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Naruto: New Adventures (Web Novel) - Chapter 86 The Last Shadow: 9 Shadows on the Horizon

Chapter 86 The Last Shadow: 9 Shadows on the Horizon

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The sun was setting by the time Kojiro, Katsuro, and Yui gathered outside Kenta’s shop. The weapons and gear they’d collected lay in a pile at their feet, each item carefully chosen for their mission into the mountains. Kenta had outdone himself, providing reinforced armor, specialized kunai, and even a few scrolls with sealing jutsu that could come in handy.

Kojiro adjusted the straps on his newly acquired chest armor, his mind already focusing on the mission ahead. There was no turning back now. The more they learned about the Order of the Abyss, the clearer it became that the stakes were higher than anything they’d ever faced. This wasn’t just about Konoha—it was about the future of the entire shinobi world.

Katsuro stood beside him, checking his blades one last time. His face was set in grim determination, though Kojiro could sense a tension in his movements. This mission was different for Katsuro. It wasn’t just another assignment—it was personal.

Yui leaned casually against the wall of the smithy, her arms crossed, watching them with a cool detachment. She’d agreed to join them, but it was clear that she preferred to keep her distance. That was fine with Kojiro. They didn’t need to be friends—they just needed to trust each other enough to get through this alive.

“The plan’s simple,” Katsuro said, pulling out the map that the Weaver had given them. He spread it on the ground, and they all crouched down to examine it. The area they were heading to was remote, a series of jagged peaks and narrow valleys that formed a natural barrier between the Land of Rivers and the Land of Earth. It was the perfect hiding spot for a group like the Order of the Abyss.

“We’ll travel through the forest under the cover of darkness,” Katsuro continued. “Yui will guide us through the most isolated paths. Once we reach the mountains, we’ll have to move fast and quiet. We can’t afford to draw any attention. Our goal is to locate their base, gather intel, and stop whatever they’re planning.”

Kojiro studied the map closely. “And if we’re discovered?”

Katsuro didn’t hesitate. “We fight our way out. But that’s a last resort. We need to stay as undetected as possible.”

Yui nodded. “I can get us through the forest without being seen. But once we’re in the mountains, it’ll be up to you two to handle the rest. I’m not risking my neck for a fight unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

Kojiro exchanged a glance with Katsuro. It was clear that Yui valued her independence, but they didn’t have time to argue about teamwork. If she could get them into the heart of the enemy’s territory without being noticed, that was enough for now.

Katsuro rolled up the map and stood, securing it in his pack. “We leave in five minutes. Make sure you’re ready.”

As the others prepared, Kojiro took a moment to step away from the group. The streets of Konoha were quiet, the village bathed in the warm glow of lanterns. It was hard to believe that, in just a few hours, they’d be heading straight into the lion’s den.

His thoughts drifted to the Weaver’s warnings—the Shattering, the Chamber of Shadows, and the dark power that the Order was seeking. It felt like they were standing at the edge of an abyss, staring into something they couldn’t fully comprehend. But there was no choice. If they didn’t stop the Order, the consequences would be unimaginable.


He turned to see Katsuro standing behind him, his expression unreadable.

“You all right?” Katsuro asked, his tone softer than usual.

Kojiro gave a tight nod. “Yeah. Just thinking.”

Katsuro stepped closer, lowering his voice. “This isn’t going to be easy. The things we’re up against… they’re not like anything we’ve faced before. But we have a chance to stop it. We just have to stay focused.”

“I know,” Kojiro said. “I won’t let you down.”

Katsuro’s gaze lingered on him for a moment before he clapped a hand on his shoulder. “I’m counting on you.”

With that, they rejoined Yui and made their final preparations. The weight of their mission settled over them like a heavy cloak, but there was no more time for doubt. They moved out under the cover of darkness, slipping through the forest like shadows, guided by Yui’s expert navigation.

The forest was thick and silent, the moonlight barely penetrating the dense canopy above. Yui led the way, her movements so fluid and quiet that she seemed to melt into the shadows. Kojiro and Katsuro followed close behind, keeping their senses sharp for any signs of danger.

Hours passed in silence, the tension growing with every step. The further they went, the more isolated the terrain became. The familiar sounds of the village faded, replaced by the eerie stillness of the wilderness. It was as if they had entered another world, a place untouched by human hands.

Eventually, the forest began to thin, and the ground beneath their feet grew rockier. The air turned colder as they approached the base of the mountains, the jagged peaks looming ahead like the teeth of some ancient beast. Kojiro could feel the weight of the journey in his bones, but he pushed through the fatigue. They were getting closer.

Yui signaled for them to stop, her eyes scanning the rocky terrain ahead. “We’re near the entrance,” she whispered. “There’s a narrow pass just ahead. If the Order’s base is in these mountains, that’s the only way in without being seen.”

Katsuro nodded. “Good. Let’s move carefully.”

They advanced slowly, hugging the shadows as they approached the pass. The mountains rose high on either side, creating a natural funnel that would make it easy for enemies to spot intruders. But Yui had chosen their route well. The pass was narrow and hidden from the main trails, making it the perfect approach for a stealth mission.

As they neared the entrance, Kojiro’s senses went on high alert. Something felt off. The air was thick with tension, as if the very mountains were watching them. He glanced at Katsuro, who had also tensed up.

“Do you feel that?” Kojiro whispered.

Katsuro nodded, his hand drifting to his kunai. “Yeah. We’re not alone.”

Just as the words left his mouth, a low rumble echoed through the pass. The ground beneath their feet trembled, and the rocks above began to shift.

“It’s a trap!” Yui hissed, diving for cover.

Kojiro and Katsuro reacted instantly, leaping to the sides as a massive boulder crashed down where they had been standing moments before. The entire pass shook as rocks tumbled from the cliffs, threatening to bury them alive.

“Move!” Katsuro shouted, dodging another falling stone.

Kojiro sprinted toward the nearest cover, his heart pounding in his chest. The Order had been expecting them. Or worse—they had known they were coming all along.

As the dust settled and the last of the rocks fell silent, Kojiro, Katsuro, and Yui regrouped. They were battered and bruised, but alive.

“That was too close,” Yui muttered, wiping dirt from her face. “They’ve set traps all over this place.”

Kojiro looked around, his mind racing. The Order was more prepared than they’d thought. If they wanted to get inside that base, they’d need to be smarter, faster, and more careful than ever before.

Katsuro clenched his fists, his eyes burning with determination. “This isn’t over. We’re going in, no matter what.”

Kojiro nodded, his resolve hardening. They had come too far to turn back now.

The shadows of the mountains loomed larger than ever, but Kojiro knew one thing for sure: whatever awaited them on the other side of the pass, they would face it together.

