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Naruto: New Adventures (Web Novel) - Chapter 151 The Path of Dusk, Obito Uchiha's Redemption: 4 A Line in the Sand

Chapter 151 The Path of Dusk, Obito Uchiha's Redemption: 4 A Line in the Sand

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The masked shinobi’s army pressed in from all sides, surrounding Obito and Kakashi as they fought back against the tide of attackers. Each enemy was swift, their movements unnervingly synchronized. Obito’s Sharingan spun wildly as he dodged, blocked, and countered, but the sheer number of foes was overwhelming.

Kakashi is right, Obito thought, his muscles straining as he parried a blow. They’re studying us.

The masked shinobi stood at a distance, watching the battle unfold with unsettling calm. Obito could feel their eyes on him, analyzing, waiting for the moment he would falter. The pressure was mounting, and with each passing second, the dark tendrils of his past grew stronger in his mind.

Kakashi leaped to Obito’s side, throwing a kunai to deflect an attack aimed at his former comrade. “We need to break through!” he shouted over the noise of battle. “If we stay like this, they’ll wear us down.”

Obito nodded grimly. He could feel the fatigue creeping into his limbs, but there was something else—something more insidious. The words of the masked shinobi still echoed in his mind, chipping away at his resolve.

“You cannot escape your legacy.”

Obito gritted his teeth. He couldn’t afford to let doubt consume him, not now. Not when the fate of everything he had fought for was at stake. His past may have been stained by darkness, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t forge a different future. He had to believe that.

“Let’s create an opening,” Obito said, determination hardening his voice. “We’ll take the fight to them.”

Kakashi nodded, and the two shinobi sprang into action. Obito activated his Mangekyō Sharingan once again, the swirling pattern in his eye glowing with intensity as he prepared to use Kamui. At the same time, Kakashi formed hand seals at a rapid pace, building up chakra for his own signature technique.

In perfect sync, the two former teammates launched their attack. Obito phased through the incoming strikes, appearing behind a group of enemies as Kakashi’s Lightning Blade surged forward with blinding speed. The combination of Kamui and Kakashi’s precision strikes sent a shockwave through the battlefield, scattering several of the masked shinobi’s followers.

But even as their enemies fell, more rose to take their place. It was as if the masked shinobi’s forces were endless, driven by some unseen force that Obito couldn’t yet understand.

From his vantage point, the masked shinobi’s voice rang out again, cold and mocking. “You’re fighting a losing battle, Obito. You think you’ve changed, but you’re still the same man who once sought to dominate the world. It’s only a matter of time before you realize it.”

Obito ignored the taunt, focusing on the fight. He couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by the enemy’s words. He and Kakashi had to push through, had to find the source of this twisted power. There had to be something—some way to stop them.

As Obito phased through another attack, something strange happened. The air around him seemed to distort, and for a brief moment, his Kamui faltered. His vision blurred, and a sharp pain stabbed through his head.

Kakashi… something’s wrong with my chakra, Obito thought, but before he could voice the concern, another wave of attackers descended upon them. Kakashi fought them off with a flurry of kunai, but the intensity of the battle was taking its toll.

“What’s happening?” Kakashi shouted, glancing at Obito. “You’re slowing down.”

Obito shook his head, trying to clear the haze. He could feel it—his connection to Kamui was weakening. But how? It was as if the masked shinobi’s presence was interfering with his abilities, disrupting his chakra flow in ways he had never experienced before.

“I don’t know,” Obito muttered, his voice strained. “But we have to end this quickly.”

The masked shinobi’s laughter echoed through the air. “Ah, there it is. The cracks are starting to show. You can’t escape the truth, Obito. The power you wield comes with a price. It always has.”

Obito’s mind raced. Could the masked shinobi be using some kind of technique to disrupt his Kamui? He had never encountered an enemy capable of such a thing, but the longer the battle dragged on, the more erratic his chakra became.

Kakashi’s right. We have to end this—now.

Summoning the last of his strength, Obito formed a series of hand seals, his Mangekyō Sharingan glowing as he prepared a powerful Kamui strike. At the same time, Kakashi charged forward with his Lightning Blade, aiming directly for the masked shinobi.

But just as they were about to attack, the ground beneath them trembled violently. A massive surge of dark chakra erupted from the masked shinobi, forming a swirling vortex of energy that sent shockwaves through the battlefield. The force of the blast knocked both Obito and Kakashi off their feet, sending them tumbling backward.

As they scrambled to regain their footing, the masked shinobi’s voice rang out, more menacing than ever.

“You still don’t understand, do you?” the figure sneered, stepping forward as the vortex of dark energy swirled around them. “This power… this legacy… it isn’t just something you can leave behind. It’s part of you, Obito. And no matter how hard you try to run from it, it will always come back to claim you.”

Obito’s heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to stand. The dark energy radiating from the masked shinobi was overwhelming, almost suffocating. He could feel its pull, tugging at the darkest corners of his soul, threatening to drag him back into the abyss he had fought so hard to escape.

Kakashi gritted his teeth, his gaze locked on the masked figure. “They’re using some kind of ancient technique,” he muttered. “It’s distorting chakra… I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Obito’s breath came in ragged gasps as he stared at the masked shinobi. He knew what they were trying to do—they were trying to break him, to force him back into the role he had once played. But he wouldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t.

“You’re wrong,” Obito said, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside him. “I’m not the man I used to be. I made mistakes, terrible ones… but I’m not that person anymore.”

The masked shinobi’s eyes gleamed from behind their mask. “And yet, here you are—fighting to protect the very world you once tried to destroy. How noble of you.”

Obito’s fists clenched, the weight of their words pressing down on him. But he couldn’t afford to give in to doubt. Not now. He had to stay focused.

Suddenly, Kakashi’s voice cut through the tension. “Obito, we need to regroup. This energy is too unstable.”

Obito nodded, realizing the truth in Kakashi’s words. The dark chakra swirling around the masked shinobi was growing more intense, and he could feel the air crackling with malevolent energy. They had to retreat, regroup, and come up with a plan. Charging headfirst into this storm of chakra would be suicide.

As they prepared to fall back, the masked shinobi raised their hand, the swirling vortex of energy rising into the air like a black storm. “You cannot escape your destiny, Obito. You were born from darkness, and to darkness, you will return.”

The ground trembled again, and the swirling energy surged forward, crashing toward Obito and Kakashi like a tidal wave. Kakashi’s eyes widened, and he quickly formed a defensive barrier of lightning chakra. Obito, his chakra reserves nearly depleted, summoned the last of his strength to activate Kamui, phasing himself and Kakashi into the void just as the wave of dark energy slammed into the battlefield.

The two shinobi reappeared a safe distance away, breathing heavily as they watched the vortex of dark chakra tear through the landscape. The masked shinobi stood at the center of the storm, their figure barely visible through the swirling energy.

“We need to find out what’s driving their power,” Kakashi said, his voice tight with urgency. “There has to be a source, something we can disrupt.”

Obito’s mind raced. There had to be an answer—a way to break the masked shinobi’s hold on this dark energy. But time was running out, and with each passing moment, the masked figure’s power seemed to grow stronger.

As the storm of chakra raged on, Obito made a silent vow to himself. No matter what it took, he would not allow himself to be pulled back into the darkness. He had fought too hard, lost too much. And now, he would fight to protect the future he had once tried to destroy.


In this fourth chapter, the battle against the masked shinobi intensifies as Obito and Kakashi struggle to keep up with the enemy’s relentless attacks. As the dark energy grows stronger, Obito’s chakra begins to falter, forcing him to confront the lingering doubts about his past. With time running out, the two shinobi must find a way to counter the masked shinobi’s overwhelming power before it’s too late.

