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The Young Master in the Shadows (Web Novel) - Chapter 378: Herbal Tea

Chapter 378: Herbal Tea

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Mona sighed as she sat on the Mansion’s porch and watched as Victor’s maids carried on with their morning training.

Both Elise and Margret were sitting with her. It was still early for breakfast and the girls seemed to have something in their minds, especially Margret who was still in her super-expensive silk pajamas and had dark circles around her eyes. She seemed to be struggling to drink some kind of herbal tea from a large mug that she had been holding for the last 15 minutes.

“Last night was tough?” Elise asked. She seemed jealous.

“Don’t remind me… That bastard left without even saying goodbye!” Margret grumbled. “When I woke up it was already 5 AM, the rest of the girls might not leave bed until noon!” she spat as she drank some of her tea with difficulty.

Mona looked at her and sighed… She didn’t know what to think.

“Mistress Margret… There is a phone call for young Master Victor!” one little maid suddenly walked from inside the mansion and said to Margret.

“Is it important?” Margret asked. Victor left last night with his father, and at the moment he was flying to the family archipelago.

“It is Alex…”

“Oh, give me the phone!” It was Lily who answered as she walked out of the mansion. She was well dressed as if she was preparing to go out.

“Alex! Where are you!” Lily asked, making Mona wonder who Alex was.

“Ah… I am in Tolar, I am not sure exactly where in it, but they call this place the Bloodwolf Forest. It is a Ruin zone under the Sword Sect jurisdiction,“ Alex said. Mona could hear a whiny voice over the phone.

“What? Tolar! That place is closed up by snow most of the year due to the rough terrain!” Lily exclaimed, “How the hell did you get over there?”

“I don’t know… I just teleported here after the Moon dungeon ended… Can I speak with..the young…Victor?”

“No, Victor is not here… He has already left on a family mission and he will probably be out of contact for a day or so,” Lily replied.

“Ah… Then can you help me? Send me a helicopter or something… This place is literally cut out from civilization, even my satellite phone refuses to work!”

“Phones can’t have a signal inside Ruins!” Lily scolded. “And helicopters don’t work there… You are talking to me using a landline phone, Right?”

“Yes… Ah… Then…What should I do? If I want to return on my own this would take forever!”

“Then you better start walking! Remember that Victor can’t have anything to do with you officially…We can’t use family resources to help you… You have to find a way on your own!” Lily said mercilessly. “Don’t you have some money?”

“They don’t accept Wiren principality currency here…” Alex said, whining like a girl.

“Oh… Then too bad…We can’t really do…” Lily said. “Wait… Did you say that you are near the sword sect?” she suddenly added as if she thought of something.


“A Ruin?”


“Is it supervised by the Sword sect or Owned by them?”


“Oh… Good, still you better be careful, Although supervised Ruins are open to all players, some sects' disciples might think that it is their private property and try to rob you… “

“It’s fine, I already met a few sword sect disciples when I was sent here… We became best friends! ” Alex clarified.

“Oh… Interesting… Do they know your real identity?”

“Ah, I am using the ‘ID’ Victor prepared for me…” Alex said. Whispering.

“Perfect! There is an easy way to get back, and at the same time to do a mission for Victor…” Lily who seemed to have thought of something said.


“In fact, this is very important, Victor was really troubled about how to find an agent near the sword sect! It seems like you were very lucky! If you did this perfectly Victor will owe you big time!” she added, causing Margret who was drinking her tea with difficulty to look at Lily and raise one eyebrow. It seemed like they had another scammer in the family!”

“Really?” Alex asked, she was tempted.

“Yes… Listen up, this is very important… There will be a huge tournament in a month or so right?”

“Yes… The girls here keep talking about it!” Alex said, causing Lily to raise one eyebrow.

“... Good… Before the tournament begins, you have to enter the sword sect, and find one of their elite disciples, then become friends with them or at least a part of their entourage!… This way not only would you be fulfilling Victor’s mission, but you will also be able to leave Tolar easily when you come with them when they leave for the tournament!”

“Ah… Right… What is the mission exactly?”

“Find a girl named Jasmine, she would be a servant belonging to one of the elite disciples…”

“What should I do with her?”

“Make her fall for you, then Impregnate her!” Lily said with a serious face, making Margret who was listening to the conversation and had just happened to take a sip from her mug spit everything in her mouth.

“Impersonate her?”

“IMPREGNATE HER!” Lily said it loudly this time.


“What? Can't you do such a simple thing?”

“Ah… No… I think that is a little unethical…”

“I am not telling you to rape her or anything… Aren’t you a man?”

“Ah…I am… But… your request doesn’t go with my… principles!” Alex said after some thinking.

“Like you have any… Fine, just make her fall for you and put her in a position that she will have to follow you once you leave!” Lily said. “She is just a maid there… I think we can provide her with a better life!”

“Ah… But…”

“Do as I told you… This is vital for Victor’s future plan!” Lily said before she directly hung up then looked hatfully at Margret who kindly handed her a napkin to wipe the tea all over her hair.

“Do you really think this thing will help you?” Lily asked as she smelled the herbal order of the tea.

“You can never know…” Margret said, ignoring Mona’s curious looks.

“You must know that the higher the bloodline is, the harder it becomes…. Victor’s bloodline is one of the strongest and purest!”

“I don’t have any bloodline…” Margret shrugged.

“Whatever…” Lily sighed.

“Now… Where are you going this early in the morning dressed like that?” Margret asked, checking Lily. She was dressed in a formal tight suit… She seemed to have dropped her stupid silk veil, intending to use a normal medical mask to cover her face.

“Just to do some business…” Lily said. “Is there something you want?”

“Nah… You look like some wife who was going to cuck her husband!” Margret replied as she began to sip from her mug again.

“Maybe I am…” Lily smiled evilly, putting on the face mask, "Oh.. I will be taking the Trihorn... Is it in the Garage?"

"Yeah... The key in in the car, and it already has a rope, a shovel, and two spare tires in the back," Margret said with smile.

"Perfect!" Lily sat then walked out confidently.

Mona watched all this with a frown… What the fuck were those two talking about? That’s when she heard the sliding door behind her open.

“Why is that girl dressed as if she was going to meet some secret lover? Isn’t she Victor’s wife?” It was Vanessa who asked. She seemed to be a little drowsy and was walking slowly with a cup of tea in her hand.

“Who knows… Girls can’t be trusted!” Margret said, thinking about something.

“Mom.. are you ok?” Mona asked, feeling that her mother was a little unnatural.

“I am… I must have drunk a lot last night… I can’t even remember what happened yesterday since we left the restaurant…” Vanessa said, holding her head, making Margret raise one eyebrow as Mona looked at her mother and then at her.

“You don’t remember what happened last night?” Margret asked weirdly.

“Nah… I always had low alcohol tolerance… Damn it, I am sure I asked that waiter for a non-alcoholic beverage… “ Vanessa said. “Did I do or say anything weird yesterday?” she asked, looking up at her daughter.

“Ah… No, we just returned here, had dinner with Victor’s father, and then went to sleep…” Mona said. Biting her lip a little after saying that.

“Really?” Vanessa frowned. She remembered nothing. “Ah, this headache is killing me… What kind of herbal tea is this? Why is it so bitter?” she suddenly asked.

“An old recipe that will definitely become really big in the future…” Margret said then paused for a moment. “You should drink some more of it… It is good for your headache!” she added as he slowly left the porch to refill her Mug with a strange smile.

Vanessa was definitely affected by the soul wine they used on Micheal the previous day. Although the dosage was very little, she seemed to be the type of person who gets drunk really fast and the soul wine must have made her let go of all her self-constraint and act like a bitch in heat!

Margret was unsure if Vanessa would remember what happened yesterday as they never tried the effect of such dosage on memory, but if she ever did, they would surely find her digging some hole to bury herself in.

Victor slowly opened his eyes and looked outside of the plane’s window.

He had just instructed Rita who was overseeing the girls in the Cauldron.

He planned to let them go, but now that he had been delayed, he decided to let them work a little more for him, constructing a village inside the cauldron.

Who knows, it might come in handy.

He sighed as he switched between his blood slaves.

First was Victor’s favorite toy, Tom. He was training with his new sword. That thing was 100% genuine, and Victor found it in the Moon dungeon with one of the dead participants. After emptying the Vault of its real precious treasures, Victor placed it in there and then let Tom find it with the scroll.

Next was Lin. She was doing her morning makeup…

Next Danial… Nothing, as a student he was just in class with Lara at the moment, he was beginning to check her up, but El, who was sitting beside her and seemed to have been busy explaining something, suddenly turned back to look at him.

She smiled and slid her hand on her neck before pointing at him… He looked away feeling a little scared.

When did El become a Bully? Strange… He should check on her very soon to remind her who is the boss!

Next was Poe… He was sucking up to some elder, it seemed like he was still on the island, maybe Victor should go meet him. This guy has never done anything suspicious ever since he took over the body. It was as if he was waiting for something.

Finally, Alex. She was in an inn, talking with Lily over the phone as three girls who stood beside her kept shooting her some lascivious looks.

Victor decided to pause and listen until the call was over and Alex hung up and began to bite her lip nervously.

What was Lily planning? Jasmine? Victor never heard that name before…

He sighed. He had long realized that ever since their wedding night, Lily had changed. She must also have her own plan… It must have been something she didn’t wish to tell him. Something so big that he couldn’t handle it.

Still, Lily's plans were not something he couldn't predict, like the things she was planning to do before the end of the month. It didn't go with his principles, but he was not really against it.

At the end of the day, no matter what, he trusted her… She owned a part of her soul and she owned a part of his after all!

Still… If she ever decided to try anything funny, he would make sure to spank that butt of hers into oblivion!

“Why are you smiling like that?” Theodore suddenly asked.

“Ah… Just thinking about my Harem…” Victor said, shamelessly.

“You know that many of the elders in the family are really upset that you disregarded the family rules and held a wedding like that…”

“They were the ones who wanted me to marry both Lin and Nova…” Victor said. “The mass wedding was the best way to give up Nova without getting humiliated!”

“I know… You did good…” Theodore said. “If you told me your plan earlier, I would have arranged a few more wives… After your elite status was announced, many people have contacted me about wanting to present their daughters to you,” Theodore said.

“You already told me that,” Victor said remembering Harper… That girl must be on her way to the Heavenly sect now, Alpha’s girls must intercept her soon!

“I did?”

“Yes… When you told me about Nova,” Victor said.

“Right, Right!” Theodore nodded. “Anyway, You better prepare, I will tell those guys to start sending the girls to you after the tournament!”

“Tournament?” Victor asked. “I already heard many elders speak of that, even Master Harvey mentioned it once, what is this about?” Victor said.

“It is a big event organized by the players' council!” Mike, who was sitting to the side, answered.

“Yes…It is very important for the family!” Theodore nodded. “It is conducted once every 100 years, and only those elite members of every family who are younger than 25 years old can enter! The winners in this tournament would not only get a lot of benefits. Their order would also decide the ranking of the powers and who will be the controlling members of the player council for the next 100 years or so!” Theodore added making Mike who didn’t know about this also tune in.

