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The Young Master in the Shadows (Web Novel) - Chapter 356: Request

Chapter 356: Request

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“You did well…” Victor chuckled and hugged Lin when he noticed her sulky look after she reentered the study. She felt like an abandoned child as her aunt didn’t even care about her after her mission was finished.

“Um… Will my mother be ok?” she asked, hugging him back and putting her head on his chest after she sat on his lap.

“Don’t worry, I will try my best to save her life… Just give her a hint to stay away from Martha and the Von Rosen base for the next few months…” he said as a little maid came with two cups of tea full of sugar.

“Young master… Are those still needed?” she asked with a blush as she noticed Lin’s ambiguous position and the fact that the guest had already left.

“Ahh… Just give them to the chicks… You girls are sweet enough so you don’t need to drink them…” Victor casually told the loli as Hilda walked inside the study, almost bumping into the little blushing maid who was on her way out.

“Young master. Your cousin Zoe has just woken up and wants to talk to you… And the chicks at the outer gate just called. Your grandfather General Kalvin is on his way up the mountain,” she said.

“Guide Kalvin here when he arrives…” Victor said then paused for a moment. “Tell Alpha to hide in some hole, and give Zoe something to eat, I will talk to her later,” he said. Zoe must have been very tired in the moon dungeon, as unlike him, she didn’t really get a chance to relax.

Hilda nodded then walked out wondering how to rephrase Victor’s order to Alpha to be more polite.

“What does your grandfather want?” Lin asked after waiting for Hilda to leave.

“Some stupid request probably…” Victor said, squinting his eyes before spanking Lin’s butt. “Now stop being naughty and go prepare yourself… We have a long night to spend out…” he said.

“Um…” she nodded as she jumped off him, gave him a long kiss then walked out.

Kalvin sighed as he was guided by the little maid through the lavishly decorated mansion corridor.

He read the reports and knew that this entire mansion belonged to his grandson, but when he reached this place he realized that he failed to understand that this mansion encompassed an entire mountaintop.

Why wasn’t he born into a rich family? he wondered as he watched the loli maids run around doing their chores with a smile on their faces.

It is not like he also wanted some loli maid or anything depraved like that. But as any man would, he just felt jealous when he saw his grandson's living in a perverted way like this.

“He is a pervert…” the short-haired girl in a black suit who was following behind him said.

“Xue… You promised to keep your silence… And he is my grandson, so stop acting this cold,” Kalvin said. He really wanted Xue to get interested in one of his grandsons who might be able to untie the knot in her heart.

“Um… let’s just get over this…” she said.

“This way!” The loli maid guided them politely toward the lavish study where Victor was waiting for him.

“Grandfather! It had been a while!” Victor said, hugging Kalvin tightly after he invited him inside while gesturing to the maid to get them something to drink… Something with less sugar.

“Congratulations on your wedding!” Kalvin said as he took a seat. Feeling a little good by the way Victor is treating him. Elena really raised some good offspring. He met Alice and Mike for the first time at the wedding, and both of them treated him very respectfully. Why couldn’t all his other offspring be this good…

“Thanks…” Victor said as he took a seat beside his grandfather. Then glanced at the girl who stood behind Kalvin. “This is?” he asked.

“Ah… You remember Xue right?” Kalvin said.


“She was the girl I brought with me when we met at your hotel room in Golden Waterfall town…”

“AH!.. The lesbian!” Victor acted as if he suddenly remembered. “She was in a military uniform so I couldn’t recognize her now!”

“It is ok…” Kalvin said as he shot Xue a glare. She was about to explode when he called her a lesbian. She was not. She just hated all men.

Victor chuckled as someone knocked on the room's door.

It was a little maid who entered with a tray full of tea cups which she carefully placed in front of everyone and then clumsily bowed.

“You may leave…” Victor said to the maid then turned to Kelvin. “Sorry for not contacting you after the wedding… But you know how you forget everything once the girls start taking off your clothes while fighting on who to go first…” Victor said, making Kalvin's smile go shallow immediately. He had no idea what this felt like… He wanted to know… but he didn’t dare to.

Xue behind him who was sampling the tea almost spat it at Victor, but she held herself, hateful glaring at him. Pervert.

“Ehm….. I am not blaming you… I know how young people can be…” Kalvin said after clearing his throat.

“So… What did you want to ask me about?” Victor asked, raising one eyebrow. “I already gave you the contact info for that organization… what was it called again?… Fart or something….”

“It is called Fragrant shadow…” Kalvin said. “And yes I contacted them, and they have proved very helpful… We are already in the process of merging our information databases!” he said.

“Oh… cool… I am not really into all of this espionage thing… So if it has anything to do with that, don't involve me… The last time something like this happened I ended up getting dragged into a tranny’s den… This young master almost lost his....Ehm,” Victor cleared his throat and stopped talking as if caught himself before saying something inappropriate... Officially he didn't have anything to do with his shadow organizations.

“Oh… It is not about them…”

“Then anything is fine… Do you need some money? I can lend you some…”

“No… Not that… It is about a couple of things..” Kalvin said. “The first thing is about your resort. The one you are building atop the waterfall…”

“Yes… Its construction should be nearing its final stages,” Victor said. He totally forgot about that thing as it was supposed to be built to trap Sebastian below it, but that ended up as a failure. “What’s about it?”

“Can you perhaps sign a deal with my hotel so that we can share visitors?” Kalvin asked. The resort was the biggest thing in town, and under the begging of his wife and sons, he had to shamelessly ask Victor for a part of the pie.

“You can ask my mother… I plan to give her the entire thing!” Victor said directly. Golden Waterfall town would mostly be spared during the Reckoning, so if his mother stayed there she would be safe if the Reckoning date got changed for some reason.

“Oh…” Kalvin was pleasantly surprised. “Then I will talk to her…” he nodded, then winked to Xue as if telling her to look how good and filial his grandson was. She completely ignored him.

“What else did you want to ask me about?” Vitor asked.

“Well… What I need to ask you is concerning a dungeon…” Kalvin finally said in a low voice.

“Oh…” Victor frowned, gesturing to Kalvin to stop talking as he took a few talismans and activated them under Kalvin and Xue’s curious eyes.

“Now we can talk securely. What dungeon?” Victor, who got a little interested, asked.

“Ah… Oh… One of my men returned to his village about a month ago… There was news that one of his cousins went missing in the mountains or something like that, so he hurried to try to look for him… And in the process he found it…” Kalvin said, taking a photo from his pocket and showing it to Victor. It was a huge dungeon gate inside a small crevice in the mountain between two strange-looking trees that had feathery-looking leaves.

“And what do you want me to do?” Victor asked, looking at the photo and focusing on the trees. It was common knowledge that Dungeons affect the world around them, and those trees were clearly getting mutated by the dungeon. It is usually possible to figure out a few things from such things.

“Ah…” Kalvin scratched the back of his head. “Well… I was wondering… would it be possible for you to help us conquer this dungeon?” he asked.

“You want me to do all the work and then leave the conquered dungeon with all the minerals and treasures left inside to you?” Victor asked, keeping his eyes on the photo.

“We will get you your share…” Kalvin chuckled dryly.

“Um… Wait a moment…” Victor said as he took his phone, and sent the photo Kalvin showed him to Lily, asking her about it. Lily had a full memory of the imperial dungeon records. If this dungeon was there, it would save him a lot of trouble. He was not going to risk the lives of his girls for some random unknown dungeon.

Moments later the reply came. This dungeon happened to be on that list with an unknown conqueror… It was an E-ranked one called the Three Harpies’ Lair. After conquering it, a Frangnat Guano mine would be left behind. This matter has many uses but is not that important.

Victor quickly told Lily to wear her veil then drag Theta and Zoe then come to the study.

“I will get some of my girls who are more knowledgeable than me in such matters… I usually relegate such stuff to them…” Victor told Kalvin casually.

Moments later the study’s door was knocked and three very pretty girls entered.

“Good morning Cousin… Zoe, who had dark circles around her eyes said shyly as she was dragged inside by Lily… She was feeling very flustered around him after she watched the entire action in the opposing room last night… She didn’t want to, but the damn blinds in her room didn’t work!

“It is already in the afternoon…” Victor said, hiding his evil smile. “Come sit… You met my grandfather at the wedding right?” he asked.

“Ahh… Yes… It is nice to meet you again Master Kelvin…” Zoe greeted Kalvin politely followed by the girls who bowed a little to him.

“Nice to meet you too…” Kalvin said with a nod as he turned to look at Lily who was wearing her veil. He saw this girl at the wedding, and from what he heard Elena telling her mother, he knew that she was a maid, and Victor seemed to have been planning to marry her but didn’t get a chance because of his father's refusal… Some family drama.

He also noticed Theta who hurried to Victor's side and sat down after shooting Lily an apologizing look… Wasn’t this girl a little young…

“Now… What do you think about this?” Victor asked directly, giving the photo to Lily as if she was his boss. “It is in…?” he looked at Kalvin.

“RoseWind Mountain… Near BlueRose Village…” he replied, watching the dynamic between Lily and Victor. the moment she walked in Victor sat straight as if he feared her…

Lily, who seemed to be enjoying being the mistress, nodded and looked at the photo for a few seconds then raised her head. “From the gate, I can tell that it is not that high-ranking dungeon… Probably an E rank… But we need an onsite inspection to be sure…” She acted as if she had no idea. “Do you want us to conquer this?” she asked Kalvin.

“Ah… Yes… My grandfather wants that…” Victor said, acting a little like he was a rich young master who didn’t do a thing by himself.

“What do we get in return?” Lily asked Kalvin immediately, making him realize whom he should negotiate with.

“Ah… How about everything you get before the conquest and 20% of whatever is left?” Kalvin asked.

Lily frowned as she thought. Fragrant guano can be used to make not only a very good fertilizer for rare herbs. It was an ingredient for some very expensive perfumes that no one had discovered yet! So she didn’t mind it even if she grabbed only 5% of the output, that much would be enough to overturn the entire cosmetics industry... Wait… Lily secretly glanced at Victor who nodded to her, making her smile behind her veil. He wanted her to create this company after she retired to her family. It was a method to secretly keep in touch and smuggle goods!

“Um… Too little... In addition to keeping our involvement a secret, we want 25%. And you will have to pay the shipping fee,” she finally said.

“Ahh… Deal!” Kalvin said directly, this was easier than expected. He was prepared to get only 50% as he will not be risking anything here!

“Good…The… Robin…How about you assemble a team to go and appraise it and then try to conquer it… Can you do that?” Lily turned to Theta and said after getting Victor's wink.

Victor wanted Theta to lead one of his teams so this was a good first test for her. With her luck, nothing bad should happen.

“Ah… Me?” Theta asked as she looked at Victor, feeling a little conflicted.

“Yes… Take your sisters and try it….” Victor said then paused and turned to Zoe. “How about you go too cuz?” he asked.

“You want me to take care of your girls?” Zoe, who finally figured out why he called her here, asked.

“Yes… I will send Lin too… With the two of you there everything should be fine…” he nodded shamelessly.

“What do I get in return?” Zoe asked as she smiled.

“Ah… What do you want?” Victor asked.

“I request…. I will decide on it later…” she paused and said as Kalvi,n who was watching the exchange, smiled. It reminded him of his youth.

“Ah… Ok… But… It can’t be anything that will make me violate my principles…” he said nervously making her almost spit on him.

“Don't worry, it won’t…” she said as she looked away to hide her face that turned bright red after remembering the show she involuntarily watched last night.

How could she ever violate Victor's principles? Her shameless cousin had none to begin with!

