ducking into a narrow passageway that led back toward the cave entrance.

As he emerged from the tunnels, Katsuro was waiting for him. “Got it?” he asked breathlessly.

Kojiro nodded, holding up the map and scrolls. “Let’s go.”

Together, they sprinted out of the cave, their enemies close behind. The sun was setting as they burst into the open air, the sky ablaze with reds and oranges. But there was no time to appreciate the view.

“We need to keep moving,” Katsuro said, glancing over his shoulder. “They won’t stop chasing us.”

Kojiro nodded, his mind focused on the task ahead. They had what they came for, but the real challenge was just beginning.

As they disappeared into the forest, the shadows of the past continued to close in around them, darker and more dangerous than ever.

