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The Young Master in the Shadows (Web Novel) - Chapter 352: Meet again?

Chapter 352: Meet again?

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It was already noon when Victor slowly opened his eyes and discovered a very disturbing fact.

He couldn't move.

His pretty wives who seemed to have missed him too much were surrounding him with each insisting on being as close to him as possible… Some of them were hugging parts of his body, while the shameless Margret was on top of him.

He sighed as he slowly used his disguise skill, making them think he was still beside them as he slowly pushed them away, untangling himself before he stepped down from the bed.

Looking back he smiled at the girls’ satisfied smiles.

Last night was wild!

The girls seemed to have used the time he was not here to train their techniques and Lily and Lin seemed to have stopped fighting with each other, and seemed to have tacitly agreed to give the other girls some more time.

So naturally it was perfect!

Poor Margret who preferred to be a lone wolf had to go the extra mile to compete with them!

Maybe he should dedicate some time to each of them alone…. He licked his lips as he slowly headed to the bath where he took a quick shower and then quietly left after getting dressed in a white suit. The girls deserve their rest.

“So you are awake at last…” a cold voice startled him as soon as he reached the ground floor.…. It was none other than Alpha.

“Yes… Have you been waiting for me?” Victor asked as he walked toward the dining room, surprising a few loli maids who were doing house chores in the process. They hurried and bowed to him as they blushed. They had seen his photo before but the real thing was 100 times hotter!

“I just wanted to give you a power progress report…” she said as she watched him head toward the basement.

“Oh... Ok…” he said. “Are those the girls you brought?” he asked, pointing to the little maids.

“Yes… I think they are adjusting well here… Their bloodline has been upgraded, but now we need to find a way to make them players… We need an awakening artifact,” She said.

“I will awaken them once they have had enough training as maids… I believe a league of swords maids will be invincible…” he said.

“Is that a class?”

“Yes… It is a very balanced one… Now... Why didn't you follow me into the dungeon?" he asked not elaborating on his plan for the girls.

"The gate didn't work..." she replied coldly.

He frowned then shook his head. He needed to investigate this, but the moon dungeon was using an array to arrange its entry and this array was in the abandoned dungeon that Rain and Tulip were exploring. Now was not the time to go there. "Did you give the nightshade the massage I left for her?” he asked.

“She is not here… I left her in the shadow village. She is tasked with gaining Nova and Jane's trust…”

“Who is Jane?” he frowned.

“Jane Armstrong? The journalist who is on the run from a psychiatric hospital after exposing the existence of players and no one believed her…” Alpha said briefly.

“Oh, that one… So you gave Nightshade that mission? “ he frowned. “Although I had another plan for her, regardless, it has to wait… No… Maybe I can merge those… That would be interesting…” he pondered to himself as he descended into the basement and headed to the rooster’s room.

“What is interesting?” Alpha asked.

“I will send you the details once I am sure of everything… This is going to be big, so Just make sure the three girls become good pals…” he said as he opened the door of the rooster's room and noticed that Alpha turned around not planning to enter with him.

“Aren’t you coming too?” Victor asked.

“I don't want to meet that bastard again… The last time I went with the girls that thing started screaming and then spat on me…” she said as she gushed her teeth. She wished to grill that rooster with garlic and then feed it to the dogs!

“Oh…Wow… Even Margret didn’t get that treatment!” he said in surprise.

“Did it say why?” he asked.

“Ah… ….. I don't speak cockish....” she said, shooting him a strange look. “And I am not that shameless to act as if I do like that Margret was doing!”

“Oh… Ok… Ok… wait for me in the study. Tell the little maids to prepare a meal for me and the girls on your way there. They need to replenish their energy after last night’s play…” he said as he entered the room ignoring Alpha’s glares. She didn’t need to know that last piece of information.

Inside, the cock that was ‘reading’ a porn magazine was nearly unrecognizable. Its feathers had become all shiny and he had a huge fluff of feathers on its head. It was as if it was ready to get married.

It just looked up when it heard someone entering then cocked when it realized it was Victor.

“Long time no see…” Victor said. “You look more handsome than the last time we met!” he added as he tried hard not to laugh.

“Kooo!!” the cock nodded to Victor greeting him while also trying not to laugh… Or that’s how Victor felt.

“This is natural for guys like us!” Victor finally said. “Your summoning time is over right?” Victor asked. “I thought you would rush home to bang some chicks with all the ‘qualifications’ you got… Why are you still here, risking world tribulation?” Victor asked as he sat beside the cage.

“Kooo Kia Koot…” It said glaring at Victor. Meaning that it wanted to tell him about something.

“What’s so important that you had to delay your mating secession to know?” Victor asked.


“Three things?” Victor asked, frowning.

“Wii..” the cock nodded.

“ I also want to ask you one thing…” Victor suddenly said.


“Why did you spit on Alpha?”


“The one with the strange eye…”

“Kya kwaai kkooooo wak!” the cock said.

“Just because she looked at you like that?”

“Kwa!” the cock said.”Kw kwa kwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!”

“I know… I know… Conservative values and such….” Victor quickly regretted asking.

When Alpha entered the room the rooster was arranging its ‘trophies’, and her casual looks of disgust and killing intent must have turned it on! That’s why he spat on her calling her a filthy whore who tried to seduce an honest cock like himself…. It is a good thing she didn’t understand it!

“Kwi!” The cock nodded, appearing extra cool with the feathery fluff on its head.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” Victor asked.

“Kwa Kwa Kwa Aaaaaaaa kuit!”

“I understand… The phoenix thing will be between us… Not a soul will know!” Victor nodded. The cock was obviously nervous about that phoenix they attacked. “They will be more interested in Alex than you though…”

“Kwa…” the cock nodded. “Kwa Kit Kwaawa... Kwaka ak waaaaaa!” the cock said, making Victor surprised. The cock was warning him about the reckoning!

“So you already know that this world will be unlocked!” Victor was surprised. “Don’t worry, I am preparing for that!”

“Kwww…. Kwi KAWAKAWA kooo kiw…” the cock said, warning Victor to be ready because the demons and the other races are already setting their eyes on this world and preparing their armies.

“I know… Thanks for the warning!” Victor said, feeling a little touched. “By the way, can I summon you again?” Victor suddenly asked.

“Kwwwww” the rooster shook its head. “Kiitw Wawkw Kiiooo tawit wkowwwwwwww Kooo kwwww, KAKA kiiowt Oook Kiii…. ” it said, meaning something like that it will be entering mating mode soon… Its honorable chicken mother already found it a suitable mate from a respectable family. That chick girl was just very cocky, That’s why the rooster accepted the summoning to come to this world in the first place. It was desperate for some good bloodlines to impress the bride… Now he can go show her who is the boss!

“Oh…” Victor sounded a little disappointed. “Your kind uses arranged marriages?” he asked.

“Coo…” the cock nodded. This was natural, they were a very traditional Race! A chick can never approach a rooster without their parents’ mutual approval!

“Ah… Cool I guess…” Victor could only say that.

“Kawa” the cock suddenly spat out a white feather that flew by itself and fell in Victor’s hand. “Kwii … Kwaatt…. Kawa!” it said. Meaning that this can summon him, but he better not try it during the next two years. The cock will be busy!

“Oh… Don’t worry… “ Victor said. “Thanks, man!”

“Kwa…. Kawai kuu kkiii….” the rooster said goodbye, reminding Victor to bring him hot girls next time, and then began to slowly fade away until it disappeared.

Victor smiled and shook his head, especially after noticing that all the magazines that were in the room were no longer to be found!

He put the feather in his storage space, then turned to the empty basement heading to the study where Alpha was not sitting Alone. Elise, who had dark circles around her eyes, was accompanying her.

“Elise… Why didn’t you come to greet me last night?” Victor asked innocently.

“I was asleep….” She spat, looking away with a blush.

“Oh… I really missed you…” he said with a smile.

“...” she didn’t answer. She didn't even dare to look at him after what she saw him do with the girls...

“Stop bullying the girl!” Alpha said. Lately, she was spending some time with Elise and the two seemed to be getting along well!

“Fine… Did you review the files I left you?” Victor asked.

“Um… The plans are fine, but they will depend on who will be implementing them!” she said. “I don’t think we have enough suitable personal,” she said. Most of Victor’s manpower now consists of young girls in love… Sure, love can create miracles but those girls’ minds were already occupied by some very stupid thoughts that would get an R rating if they were to be published!

“I am still collecting… And we have time…” he said just as Lily and Margret entered the room. Their hair was still wet from the shower too, and they carried a tray full of sandwiches which they placed in the middle of the table.

“Though we will need those…” Margret said as she sat on her chair and raised her leg revealing that she was not dressed properly.

“We do…” Victor said. “Did the others wake up?”

“Only Zoe and Hana. They are having a late breakfast together with the alphabet girls… The rest are too tired to move!” Margret said.

“Oh… Don’t the two of you need some extra sleep?” he asked.

“We are fine… And there will be visitors tonight, so we need to finish with this….” Margret said.

“Visitors? Who?” Victor asked.

“The same group who wanted to meet you for the last two weeks… Martha Von Rosen, and Your stupid maternal grandfather…”

“How did they know I returned?”

“ I told them yesterday night while Aria was trying that Shifting Snake position with you…”

“YOU DID WHAT?” Lily asked angrily.

“Don’t be angry… Those two bribed me a week ago. They Gave me some expensive gifts so that I would tell them when you returned before anyone else knew… Many people want to meet our husband, you know!” Margret said. “And after consulting Elise we decided that as a bitch I have to play the part!” she added as Elise nodded.

“You could have told them tomorrow…” Lily said, pouting.

“No way! I have my credibility… And our dear husband is probably planning to go to the company tomorrow morning anyway. They would have discovered this sooner or later…” she said as she finished one sandwich and then took another one.

“I am planning to go to the company?” Victor asked in surprise. He had no idea.

“Yup… Not if you are planning on missing the opening for Mira’s new movie… You were the one who specified the opening date!” Margret said.

“Ah… I totally forgot…” Victor nodded, he better not let Mira know. “You did well… But next time inform me beforehand… At least give me a hint…” he said.

“Next time… We will see about it next time!” Margret spat, making Victor realize that she was holding a grudge because he didn’t take her with him into the dungeon.

“Ok ok…” he could only sigh. “I will take you next time…” he said.

“Then now what?” Alpha asked, feeling like an outsider between those love birds.

Victor quickly took out a few files from his ring. They were the same files from the previous briefing but with some extra info. He placed them in front of Alpha so that she could take a look.

“Where did we stop last time?” he asked.

“You were saying something about some very important scion then left us hanging…” Margret explained as she grabbed a sandwich. She was famished after the action last night.

“Right…Yes… It is about Caspian!” Victor said, turning serious as he grabbed a sandwich handing it to Lily then grabbed one for himself he also used a lot of energy last night.

“What’s about him? Didn’t you say you already had a plan for the Heavenly sect?” Lily asked, frowning as Alpha remembered that Elise briefed her about Victor’s plan before.

“This matter also concerns you!” Victor said to Lily as he swallowed. “First of all, what do you know about lords?” he asked the rest of the girls.

“Lords?” Elise and Alpha asked with a frown.

“Lily…” Victor said. “Tell them everything we know…”

Lily nodded.

“The lords are in a sense otherworldly kings who rule over secret domains… They are very strong, almost undefeatable, and highly respected and feared by all races…. Even the demons seem to be extra wary of them! " Lily said. "They usually act through agents, keeping away from politics and working toward hidden agendas…… Oh, and they like to collect strange treasures, paying great prices for them!” she tried hard to remember. “That’s pretty much it…”

“Yup…” Victor nodded.

“Then we basically know nothing about them…” Margret said.


“Then why are we discussing them?” Margret asked.

“Simply because there is one after Lily’s ass!” Victor finally said it.

