Fantasy Harem Mature Martial Arts Romance Ecchi Xuanhuan Comedy

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The Young Master in the Shadows (Web Novel) - Chapter 347: To the Next level

Chapter 347: To the Next level

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“So… Where is Victor?” Elena asked in a very stern mother-in-law voice.

“Having an org… Ehm… He is partying somewhere,” Margret corrected herself nervously. “He should return in a week or so… Maybe with a new wife or two,” she added in a very low voice. She had long noticed that Victor had the tendency to get a few new girls whenever he went out.

“And he took only Lily and Lin with him?”

“Yes… I wanted to go too, but he didn’t agree…” Margret explained.

“What about that girl Elise?” Elena asked, remembering the girl in the wheelchair from the wedding. She never had the chance to talk to her.

“Ahh… Victor sent her to some secret doctor in the mountains saying that he might be able to cure her… She should return in a month or two!” Margret lied with a straight face. Elise was at the factory base overseeing the construction there. They wanted to hide the fact that she was cured until they get a good explanation for that.

“I see…” Elena nodded as she looked below. She was sitting on Victor’s mansion balcony, enjoying a cup of high-quality tea and watching the little girls in maid clothes below do their morning martial arts training routine. Lara and El who came with her seemed to have joined them willingly, making the atmosphere lively.

They looked strangely cute as they practiced the kicking and boxing movements in an orderly fashion.

When she first married Theodore after giving birth to Alice, she was surprised by how much his family emphasized martial arts training, but after a while, she realized that this was a good thing as she began to train lightly too. She had to, or she would have never been able to survive Theodore Von Weise’s night activities!

She sighed, shook her head then turned and looked at her son’s wives who sat around her shyly. She had to confess. Her son, despite having the same perverted tendencies as his father, had some good taste in women. All of those girls, except for Margret, were very good. Not only were they pretty, but they were also polite and had a really nice nature… Except for Margret that is.

If only her husband could hold his wives to the same standards instead of sleeping with any nasty hoe who manages to throw herself at him… Well, at least Luna is fine. Elena really liked her like a little sister.

“Mira, I heard that Victor decided to entrust the idol group he is creating to you?” Elena finally asked.

“Um…” Mira nodded. “Monica and I are the ones responsible for it… I don’t have much time after all because of the movie shoots!” she said, as Monica who was beside her nodded.

“Oh… Good… “ Elena nodded. “Now… Let me ask you this… Whose idea was this song about the train?” she asked the question she wanted to ask. Two days ago, she watched a report on TV talking about the new leaked songs that the new Idol group by Horizons Media was meant to sing… Her little daughter was meant to sing!

“Ahh… It was Victor’s…” Mira answered nervously.

“Cancel it…” Elena said flatly.


“REMOVE THE DAMN SONG FROM THE PROGRAM!” Elena said. “My daughter will not sing such a thing… And remove the other slut song too… It is not appropriate for an idol band composed of little girls!” she said. The slut song she meant went like this:

I am your Slut!

So fear me not!

I’ll hold your hands,

To a new world!

I am so hot!

Especially the butt!

Follow this one!

If you can afford!

“Ah…” Mira didn’t know how to answer. She too felt the songs were a little inappropriate, but she would follow whatever Victor told her to do.

“Don’t worry,” Margret interjected, “Those songs were meant as a joke, a publicity stunt. They were meant to be leaked and drive the public's curiosity. In fact, we already have a more appropriate, and refined version for the girls!” Margret explained. Taking a notebook from her storage ring behind her back and then giving it to Elena. Making both Monica and Mira who had no idea about this run to their mother-in-law’s side to read the real songs.

“Oh… That makes sense now!” Elena sighed in relief. The real song is not about riding the young master’s train, but the Love train. The slut turned into a cat… The ideas were the same, but the concept can be interpreted in a more appropriate way like all songs.

“Why did you make us train on the alternative version?” Monica suddenly asked Margret hatefully.

“Simple because I wanted the test records to leak… I wanted to create publicity…” she said.


“YUP! People now will be waiting for the real thing to be sung by the Loli idol group! One of the songs will also be in the new movie....” Margret said.

“Oh… This might just work…” Aria, who was taking a day off to stay with her mother-in-law, nodded. Although this method of publicity is too depraved for her taste, it is standard in the media world! “But you should have told us…” she added to Margret.

“That would not be fun…” Margret said, then quickly went silent as she noticed that Elena was really glaring at her, and so were the girls… Only Victor shared her sense of humor.

“I see…” Elena finally said after she went through the entire songbook. These songs were very good. She kinda understood Victor’s plan as she was in the media circle long ago, and had an idea how sex sells… She could only sigh.

In a way, Elena was thankful that Victor managed to convince her husband to accept Lara joining an idol group. She always wanted one of her daughters to achieve her childhood dreams but Alice was a lost cause, and Theodore was overprotective of Lara after his niece messed up a few years ago.

Elena was now pinning all her hopes on Lara who resembled her in more than one way.


A sudden sound of something crashing alerted Elena and the girls, making them look downward.

Lara seemed to have been demonstrating some martial art to the little maids, and she struck a garden lamp post by mistake, breaking it into two! Lara was standing next to it not knowing what to do as she was surrounded by shocked girls.

“Oh…This old thing finally broke… hehehe…” Margret said dryly as she sweated a little and looked at Elena. “It was struck by lightning in that storm a few weeks ago…”

“Oh… the same thing happened to a tree in the mansion we live in! Theodore scolded Gardner heavily after it fell while Lara was playing near it. You should really take care of such things, what if someone got hurt? You must make Victor really take responsibility as a homeowner!” Elena sighed and said after making sure that Lara was fine.

“We will tell him…” the girls nodded and said as they looked at each other and then at Lara who had just become the little maids’ idol.

Harper was swinging her sword hard according to Victor’s training method when she heard his voice.

“Now, It is time for us to move to the next level!” Victor said suddenly as he closed the diary he had been writing.


“Yes… I know you are enjoying the company of your husband, but we have important things to do!” Victor said

“You are not my husband yet!” “Harper spat back as she put the sword down and turned to face him. For the last two days she had been training with him, and although she was reluctant at first, she quickly discovered that the martial arts he taught her were not ordinary at all!

For the last two days, she had discovered a lot about Victor. Although he was as shameless as the rumors said, he was not that bad. On the contrary, other than a few passionate kissing sessions in the sleeping bag, he kept his word not to do anything perverted… Mostly. He seemed to like to spank her butt each time she made a mistake.

She had a hunch that this perverted bravado of his was an act, just like the emperor act he pulled earlier. And it was a genius disguise to hide his true power.

If she acted as a pervert from the start, her father would have never been able to marry her off!

Too bad, she could never be this shameless!

“And that is the problem… Your father will definitely find you when you leave here, and he will either marry me or some other pervert young master!” Victor said.

“Didn’t you say earlier that you had a way to make me a player When this dungeon ends?” she asked. “If I am a player my father would never try to marry me off!” she said.

“You are mistaken!” he shook his head. “Your family is too weak right now, they will sell you off regardless. But demand a higher price this time…” Victor explained.

“... Oh….. What do you want me to do then?” she asked as she caught the towel he threw her and began to wipe the sweat off her face. It smelled like wine.

“You have two choices…” he said, squinting his eyes with a smile that made him look very charming.

“What?” she asked

“The first is to obediently marry me and enter my harem as soon as we return…”

“NO WAY!” she refused. “You promised that you will give me a few years!” she said.

“Do you have anything better to do other than marrying me?” he asked.

“This is private business!” she spat. Although she was not disgusted with Victor anymore, and even began to feel a little attracted to him, she was not ready to commit herself to another.

A long time ago she made a promise, and she would never break it… She would never betray Illiad!

“Oh…” Victor squinted his eyes as he looked at her. For a second she had the feeling that he could tell what she was thinking… No, that’s impossible…

“Then the second choice…” he said slowly. “Join the Heavenly sect!”

“Ah…” she was shocked. Did he know that Iliad was in the heavenly sect? No… It must be a coincidence…

“What?” he asked as he frowned. Carefully inspecting her face.

“Nothing…. I… I wanted to join them before when I planned to run away, but it is not that easy…” she said. “I don’t even know where it is… And I heard they only accepted exceptional players,” she confessed half of the truth.

“Oh…” He said then went silent and looked at her strangely as if waiting for something.

“What?” she asked. Feeling guilty… No, I am not Victor’s wife yet… She reminded herself.

“I already put the instructions of how to reach the heavenly sect in the storage ring I gave you.” he finally sighed and said. “And I will even arrange for someone to help you there… In that place, you will get the chance to become very powerful, and your family would not be able to sell you off!”

“Really? Can you do that?” she asked.

“Yes… But I need you to promise me something…” he said.


“You will never get in a relationship with another guy before we make things clear between us… Not even Illiad!” he finally said.

“AH… " she shrieked "So you knew?” she yelled in shock.

“No… you just told me…” he said. “You talk a lot in your sleep…” he lied.

“Ah!” She was shocked. He fooled her.

“Since when do you know that guy?” he asked, not appearing angry. "You need to tell the truth, you owe me this much!" he said, looking at her with complex eyes.

“I met him five years ago… He saved my life from a kidnapper when I was on vacation with my parents!!” Harper said nervously.

“Typical…” he said in a low voice “And?” he asked slowly.

“He made me promise to marry him when he comes back to get me…” she said as she looked away, not knowing why she was telling Victor this.

“He is in the heavenly sect?” he asked.

“Um… Some elder there took him as an apprentice… He left me a letter telling me where he went, I didn’t understand it until I became a semi player though,”

“He was already a player?” Victor asked after some silence in which he appeared as if he was talking to himself


“But I was engaged to you before you made that promise…” Victor finally said.

“I…” she didn’t know how to answer that. “I owe him my life…” she said.

“You also owe me one…” Victor answered as he approached her. She expected another kiss, but it never came as steeped away, and sighed. “Fine… I will leave this choice to you…” he finally said. “Eat this and go to the next level… Take care of your safety…” he added as he looked away, seemingly hurt a little.

“Sorry…” she said as she caught the fruit.

“You don’t need to be… When the times come you will know who cares for you more!” he said. “Now go... And don’t forget to prepare your shield and sword!”

She nodded, grabbing the already prepared bag before biting in the fruit. She felt ashamed of her behavior. Victor was a real gentleman.

“I…” She wanted to apologize again but the hurt look on his face stopped her. That was the last thing she saw when the world shifted

The next moment when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a huge cage surrounded by other cages.

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Harper squinted her eyes. "How did Victor know?" she wondered just as the next message appeared.

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