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The Young Master in the Shadows (Web Novel) - Chapter 355: O winged One

Chapter 355: O winged One

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“We greet the young master!” the little maids shouted at the same time, bowing as Victor made his way between their two arranged lines to the dining room while the girls, who couldn’t help it, started to sneak peek at their young master’s handsome face. He was too damn hot! Better than the photos! He was like a movie star!

“You may get up…” Victor said when he reached the table and took his seat joining his wives who were waiting for him. He was trying really hard and failing miserably in appearing majestic and hiding the depraved smile that naturally appeared on his face. If not for Lily shooting him some very dangerous glares and keeping him at his edge, he would have long begun to drool.

He couldn’t be blamed though. Another one of his dreams just came true!

Those girls were all originally chosen to be reaped by Caspian, so they were naturally of the best quality and would become very pretty when they grow up! He was planning to raise them well. Hehehe....

“Young master… I hope you are satisfied, '' Hilda said with an ambiguous smile as she watched how his expression changed repeatedly. “While you were away, per your command, I started training those girls to be the maids to take care of this mansion… They are very hard working!” she said professionally while silently cursing at all men for being perverts!

“Yes... Yes… Not bad…Not bad…” Victor said then relaxed in his seat, carefully inspecting the shy girls. “What are your names?” he asked.

“Young master… I took the liberty to give the girls code names instead of their old ones!” Hilda said. “I think this is better for the future…” she said.


“The girls’ names are coded using a season and a color…” she said. “The first one is called Blue Summer… The next is Red Summer …”

“Why are all of them last named Summer?” Lin asked

“Obviously because they came in summer… the ones who will join later will get the other seasons…” Margret said, earning herself a usual glare from Lily who didn’t kike the bright smile that appeared on Victor’s face.

“The seasons are the divisions… The ones who are mainly responsible for the mansion are surnamed Summer, while the others have the other seasons…” Hilda said professionally, pointing to some other girls who were standing behind her. Their uniforms were a little different.

Hilda had no idea that she had just disappointed the young master who swiftly decided to skip the raise he was going to give her by the end of the month… Wait… Was he paying her a salary, to begin with? He had no idea, she was the one who handled the mansion’s finances.

“Good names…” Lily nodded, pinching the absent-minded Victor under the table.

“Yes… Yes…” he nodded, making the girls blush. “I am looking forward to your service…” he added, flashing them a bright smile, imitating the way Tom and Rain did it…

The girls blushed as they looked down shyly.

; ;




Oh… He got the skill just like that! Was his smile that effective? Yup. From the dreamy expression on the little maids faces, he could confirm that… His charm must have been the reason!

This skill will be fun to work with. He might need to raise its level if he wanted to use it on players though.

“Let’s eat…” Lily sighed and said as Victor began to chuckle absentmindedly again. He was beyond redemption.

The little maids quickly nodded and then proceeded to professionally arrange the dishes on the table and bring food from the kitchen. There were a lot of famished girls around the tables and this needed a lot of work!

Hilda trained them well.

“Are you ready for today’s event?” Victor, who finally returned to earth, turned and asked Mira after taking a few bites.

“Um… Hopefully, the critics will like it…” she said nervously, making Victor frown for a moment. The critics had all seen the movie yesterday, but no one remembers. “They will like it… It is not their choice… My Mira here is too cute for someone to hate… If anything goes wrong, I will just have to let them hear one of the voices you make in bed… I am sure they will fall for you immediately!” Victor said, making her blush and bite her lip as she looked down as the rest of the wives chucked. What a bully.

“This movie is not that important… so relax “ he finally added. This movie started shooting before he came here, it was the one which he visited on set today at the misty mountain. Victor made sure to contact the director Silverburg and make some adjustments when they were there, things that he knew the critics would hate… Hopefully this time it will be better than the one in his past life. “What we need to focus on is the next one… Did the shooting for its end?” Victor asked.

“Yes… Before the wedding, Mr. Silverburg contacted me two days ago saying that he needs to do some re-shoots… Maybe in a week or so…”

“Oh… Good… It is important to show it in cinemas by the end of the year!” Victor said. That movie is important because it will introduce the concept of a player to the world… He needed the people to be ready just in case his messing around triggered an early reckoning… He was not sure of what caused it back then yet.

“Can we go too?” Theta, who was sitting slickly eating her meal with the rest of the alphabet sisters, asked. She was feeling a little abandoned after Victor spent last night with his wives.

“Yes… Why not…” Victor said with a smile. “The cinema we are going to has a dedicated VIP balcony. If you don’t mind it being a little crowded, you can come… Though I plan to make Hilda project the film here too…”

“No… I prefer to watch it with you…” Theta said, making both Alpha and Lily sigh. The girl was beyond redemption.

Truth be told, Lily has long abandoned her unrealistic dream of keeping Victor to herself. Especially after she watched him scam all those girls at the moon dungeon. It made her realize that even if she managed to get him into some abandoned island with her alone, he would manage to find some fish who would turn into a mermaid for him to fuck…

That bastard was sharing her fate, after all, she had long realized that.

Her second plan was to make him only think about her by conquering him in bed… Yeah. That went well…. She didn’t remember how her plan went wrong that night. She only remembers herself begging for mercy before riding his train to heaven… She quickly shook her head. Damn him and that catchy song.

Her third plan was to castrate him, it was direct and swift… But sadly she couldn’t do it… Not after that first night with him… She became addicted to him!

And even if she could overpower her own desires, she was not sure her sword was solid enough to cut that thing! That dragon bloodline of his was not to be trifled with!

Regardless! Now her fourth plan was something entirely else… She decided to let him go free and fuck every tree in the world without care… She knew that he would return to her by the end of the day. She had his soul and he had hers after all.

So she was 100% about that plan though…. More like 98.24%… The 1.76% represented both Margret and Victor's wife from the other timeline… Lily knows that she must get to that bitch and make her obedient before Victor gets to her, that way she will be 100% sure to keep his place as the main wife!… Too bad she had no idea about that girl's location or identity!

Damn it… She needed to find some artifact just in case something went wrong… There was a legend about a sword that can cut anything… She needed to get it… Just in case…

As soon as Victor, who was totally oblivious about Lily’s nefarious plan, finished his dessert and was about to go prepare for the night out, Hilda walked into the dining room.

“Young master… Lady Martha Von Rosen is here… she wishes to speak with you!” she said.

“Guide her to the study… The one on the ground floor…” Victor said before turning to Lin. “Come with me…” he said.

Martha slowly entered the mansion under the guidance of the little girl who showed her the way politely.

She said nothing, carefully observing the little girls who wore maid outfits and were carefully cleaning the luxurious vases around the mansion.

She could feel that those girls all had unique bloodlines. As an old expert, she could tell from the girls’ looks as certain features like how the girls moved and the color of their heir would indicate that… Especially when the bloodlines achieve a certain degree of purity.

How did Victor collect all of those? She wondered as she reached the Study where the little girl clumsy shook her head, took a deep breath then knocked on the door.

“Lady Martha is here…” she said politely, stuttering a bit.

“Let her in… And prepare some sugar water… No… What was it again? Tea… Yes. Bring us Tea for us humans to drink… Put a lot of sugar in it… A LOT!” Victor replied from the inside making the little maid frown and then nod. “This way please..” she bowed to Martha as she opened the door for her.

Martha thanked the maid with a nod and then entered carefully examining the study as she walked in.

Victor was sitting on his chair lazily as Lin, who was sitting in his lap, carefully fed him some grapes. He didn’t even care to stand and greet Martha, but she had long expected that… She could feel it, the familiar dark aura disgusting around him. Lin had succeeded in implementing that demon in him!

“Sit down…” Victor spat, as a man would command his servants not his in-laws… Not the ones he liked anyway.

Martha silently sat down and watched silently as Lin finished feeding her demonic husband then wiped his mouth with a napkin while shooting Martha an apologetic look.

“Good… Now go tell the girls to prepare themselves for the hunt… You better not mess up this time!” Victor told Lin who shivered then ran out after a respectful bow. She was obviously afraid of him… Well, Martha had long expected that. How could a master demon act timidly around girls?

As soon as the door closed, Marthe went on her knees and bowed to Victor.

“Martha had seen the winged one…” she said nervously. Flying cockroaches were scary, demons or not.

“You did well…” Victor said as he began to look at his fingers as if he was enjoying his own body. “This body, despite its ugly look and the lack of extra legs, is simply amazing… It has some very ancient and powerful bloodlines…” he said.

“Oh.. really?…. Yes… Yes of course… We chose the best for your eminence..” Martha quickly corrected herself.

“Yes Yes… And mating those human women is interesting… especially that bitch Margret… If I didn’t know any better I would have sworn she had a mantis ancestor… I can’t wait until they lay my eggs…”

“Ahh…. I am happy that your eminence has found what you want…” she said, choosing not to correct him about the eggs thing.

“You came for your request?” he asked.

“This slave would never dare to ask!” she said.

“You did good, so you deserved it…” he said, throwing her a folded piece of paper. “It contains the recipe for the life-extending pill I promised…” he said.

“Thank you,” she said, unable to hide her smile as she quickly grabbed the paper and then something that he threw to her out of nowhere… It was a storage ring. “This is…?” she asked.

“Something extra for choosing this perfect body for me… Inside that cheap ring, there is a jar of rust blood. I thought all of you, summoners, liked this thing…”

“Ahh… THANK YOU WINGED ONE!” Martha said in shock as she bowed again.

“This is what you get when you follow my swarm!” he said proudly.

Martha bowed again, making sure to check the ring and the jar inside of it.

Holy shit… It was there.

She really wanted to cry. She didn’t even have a ring of her own and this demon was giving her a ring with the treasure the family was searching the world for just like that!

Making a deal with this demon was not a bad thing at all! No...Wait… A deal with a demon is never too easy…

“Winged one… What can this slave do for you…” she asked nervously, hoping that his request in exchange for the Rust blood would not be excessive.

“Bring me girls… They must be young and have good bloodlines… 6 will do…” he said after thinking for a moment. “One for every leg I have…”

“Ah… This might require a month or two…” she said.

“I don’t mind…” he said. “I have enough for now…And if I don’t go too rough they will survive until then,” he added seemingly feeling a little contradicted.

“Then this slave will try her best…” she said, hiding her disgust.

“Then go… This one has a busy schedule… And keep everything about me secret, you know what would happen if you leak something,” he said as he disgustingly licked his lips.

“I know..” she said, then turned and quickly left the room, not even stopping to take care of Lin who seemed to want to ask her something.

With the Rust blood in hand, she had to hurry to the family's base… With this accomplishment, she was sure that her power in the family will grow by leaps and bounds!

She couldn’t wait to make the matriarch beg her for this!

