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The Young Master in the Shadows (Web Novel) - Chapter 375: May his soul rest in peace

Chapter 375: May his soul rest in peace

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Reaching the Mansion Victor quickly told the girls to get ready to meet their father-in-law. He informed Hilda that Mike would be bringing his father later before heading toward the other building, where Hana’s new lab was constructed.

“So. You finally decided to leave your harem and come see me?” she asked sarcastically.

“Jealous?” He asked as he looked around. The normal-looking basement from before had been transformed into a mad scientist’s lab with all kinds of blinking gadgets that were paid for by his credit card.

“Like hell!” she scolded angrily.

“Are they ready?” he asked. “My father will be here any moment!”

“Yes… “ she said, taking two bottles and placing them in front of Victor. “The left ones are normal blood purifying pills, while in the right one, we have the enhanced one… there are 20 pills in each!” she said proudly.

“Excellent…” he said, pocketing the pills. “How is the process of the demonification data?” he asked.

“The data Lily got earlier was not sufficient, they must have been using some external agent to extract the essence from the monster's corpses… I still couldn’t figure it out!” she sighed. “I don’t want to start conducting human trials until I am 100% sure!” she explained.

“I see… Alpha got new data two days ago…” Victor said. It seemed like the chicks would have to wait to get their draconic upgrade.

“Yes, she already told me, did you really break into the Von Zwei vault?” She asked. The Von Zwei and the Von Rosen families were her nemesis.

“Yup… too bad the real valuable stuff was already divided between their elders…” Victor signed. “We should have got most of the data from their database though, It should contain some things about your family…”

“Alpha did send me something yesterday, but I didn't have time to look at it… “ Hana sighed.

“Is there anything wrong?” he asked.

“My master sent me a letter… a physical one…” she said taking an ancient-looking envelope and giving it to Victor who frowned then opened it and read the letter inside. It has only a few words.


“OH…” Victor paused for a moment. “You plan to go?” he asked. He already anticipated that Hana’s sect, The Immortal Abode, would come to ask for her. And he never planned to keep her against her will.

“I… I don’t know…” Hana replied. Truth be told, although she missed her master and younger apprentice brother, she didn’t miss her stupid sect at all.

After she was pampered by living the luxurious life provided by Victor’s mansion, she was not looking forward to going back to doing laundry and getting ordered around by grumpy old men!

Not only that but in the sect, she would have to go through a lot of trouble to come out once a year. Here, although Victor was practically working her to the bone, he got her a lab she always dreamed of, and he didn’t really restrict her freedom, allowing her to come and go as she desired.

The one final point was that here, along with Louise, she could work actively on her family’s revenge!

And Victor really did keep his promise of not laying his hands on her… His hands were too full for that…. Why was she feeling grumpy about that?

“What would happen if you didn’t respond to him?” Victor asked, waking her up from her contemplation.

“Ah… He will probably come here himself…" Hana said, shivering a little. Although she respected her master a lot, she also feared him.

“Don’t worry, He would never dare to take you by force, you have a contract with me after all!” Victor said.

“I believe he has more than one way to convince you to give up that contract…” Hana replied, making a point.

“He can try…” Victor smiled. Hana had no real idea how scary he had become. “He has to give a face to my family after all, and we can always reach a deal if he is a reasonable man! Don’t worry!” Victor said. Neither he nor Lily had any recollection of the immortal Abode, but no matter what, there was nothing money couldn’t buy!

Going back to the main mansion, Victor noticed his father’s car parked outside as soon as he reached the door. Mike should have already finished with him and then brought him here.

“Is my father already here?” he asked one of the little maids who were sweeping the entrance. They were made to be always working by Hilda to train their muscles. Victor could spot the iron training weights on the girls' arms.

“You young master… They are in the western living room,” the little girl said politely.

Victor nodded, rubbing the girl's head before he hurried there.

Entering the room, he quickly noticed his handsome father, sitting on a couch next to Vanessa discussing some things. Mike, Lin, Mira, Monica, the twins, and Mona were sitting to the side awkwardly. The rest of the girls were nowhere to be found.

“And that’s how it happened…” Vanessa said.

“I see…” Theodore nodded and looked up as soon as Victor walked in.

“Father… I see you have already met My mother-in-law!” Victor said with a strange look in his eyes. Was his father fishing in his house?

“Now you know to call her mother-in-law!” Theodore scolded. “HOW DARE YOU LOCK SUCH A DELICATE LADY IN A CAGE AND THREATEN HER! IS THAT HOW I RAISED YOU!” Theodore exploded immediately. It seemed like Vanessa had already told him about how she met Victor.

“Yes, that's how you raised me!” Victor replied shamelessly. Mike in the back nodded. Yes, that’s the way he raised them to be. Domineering and unreasonable.

“SHUT UP! YOU DARE TO TALK BACK TO ME!” Theodore scolded angrily once more as he stood up and pointed at Victor. “YOU UNFILIAL CHILD!”

“Master Theodore, you don’t need to be angry… This is all now in the past… Victor had already made up for it!” Vanessa, feeling the situation was getting out of hand, quickly tried to calm Theodore down. She didn’t expect him to stand up for her like this though. He was a real gentleman!

“Don’t worry! I will make sure to thoroughly educate my son!” Theodore told Vanessa before looking at Victor, “Follow me to your study!” he said as he headed out of the room. Victor chuckled drily then hurried after him.

“Will he be ok?” Vanessa asked nervously. Victor’s wives were worried too.

“Ah… Don’t worry,” Mike said. “Victor has tough bones…” he added, trying to contain his laughter.

“I see…” Vanessa said. “Master Mike… How old is your esteemed father exactly?” she suddenly asked.

“He is 48 or 50… I am not sure” Mike said.

“Oh…Really?” Vanessa asked. As someone who is involved in the underworld, she was proficient in telling people’s ages, and she could swear that Theodore was not older than 40. She could also tell how healthy and muscular he was under the expensive suit he was wearing. She had to work had to stop herself from trying to touch his chest to check his abs.

“Yup… I think I should follow them, just to make sure Father doesn’t punish Victor too hard…” Mike suddenly thought of something and said before hurrying after Victor.

Vanessa nodded and watched as Mike left the room. She had many things in mind.

“MOTHER!” Mona finally spoke as soon as Mike was out. “Are you perhaps…” She didn’t continue.

“I am what?” Vanessa asked shamelessly. Earlier she found out that this method worked wonders with her stupid daughter.

“Are…. Are you interested in Victor’s father?” Mona asked with a blush after some hesitation. She couldn’t believe her eyes earlier when Vanessa turned into a bitch in heat as soon as she spotted Theodore enter through the door. She had never seen her mother act like this before.

“Ah… Who wouldn’t be interested in such a dependable man?” Vanessa asked.

“He is married!” Mona said desperately.

“And so is your brother in law… You heard it from your sisters, their family is okay with polygamy! It is the norm for them!” she said. Lately, after seeing how Mina and Mana interacted with the other wives, she began to think that Polygamy was not a bad thing after all. She didn’t like it, but she was not against it anymore!

The most important thing was that Theodore was 100% her type. A strong, noble, and filthy rich gentleman who treated her as a lady! It was as if he came right out of one of her childhood fantasies!

Although he is already married to more than one woman, she was a widow herself and she didn’t mind sharing. Like Victor, Theodore was rich enough to support all his wives anyway.

“What about father?” Mona asked in a low voice, finally, feeling a little out of sorts.

“What about him? May his soul rest in peace… I am sure he is feeling happy for me at the moment!” Vanessa said, making Mona almost explode. She was sure her father was turning in his grave.

Mina and Mana, who were listening to the conversation, had a strange looks on their faces as they examined their mother and then looked at each other.

It seemed like soul wine’s effect on Vanessa had not worn off yet. She was at the moment showing her real character!

Still, they didn’t mind what was happening! If Vanessa were to marry Theodore, they would not only be Victor’s wives but also his older step sisters!

“Father… Are you perhaps interested in Vanessa?” Victor said as soon as they entered the study. He had been trying hard to cook Mona slowly, but it seemed like Vanessa was also cooked by chance.

“Call her mother-in-law or stepmother!” Theodore said as he sat down, stating his point. “You are aiming for that third triplet anyway, it would be much easier if she was your step-sister!” he added as he relaxed.

“True…” Victor sighed, he was not really interested romantically in Vanessa but the situation felt weird.

“Let’s discuss something else… First, where is the diary?” Theodore asked.

“It is here… I already finished deciphering large parts of it, I included them in the separate notebook!” Victor said, taking out the diary and a slim notebook from his ring and placing them on the table.

Theodore frowned then took the leather-bound diary and began to flip through it. It was in an ancient language, and Theodore could feel the ancient air around it.

“Since when can you read this?” Theodore asked as Mike entered the study and quickly sat to the side.

“I can’t read it… I needed a lot of dictionaries, and had to pay a lot of people to help me with the tough parts!” Victor quickly explained. In fact, his notebook contains several mistakes on purpose.

“I see..” Theodore said as a smile crept on his face. He gave Mike the diary to take a look at it then checked the notebook before he put it in his ring then watched Victor take out a bottle of pills.

"Blood purifying pills?" Theodore asked as he watched Victor take a second bottle.

"One of them is the normal type... The second was a result of a lucky accident during the preparation process. Lara took one of those, they not only help the awakening, but they even upgrade the bloodline!" Victor said. "The only condition is that you must take them before awakening your bloodline!"

"What? Really?" Theodore asked as Mike finished checking the diary and then returned it to Theodore.

"Yes!" Victor said suddenly releasing a small part of his bloodline's power, making both Theodore and Mike almost fall to their knees and then look at him with shock.

"You took it too?" Theodore asked in shock. It was the same feeling of suppression he got from Lara.

"Yup!" Victor said. "Sadly, I could only create those 20 pills from the ancestor's blood drop!" Victor said. "10 of each kind..."

"It is ok... They are more than enough..." Theodore said as his eyes began to twinkle, those were some very nice ammunition to use in the family council. "Is this the surprise, Mike said the two of you have prepared for me?” Theodore asked as he pocketed the pills.

“No, it is not this… We will have to wait until after dinner to show you….” Victor said mysteriously.

“You are not going to tell me what it is about?” Theodore asked, raising one eyebrow.

“Not yet…” Victor said, “But it involves Grandma’s birthday present!” he added winking to Mike who nodded.

If they were to tell their father now that they were attempting an awakening ceremony, the bastard would surely force them to try the awakening artifact on someone else, as he had zero respect for Mike's twin wives. He didn’t hate them, but didn’t like them either.

“I see…” Theodore frowned. “Well, as long as it does not take too long I am fine with it…” Theodore said.

“Planning to leave early?” Victor Asked.

“Not just me, but the two of you will come too!” Theodore said. “The family has ordered that all elite members should return to the island by tomorrow!”

“WHAT?” Victor and Mike asked at the same time. “Wasn’t grandma’s birthday next week?” Victor added.

“This is about something else!” Theodore said, sighing.

“Is it that blood moon?” Victor asked.

“You know about it?” Theodore asked, raising one eyebrow.

“Ahh… A little…” Victor said, deciding to only tell Theodore about the blood moon dungeon after presenting the awakening artifact.

“It is a part of it… But that is not the main issue… I can’t talk about it now, you will see when we reach the family!” Theodore explained.

“Can I not go?” Victor asked. He had a ton of problems to sort out before next week, the most important one was Bianca’s problem!

If he left now, he would not be able to go back until grandma’s birthday ends at the very least. This would take two weeks!

“No… It is a family supreme order! You have to go!” Theodore said sternly. “And take my advice not to bring any of your wives… The situation might be dangerous there…” he added, not explaining any further.

“Ah… Can I bring Lily?” Victor asked. He was not sure what this was about. He was not even sure if something like this happened in his past life, he was not an elite back then anyway.

“Since she is a family agent she would be fine…” Theodore said, sighing as Victor nodded then began to rearrange his plans in his head.

“Oh, by the way, I forgot to give you the gift the family prepared for you after the wedding!” Theodore suddenly said.

“Right… I almost forgot about that…” Victor said as he watched Theodore take out a gilded folder from his ring and present it to Victor who took it and slowly opened it.

“Holy shit… “ Victor exclaimed as he stood up in shock. “Why the hell would they give me this?” he asked. This gift was too big.

“Someone in the family may have some plans… It came from the council,” Theodore said. “I delayed giving it to you just to check on it, but I could find nothing… Just be careful!” he said as he watched Victor look in shock at the paper in his hand.

