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Naruto: New Adventures (Web Novel) - Chapter 130 Kurama’s Misadventures, Fox in a Ninja’s Body: 3 The Great Ramen Mix Up

Chapter 130 Kurama’s Misadventures, Fox in a Ninja’s Body: 3 The Great Ramen Mix Up

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Kurama woke up the next morning feeling groggy and sore. Sleeping in Naruto’s human body was uncomfortable, to say the least. He stretched, wincing as he tried to shake the stiffness from his limbs. This body was far too fragile for his liking.

“Stupid humans and their stupid need for sleep,” Kurama grumbled as he rolled out of bed.

He was just about to enjoy a few quiet moments of peace when there was a loud knock on the door. Kurama froze, his eyes narrowing. Who could that be this early in the morning? He thought about ignoring it, but the knocking grew more insistent.

Sighing, he trudged over to the door and yanked it open, only to find... Sakura standing there, looking entirely too cheerful for this time of day.

“Good morning, Naruto!” she chirped, beaming at him.

Kurama instantly felt a headache coming on. “Morning, Sakura,” he muttered, trying to keep his voice in check. He remembered yesterday’s awkward encounter and knew he had to be more careful this time.

“Come on!” she said, grabbing his arm and dragging him out the door before he could even protest. “We’re going to be late for training! Kakashi-sensei is waiting for us.”

Kurama blinked. Training? With Kakashi? This day was already off to a terrible start.


As they arrived at the training grounds, Kurama felt a growing sense of dread. Kakashi was standing there with his usual relaxed posture, reading his book as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Sasuke was also there, leaning against a tree with his arms crossed, looking as moody as ever.

“Ah, Naruto,” Kakashi said without even looking up from his book. “Nice of you to join us. You’re not usually late.”

Kurama tried to play it cool. “Yeah, yeah. I’m here now. Let’s get this over with.”

Sasuke glanced at him, narrowing his eyes. “You look... different.”

Kurama stiffened. “What do you mean ‘different’? I’m the same as always.”

Sasuke raised an eyebrow but didn’t push the issue. “Whatever. Let’s just get started.”

Kakashi finally closed his book and gave them his trademark eye-smile. “Alright, team. Today’s training will be simple. We’re going to have a sparring match. Naruto, you’ll be up against Sasuke.”

Kurama’s heart sank. Sparring? With Sasuke? He could barely walk straight in this body, and now they wanted him to fight?

He glanced at Sasuke, who was already getting into his battle stance. There was no way out of this. If Kurama backed down, they’d get suspicious, and the last thing he needed was anyone figuring out that he wasn’t Naruto. He had to at least pretend to fight.

“Alright,” Kurama muttered under his breath, “let’s do this.”


The sparring match started, and Kurama instantly realized just how outmatched he was. Naruto’s body was strong, sure, but Kurama had no experience controlling it during a fight. Sasuke, on the other hand, was fast and precise, launching a barrage of quick attacks that Kurama barely managed to dodge.

“Come on, Naruto!” Sasuke shouted, clearly frustrated. “Fight back!”

Kurama grit his teeth. I’m trying, you little brat! But all he managed to do was stumble backward, narrowly avoiding a kick to the face.

Sakura watched from the sidelines, looking confused. “Naruto, what’s wrong? You’re usually so much faster!”

Kurama cursed inwardly. He was blowing it. He couldn’t keep up with Sasuke, and it was only a matter of time before they figured out something was off. He had to think of a way to get out of this, fast.

As Sasuke came in for another attack, Kurama suddenly had an idea. He let Sasuke’s punch land squarely on his face, sending him flying back into a tree.

“Ow!” Kurama yelled dramatically, clutching his face. “Ugh, I think... I think I’m done! I’m hurt! Badly! Oh, no! Can’t fight anymore!”

Kakashi blinked in surprise, and even Sasuke looked confused.

“Really?” Kakashi asked, tilting his head. “It didn’t look like that hard of a hit.”

Kurama waved him off. “Nope, totally serious. I’m in so much pain. I think I might... need to sit this one out. Doctor’s orders.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. “You’re just making excuses.”

Kurama flashed a grin, trying to cover his tracks. “Well, maybe I don’t want to beat you up too badly, Sasuke. Wouldn’t want to bruise that pretty face of yours.”

Sasuke scowled, but before he could say anything, Kakashi stepped in. “Alright, alright. If Naruto’s not feeling up to it, we can call it for today.”

Kurama sighed in relief. Crisis averted.


After training, Kurama decided to head to Ichiraku’s again, hoping to at least enjoy some time alone. But as soon as he sat down, he was interrupted by the last person he wanted to see: Shikamaru.

“Hey, Naruto,” Shikamaru said as he sat down beside him, eyeing him curiously. “You’ve been acting really weird lately.”

Kurama stiffened. Shikamaru was sharp. If anyone was going to figure out what was going on, it would be him. “Weird? What are you talking about? I’m totally normal.”

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. “You barely put up a fight against Sasuke today. That’s not like you.”

Kurama laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, well, I’m just... taking it easy, you know? Gotta pace myself.”

Shikamaru stared at him for a long moment, clearly not convinced. “Uh-huh. Sure.”

Just then, the ramen shop owner came over, holding a steaming bowl of ramen. “Here you go, Naruto! Your usual special!”

Kurama looked down at the bowl in horror. More ramen. He couldn’t handle this stuff anymore, but he knew he had to keep up appearances. Reluctantly, he picked up the chopsticks and forced himself to take a bite.

It was worse than he remembered. The noodles tasted like wet paper, and the broth burned his throat. But he had no choice. Shikamaru was watching him like a hawk.

“Delicious!” Kurama said, trying to smile through the pain.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes. “You don’t seem like yourself, Naruto.”

Kurama froze, his mind racing. If Shikamaru got too suspicious, he could blow the whole thing. He needed a distraction.

Just then, Kiba and Akamaru walked in, and Kurama’s eyes lit up with an idea. “Hey, Kiba!” he shouted, waving his arms dramatically. “Why don’t you join us?”

Kiba looked over, confused, but shrugged and walked over. “Sure. What’s up?”

Kurama quickly shoved his bowl of ramen toward Kiba. “I’m full! You want it?”

Kiba blinked in surprise. “Uh, sure, I guess. Thanks?”

Kurama sighed in relief as Kiba started eating the ramen. Disaster averted.


Kurama’s struggles continued as he tried to navigate Naruto’s life without blowing his cover. But with Shikamaru growing more suspicious and Sasuke questioning his every move, the fox in Naruto’s body was starting to realize just how tricky this whole “human thing” really was.

